中师范大学外国语学院 李靖 供稿
姓名(Name):韩寒(Han Han)
生日(Birthday):1982年9月23日(September 23,1982)
籍贯(Place of Birth):上海(Shanghai)
外语(Foreign Language):英语(English)
身高(Height):1.73 米(173CM)
职业(Occupation):作家/赛车手/歌手(Writer/Race car driver/Singer)
特长(Specialities):写作/赛车/足球(Writing/Car racing/Playing football)
第一部小说(The First Novel):《三重门》(Triple Gate)
Han Han,a Chineseprofessional(职业的)race car driver,best-selling(畅销的)writer,has been nominated as one of the 100 mostinfluentialpeople in the world byTimemagazine.
On April 3,Timebrought out thecandidates(候选人)for its “World’s Most Influential People in 2010”list.Han Han was on the list with Barack Obama,Bill Gates and Lady Gaga.The magazine said Han as a writer and a race car driver,was nominated because of his first novelTriple Gate.
4月3日,《时代》周刊公布了 “2010年全球最具影响力人物”的候选人名单。韩寒同巴拉克·奥巴马,比尔·盖茨,Lady Gaga一起入榜。 韩寒以作家兼赛车手身份入选,该杂志称他凭借首部小说 《三重门》而入选。
“Han’s first novel,based on his experience as a high schooldropout(辍学)in Shanghai,became a best seller in China and caused adebate(争议)about the quality of the rigid(刻板的)education system,” Timesaid on itsvoting(投票)page.
Han had got 45,325 votes,making him eighth among 200 candidates,much higher than other Chinese candidates,such asVice-Premier(副总理)Wang Qishan.Han’s fans are excited about hisinclusion(入围)in the list.So far,the top candidate was Lady Gaga,with 187,822 votes.
韩寒选票高达45325张,在200位候选者中排名第八,且遥遥领先于其他入选的中国人,如国务院副总理王岐山。粉丝们对于韩寒的入围表示欣喜。目前,Lady Gaga以187822票居首。
“Han is a young guy whodares(敢于)to speak out.Hecares about(关心)the people and thetruth(真理),which is quiterare(稀少)among thepost-80s(80 后)writers.He doesn’t join any organizations,”Lu Jinbo said.
He praisedTime’s keen(敏锐的)observations(观察力)on Chinese society for involving Han in its 100 list.
“It shows China’s importance in the world.The world is looking at China not only from the political leaders’stand,but also from people like Han’s,a man of letters who cares about social events.”