
2010-04-04 01:03:21
材料与冶金学报 2010年4期



COREX预还原竖炉反应进程的物理模拟 …………………… 应伟峰,孙 野,罗志国,邹宗树 (1)

高炉球墨铸铁凸台冷却壁的温度场的有限元仿真 ……………………… 刘 杰,黄晓然,杜 钢 (7)

LF炉衬材质对超低硫钢精炼的影响 …… 窦力威,于赋志,吕志升,张 宁,李晓伟,沈峰满 (12)

碱性中间包覆盖剂结壳机理分析 …………………………………………………………… 谢 健 (15)

中间包控流装置的物理模拟研究 ……………………………………… 张景利,颜正国,于景坤 (18)

应用6σ法控制超低碳钢连铸过程增碳 …………… 胡明谦,魏 国,刘 洋,纪惠梅,沈峰满 (22)

铜滴在富FeO熔渣中的电迁移行为 …………………………… 李秋菊,陈 鹏,林姜多,毛佳君 (28)

赤泥中氧化铝和氧化铁的浸出 …………………………………………… 鲁桂林,迟松江,毕诗文 (31)

含砷废水砷铁分离的研究 ……………………………………………… 李 倩,田彦文,阎增范 (35)

CaCl2-LiF体系制备铝钪合金 ……………………… 程 涛,吕子剑,翟秀静,张明杰,涂赣峰 (39)

Al-Zn-Mg-Sc合金连续冷却转变曲线的测定………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 何振波,赵延阔,王晓峰,尹志民,李红英 ,崔建忠 (43)

Ce对 00Cr17高纯铁素体不锈钢再结晶及晶粒长大的影响 …………… 张 辉,王建军,刘春明 (51)

硼对Cr20白口铸铁组织和性能的影响 …………… 曹海叶,辛啟斌,王琳琳,穆 晶,龙海明 (57)

Al,Nb含量对 GH706合金长期时效组织及持久性能的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 信 昕,孙文儒,程丽萍,郭守仁,杨洪才,胡壮麒 (62)

非等温热重分析研究碳气化动力学 ………………………… 刘忠锁,汪 琦,邹宗树,谭广雷 (68)

考虑炉气散射特性的加热炉内辐射换热分析 …………………………………… 马金凤,陈海耿 (72)

聚合氯化铁在处理冷轧综合废水中的试验研究 ……………… 林永增,王国栋,刘相华,朱 诚 (75)

Vol.9 No.1

Physical simulation of reaction progress in COREX shaft furnace………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YINGW ei-feng,SUN Ye,LUO Zhi-guo,ZOU Zong-shu(1)

Finite element analysis of ductile cast iron cooling stave failure process in blast furnace…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Jie,HUANG Xiao-ran,Du Gang(7)

Influence ofLF refractory on the refining of ultra-low sulfur steel……………………………………………………………………………………………DOU Li-wei,YÜFu-zhi,LÜZhi-sheng,ZHANG N ing,LI Xiao-wei,SHEN Feng-man(12)

Mechanis m analysis for basic tundish fluxes to form the solidified crusts ………………………………………XIE Jian(15)

Physical simulation of flow control devices in tundish …………………ZHANG Jing-li,YAN Zheng-guo,YU Jing-kun(18)

Application of 6σqualitymethod in controlling of carbon pickup of ultra-low carbon steel during continuous casting process………………………………………………HU M ing-qian,W EI Guo,LIU Yang,JI Hui-m ei,SHEN Feng-man(22)

Behavior of Cu dropletsmigration in FeO-rich molten slag under electric field…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Q iu-ju,CHEN Peng,LIN Jiang-duo,MAO Jia-jun(28)

Leaching of alumina and iron oxide from red mud ……………………………LU Gui-lin,CHI Song-jiang,B I Shi-wen(31)

Study on the separation of arsenic and ferric from wastewater containing arsenic………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIQ ian,TIAN Yan-wen,YAN Zeng-fan(35)

Preparation ofAl-Sc alloys investigated in the systems of CaCl2-LiF………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Tao,LÜZi-jian,ZHA I Xiu-jing,ZHANGM ing-jie,TU Gan-feng(39)

Measurment of continuous cooling transformation curves ofAl-Zn-Mg-Sc aluminum alloy…………………………………………………………HE Zhen-bo,ZHAO Yan-kuo,WANG Xiao-feng,YIN Zhi-m in,LI Hong-ying,CU I Jian-zhong(43)

