
2010-02-15 19:36:41何瑞清普映山
中国海商法研究 2010年2期




从用词、句法方面指出《中华人民共和国海商法》英译文的若干误译,并提出对应校正译文,重点讨论法人、船舶优先权、船舶留置权、due diligence等术语的翻译。





例1:第10条船舶由两个以上的法人或者个人共有的,应当向船舶登记机关登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。Where a ship is jointly owned by two or more legal persons or individuals,the joint ownership thereof shall be registered at the ship registration authorities.The joint ownership of the ship shall not act against a third party unless registered.[1]11

上文中legal persons应改译为artificial/juristic persons。legal person不适宜指称法人,理由如下。

第一,两者内涵、外延不一致。《中华人民共和国民法通则》第36条规定:法人是具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。法人不是或者不包括自然人,但legal person同时包括组织和自然人。根据吴光华主编的《现代英汉综合大词典》,legal person(=legal man)指(根据英国的法律)享有完全法律权利的人,受法律保护的人,有资格出庭作证或充当陪审员的人。

第二,legal person不是法律术语,而是大众化的语言。Dictionary of Law(6 th edition)和Black’s Law Dictionary(2 nd pocked edition)以及《元照英美法词典》并没有收录legal person。综合性辞书《新牛津英语词典》将其收录为单独词条,并赋予其法律术语的地位。前后冲突,我们应该相信前者,因为法律词典更有资格决定该词条是否属于法律术语。《新牛津英语词典》的编者受到文献中滥用legal person的影响。

从词源的角度看,“法人”(juristische person)概念是《德国民法典》立法时首创使用的。[2]66juristische person到juristic person再到legal person的演变过程,是本土化和大众化的过程。笔者检索CNKI和SPRINGER LINK两个数据库,发现在十多个“法人”的英语译名中,legal person的使用频率远远高于其他英语译名,从侧面印证了legal person是大众化的语言。legal person比其他词条通俗易懂,故国内外包括法律界的学者、译者都不假思索地选用legal person,而忽视其内涵和特性。

那么,“法人”的英语译名应该是什么?赵德玉和崔娟认为,“法人”的“法定”英语译名应该确定为juristic person,理由如下:第一,法人概念肇始于大陆法系的德国法,放弃术语地位较低且外延大大宽于汉语法人的legal person而改用基本上原汁原味的juristic person,可以说是正本清源之举。第二,英语中的juristic比legal意义更加单纯明确,前者的含义是“法律的、法学家的”,与person结合后不易导致“别解”,而后者含义是“法律的、合法的”,与person结合后既可能是“法律意义上的人”,也可能是“合法的人”。第三,Black’s Law Dictionary的主编B.A.Garner在其著作《用语》中将juristic person置于artificial person之前。第四,legal person在翻译实践中虽然大有约定俗成之势,但汉英工具书却没有表现出“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”的原则,尤其是《新汉英法学词典》,实际上对legal person的地位表现出明显的“蔑视”。他们认为,应该选择juridical person作为法人的第二译名或并行译名,主要根据是世界贸易组织的关键法律文本之一《服务贸易总协定》使用juridical person表述法人概念,并对其含义作出了明确的规定。[2]66

笔者认为,第三个理由值得商榷。Black’s Law Dictionary的主编B.A.Garner在其著作《用语》将juristic person置于artificial person之前,但该词典和英国法律词典Dictionary of Law(6 th edition)等词典收录的第一词条都是artificial person,前后矛盾,我们应该相信后者,因为法律词典比个人著作更有权威性。

legal/juristic/juridical是近义词,人们一般会想当然地认为三者没有区别,可以互相替代,使用它们有很大的随意性,legal最常用,以致legal person最常用。为了避免互相混淆,笔者建议首选artifi-cial person或fictitious person作为“法人”的英语译名。它们抓住了“法人”的本质,即其不是人,而是组织。

例2:第25条 船舶优先权先于船舶留置权受偿,船舶抵押权后于船舶留置权受偿。A maritime lien shall have priority over a possessory lien,and a possessory lien shall have priority over ship mortgage…[1]19



除《海商法》之外,船舶留置权是广义的,故《元照英美法辞典》将其翻译成maritime lien。不过,将maritime lien翻译成“船舶留置权”是不妥的,更准确的翻译应是“海事优先权”,包括船舶优先权和货物优先权。

《海商法》创造了“船舶优先权”去取代广义的“船舶留置权”,但两者却不一致,同时给出一个狭义的“船舶留置权”,易引起混淆。国际法的maritime lien的内涵和外延与《海商法》船舶优先权的不一致。英美法与大陆法也不同。在英美海商法上,maritime lien为设定在海上财产上的法定非移转占有型担保。中国引入了法国法上的优先权概念,将maritime lien称谓“船舶优先权”。但事实上两者并非等值概念,他们性质不同;海事请求权的关系不同;在制度设计上的机理也是不同的;旨趣不同。[3]我们可以肯定,maritime lien可分占有性和非占有性两种,即maritime lien是possessory lien的上位概念。而在《海商法》中,船舶优先权不是狭义的船舶留置权的上位概念,两者不是包含关系,而是对立关系,即两者是平行概念,否则,它们不能并列比较优先次序。因此,建议用non-possessory maritime lien来表示“船舶优先权”。

《海商法》的船舶留置权的标的仅是“船舶”本身,是狭义的船舶留置权,并不包括船舶租用合同中出租人对船上属于承租人的货物和财产的留置权。船舶留置权是“占有性留置权”,翻译成possessory lien,反映了它的本质。不过,两者的外延不一,possessory lien是这个狭义的船舶留置权的上位概念,possessory lien可以包括船上属于承租人的货物和财产,也可以指《海商法》外任何可以占有的留置物。所以必须对它的外延加以限制,“船舶留置权在有关国际公约中被称为right of retention of vessel,而在联合国亚太经济与社会委员会编制的海运立法中,则被称为possessory lien on vessel”。[3]

例3:第47条 承运人在船舶开航前和开航当时,应当谨慎处理,使船舶处于适航状态,妥善配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品,并使货舱、冷藏舱、冷气舱和其他载货处所适于并能安全收受、载运和保管货物。The carrier shall,before and at the beginning of the voyage,exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy,properly man,equip and supply the ship and to make the holds,refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried,fit and safe for their reception,carriage and preservation.[1]29

due diligence存在两种定义:一是综合定义,即“Due diligence is a term used for a number of concepts involving either the performance of an investigation of a business or person,or the performance of an act with a certain standard of care.It can be a legal obligation,but the term will more commonly apply to voluntary investigations.A common example of due diligence in various industries is the process through which a potential acquirer evaluates a target company or its assets for acquisition”。[4]

二是狭义定义,即“Due diligence is the process of investigation,performed by investors,into the details of a potential investment,such as an examination of operations and management and the verification of material facts”。[5]

陈公绰认为,due diligence和due care两者的意思差不多,都译“应有的注意”。与之相反的是negligence,没有做到due care或due diligence即构成negligence(过失)。有的辞典将due diligence