Effects of Ce on recrystallization and grain growth of high-purity ferritic stainless steel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hui,WANG Jian-jun,LIU Chun-m ing(51)

Effect of boron on structures and properties of high chromium white cast iron…………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Hai-ye,XIN Q i-bin,WANG Lin-lin,MU Jing,LONG Hai-m ing(57)

Effects ofAl and Nb on microstructures and stress rupture property of long-time aging GH706 alloy…………………………………………………XIN Xin,SUN W en-ru,CHENG Li-ping,GUO Shou-ren,YANG Hong-cai,HU Zhuang-q(62)

Study on carbon gasification kinetics using non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Zhong-suo,WANG Q i,ZOU Zong-shu,TAN Guang-lei(68)

Analysis on radiative heat transfer considering scattering properties ofmedia in heating furnace…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Jin-feng,CHEN Hai-geng(72)

Study on treatment ofwastewater from cold mill by poly ferric chloride………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIN Yong-zeng,WANG Guo-dong,LIU Xiang-hua,ZHU Cheng(75)


双层复合熔剂性球团的开发研究 ………………… 尚 策,周明顺,翟立委,魏 国,沈峰满 (79)

流渣反应器内含钛高炉渣的流动特性 …………… 刘中秋,张刚刚,张 力,李宝宽,隋智通 (82)

焦炉煤气竖炉法生产直接还原铁的煤气用量探讨 …………… 赵宗波,应自伟,许力贤,姜茂发 (88)

基于非线性HB I网络的转炉冶炼终点预测模型 …………… 冯明霞,陈 韧,李 强,邹宗树 (92)

BaF2-CaF2-CaCl2三元系熔盐电解体系的物理化学性质…………………………………………………………………………………… 杨 勇,柴永成,滕国春,翟秀静,曹文亮,符 岩,张明杰 (97)

透辉石矿物合成及其光催化性实验 ………………………… 杨泽健,杨 合,薛向欣,段培宁 (101)

碳热还原法CaB6粉体的制备 ……………………………… 岳新艳,刘长江,茹红强,喻 亮 (105)

磁控溅射 Co1-x-Ptx薄膜晶体的结构与磁性能 … 肖 娜,杨 波,裴文利,赵 骧,秦高梧 (109)

热轧带钢层流冷却实时报表系统实现 ……………………… 杨 红,刘相华,徐海涛,杨 旸 (113)

热连轧工艺对GH4648合金棒材组织与性能的影响 ……………………………………… 王世普 (116)

改型 GH4133A合金长期时效的组织稳定性研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 张冬梅 ,国振兴,陈仲强,牛昌安,史凤岭 (121)

Cu含量对汽车车身板用Al-1.0Mg-1.0Si-0.6Mn合金显微组织的影响 …………………………………………………………………………………… 田 妮,赵 刚,黄 涛,王建军,刘春明 (127)

Cu含量对Al-1.0Mg-1.0Si-0.6Mn薄板成形性及烤漆硬化性的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 田 妮,赵 刚,王建军,黄 涛,刘春明 (133)

T4态Al-Mg-Si合金板材的预时效工艺研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 田 妮,赵 刚,王建军,黄 涛,聂 波,左 良,刘春明 (137)

汽车车身用Al-Mg-Si合金薄板织构及 r值的研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 田 妮,赵 刚,王建军,聂 波,黄 涛,左 良,刘春明 (143)

单晶硅和多晶硅切割废料浆的回收 ……………… 邢鹏飞,郭 菁,刘 燕,庄艳歆,涂赣峰 (148)

混凝剂对污泥膨胀影响的实验研究 ……………… 马兴冠,薛向欣,马志孝,崔 伟,傅金祥 (154)

Vol.9 No.2

Development of complex fluxed pelletwith double layer structure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHANG Ce,ZHOU M ing-shun,ZHA ILi-wei,W EI Guo,SHEN Feng-man(79)

Flow of blast furnace slagwith titanium in slag discharging reactor……………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Zhong-qiu,ZHANG Gang-gang,ZHANG L i,LI Bao-kuan,SU I Zhi-tong(82)

A discussion on consumption of coke-oven gas forDR Iproduction in shaft furnace…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Zong-bo,YING Zi-wei,Xu Li-xian,JIANGM ao-fa(88)

BOF end-point prediction model based on non-linear homotopic B I algorithm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………FENGM ing-xia,CHEN Ren,LI Q iang,ZOU Zong-shu(92)

Physicochemical properties ofBaF2-CaF2-CaCl2electrolyte system ……………………………YANG Yong,CHA I Yong-cheng,………………………………………TENG Guo-chun,ZHA I Xiu-jing,CAO W en-liang,FU Yan,ZHANGM ing-jie(97)

Study on diopside synthesis and its photocatalysis ………YANG Ze-jian,YANG He,XUE Xiang-xin,DUAN Pei-ning(101)

Preparation of CaB6powder by carbothermic method ……YUE Xin-yan,L IU Chang-jiang,RU Hong-qiang,YU Liang(105)

Structure and magnetic properties of sputtered Co1-x-Ptxmonolayer thin films………………………………………………………………………………………………………XIAO Na,YANG Bo,PEIW en-li,ZHAO Xiang,Q IN Gao-wu(109)

Implementation of real-time report system in hot-rolled strip laminar cooling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Hong,L IU Xiang-hua,XU Hai-tao,YANG Yang(113)

Effect of hot continuous rolling process on the microstructure and properties of GH4648 alloy bar ………WANG Shi-pu(116)

Study of structure stability in modified GH4133A alloy after long-term aging………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Dong-m ei,GUO Zhen-xing,CHEN Zhong-qiang,N IU Chang-an,SHI Feng-ling(121)

Effects of Cu content on the microstructures ofAl-1.0Mg-1.0Si-0.6Mn alloy used for automotive body sheets……………………………………………………………TIAN N i,ZHAO Gang,HUANG Tao,WANG Jian-jun,LIU Chun-m ing(127)

Effects of Cu content on the formability and bake-hardening ability ofAl-1.0Mg-1.0Si-0.6Mn aluminum alloy sheets……………………………………………………TIAN N i,ZHAO Gang,WANG Jian-jun,HUANG Tao,LIU Chun-m ing(133)

Pre-aging trea tment ofAl-Mg-Si aluminum alloy sheet for automotive panels in T4 temper…………………………………………………………TIAN N i,ZHAO Gang,WANG Jian-jun,HUANG Tao,N IE Bo,ZUO Liang,LIU Chun-m ing(137)

Study on texture andrvalues ofAl-Mg-Si alloy for automotive body sheets…………………………………………………………………………TIAN N i,ZHAO Gang,WANG Jian-jun,N IE Bo,HUANG Tao,ZUO Liang,LIU Chun-m ing(143)

Recovery of slurry produced in cuttingmono-/poly-silicon………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XING Peng-fei,GUO Jing,LIU Yan,ZHUANG Yan-xin,TU Gan-feng(148)

Study on effect influence of coagulant on filamentous sludge bulking………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Xing-guan,XUE Xiang-xin,MA Zhi-xiao,CU IW ei,FU Jin-xiang(154)


鱼雷罐车热量损失的影响因素及控制方法 ………………… 刘诗薇,于景坤,颜正国,刘 涛 (159)

KR法铁水脱硫效果的影响因素分析 ………………………………… 姚 娜,兴 超,李祥胜 (164)

CaO-S iO2-MgO脱硅渣起泡性能的研究 ……… 宋文刚,谢云飞,陈 涛,魏 国,杨俊和 (168)

我国铝电解槽计算机仿真技术的研究发展及现状 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 李剑虹,涂赣峰,戚喜全,毛继红,吕定雄,冯乃祥 (173)

多孔介质中有效孔扩散系数的试验测量 ………… 胥孝川,唐学义,孙承帅,姜元勇,徐曾和 (180)

硼酸钾钙复盐 K2O·CaO·4B2O3·12H2O的制备 …… 毕 颖,田彦文,王国胜,刘 丹,刘宝雷 (184)

采用钙钛矿导电缓冲层提高 YBCO涂层导体临界电流密度的可行性研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 李凤华,罗清威,李英楠,樊占国 (189)

集团变分法(CVM)的发展与应用 ……………………………………… 蒋 敏,李洪晓,郝士明 (193)

热变形行为对20钢奥氏体晶粒形貌的影响 ……………… 马宝国,任海鹏,王立军,刘春明 (198)

AM60镁合金方向盘骨架压铸充型过程数值模拟 ………… 毛萍莉,金 锐,周 乐,刘 正 (202)

卷取温度对X80管线钢析出行为与性能的影响 ………………………………… 王 炜,谷海容 (207)

氧化铈掺杂氧化锆的等温和非等温马氏体相变 ……… 音田哲彦,原纯平,陈中春,早川元造 (211)

T6处理对Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.6Zr合金组织及拉伸性能的影响 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 林 丹,王 磊,孟凡强,崔建忠,乐启炽 (217)

非比例加载下电镀铜箔的晶粒长大行为 ………………………… 小野勇一,李 成,日野大辅 (222)

高密度烧结金属齿轮的承载能力 ………………… 八杉拓哉,小出隆夫,宫近幸逸,竹增光家 (229)

机械零件及系统可靠性分析方法………………………………………………… 高 鹏,谢里阳 (234)

Vol.9 No.3

Factors and controlmethods of the heat loss of torpedo-ladle ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Shi-wei,YU Jing-kun,YAN Zheng-guo,Liu Tao(159)

Effect of hotmetal desulfurization factors in KR method ………………………YAO Na,XING Chao,LI Xiang-sheng(164)

Study on the foaming properties of CaO-SiO2-MgO slag in desiliconisation process…………………………………………………………………………………………SONGW en-gang,XIE Yun-fei,CHEN Tao,W EI Guo,YANG Jun-he(168)

Research status and development prospect on computer simulation technology for aluminum electrolytic cell in China…………………………………LI Jian-hong,TU Gan-feng,Q I Xi-quan,MAO Ji-hong,LÜD ing-xiong,FENG Nai-xiang(173)

Measurement of effective diffusivity in porousmedia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Xiao-chuan,TANG Xue-yi,SUN Cheng-shuai,JIANG Yuan-yong,XU Zeng-he(180)

Synthesis of potassium and calcium borate K2O·CaO·4B2O3·12H2O……………………………………………………………………………………………………………B I Ying,TIAN Yan-wen,WANG Guo-sheng,LIU Dan,LIU Bao-lei(184)

Feasibility study of improving the critical current density of YBCO coated conductorwith perovskite conductive buffer layer…………………………………………………………LI Feng-hua,LUO Q ing-wei,LI Ying-nan,FAN Zhan-guo(189)

Recent developments and applications of cluster variation method(CVM)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIANGM in,LI Hong-xiao,HAO Shi-m ing(193)

The effects of hot deformation behavior on austenite grain morphology of 20#steel………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Bao-guo,REN Hai-peng,WANG Li-jun,LIU Chun-m ing(198)

Die casting process simulation ofmagnesium AM60 steeringwheel frame………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………MAO Ping-li,JIN Rui,ZHOU Le,LIU Zheng(202)

Influence of coiling temperature on precipitate and property of X80 pipeline steel …………WANGW ei,GU Hai-rong(207)

Isothermal and athermalmartensitic transformations of ceria doped zirconia……………………………………………………………………………………………………Tetsuhiko Onda,Junpei Hara,Zhong Chun-Chen,M otozo Hayakawa(211)

Effects of T6 treatment on microstructure and tensile properties ofMg-10Gd-3Y-0.6Zr alloy…………………………………………………………………………LIN Dan,WANG Lei,M ENG Fan-qiang,CU I Jian-zhong,LE Q i-chi(217)

Grain growth behavior in electrodeposited copper foil under nonproportional loading……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Yuichi ONO,Cheng LI,Daisuke HINO (222)

Load bearing capacity of high density sintered metal gears…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Takuya Yasugi,Takao Koide,Kouitsu M iyachika,Teruie Takemasu(229)

An approach to reliability analysis ofmechanical components and systems ……………………GAO Peng,XIE L i-yang(234)


EH36钢连铸坯角部横裂热模拟试验研究 ……… 窦力威,于赋志,魏 国,丁智敏,沈峰满 (237)

GCr15轴承钢连铸过程中热物性参数的研究 ………………………… 李晓滨,丁 桦,唐正友 (241)

铬钼合金化对高锰钢疲劳性能的影响 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 王 辉,谭小东,刘兴刚,田学锋,陈晓刚,田 锋,张国志 (245)

凝固冷速与时效时间对CaMgSn形态的影响 ……………… 邱克强,李荣华,王俊杰,杨君宝 (250)

一种高硬度铸造镁合金 …………………………… 任英磊,王俊杰,李荣华,杨君宝,邱克强 (255)

包覆法制备 Gp/SiC复合材料的显微结构和性能 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 喻 亮,阚 东,茹红强,岳新艳,兰 勇 (260)

高锰TR IP/T W IP钢变形行为的研究进展 ……………………………………… 丁 桦,杨 平 (265)

应变速率对 18Cr-12Mn-0.55N高氮奥氏体不锈钢塑性流变行为的影响………………………………………………………………………………… 徐明舟,王建军,王立军,崔文芳,刘春明 (273)

冷轧钢板表面清洁度对耐蚀性的影响 …………… 许 斌,刘春明,安成强,王双红,于晓中 (277)

Mg-T M(T M=Cu,Ni,Zn)-Y体系长周期有序(LPO)相的研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 蒋 敏,张俊峰,李洪晓,郝士明 (282)

共线多孔边裂纹的应力强度因子研究 ……………………… 赵晋芳,谢里阳,刘建中,赵 群 (285)

氧化铝基氧化物/氧化物复合材料的合成与评价……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 江角诚,野本大辅,赤尾尚洋,音田哲彦,陈中春 (290)

端铣中工具进给速度的最佳化 ………… 二宫裕司,田中久隆,佐藤昌彦,冈村进,寺嶋一真 (296)

简单自适应控制在水压伺服缸系统中的应用 ……… 山田刚史,伊藤和寿,池尾茂,西村正治 (300)

干硬性混凝土在 SP预应力空心板中应用 ………………………………………………… 王 坤 (304)

Vol.9 No.4

Study of the rmal simulation on transversal corner crack of EH36 slab…………………………………………………………………………………………………DOU Li-wei,YU Fu-zhi,W EI Guo,D ING Zhi-m in,SHEN Feng-m an(237)

Study of the rmo-physical properties for GCr15 bearing steel in continuous casting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Xiao-bin,D ING Hua,TANG Zheng-you(241)

Effects of Cr andMo on fatigue property of ZG Mn13……………………………………………………………………………WANG Hui,TAN Xiao-dong,L IU Xing-gang,TIAN Xue-feng,CHEN Xiao-gang,TIAN Feng,ZHANG Gui-zhi(245)

Effects of cooling rates of solidification and aging time on the morphologies of CaMgSn phase…………………………………………………………………………………………Q IU Ke-qiang,LI Rong-hua,WANG Jun-jie,YANG Jun-bao(250)

A castmagnesium alloywith high hardness………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………REN Ying-lei,WANG Jun-jie,L I Rong-hua,YANG Jun-bao,Q IU Ke-qiang(255)

Microstructure and properties of Gp/SiC composite by coatingmethod…………………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Liang,KAN Dong,RU Hong-qiang,YUE Xin-yan,LAN Yong(260)

Research in defo rmation behaviors of highMn TR IP/T W IP steels ……………………………D ING Hua,YANG Ping(265)

Effect of strain rate on plastic flow behavior of 18Cr-12Mn-0.55N high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel……………………………………………………XU M ing-Zhou,WANG Jian-jun,WANG Li-jun,CU IW en-fang,LIU Chun-m ing(273)

Influence of cleanness on corrosion resistance of cold-rolled steel………………………………………………………………………………………………XU B in,LIU Chun-m ing,AN Cheng-qiang,WANG Shuang-hong,YU Xiao-zhong(277)

Study on the long period ordered(LPO)phase in theMg-T M(T M=Cu,Ni,Zn)-Y systems………………………………………………………………………………………JIANGM in,ZHANG Jun-feng,LI Hong-xiao,HAO Shi-m ing(282)

Study on stress intensity factor ofmultiple cracks at collinear holes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jin-fang,XIE Li-yang,LIU Jian-zhong,ZHAO Qun(285)

Synthesis and characterization of alumina-matrix oxide/oxide composites……………………………………………………………………………M akoto EZUM I,Daisuke NOMOTO,Takahiro AKAO,Tetsuhiko ONDA,Zhong-Chun CHEN (290)

Tool feed rate opt imization for smoothening of cutting force in end milling………………………………………………………………………Yuji N INOM IYA,Hisataka TANAKA,M asahiko SATO,Susum u OKAMURA,Kazum a TERASH IMA (296)

Application of s imple adaptive control to water hydraulic servo cylinder system……………………………………………………………………………………………Tsuyoshi YAMADA,Kazuhisa ITO,Shigeru IKEO,M asaharu N ISH IMURA (300)

Applied study on SP prestressing board of nonplastic concrete ………………………………………WANG Kun(304)

Fe-doped ZnS film fabricated by electron beam evaporation and its application as saturable absorber for Er:ZBLAN fiber laser*
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中国塑料(2016年3期)2016-06-15 20:30:00
Hastelloy C-2000合金的焊接工艺
焊接(2016年8期)2016-02-27 13:05:16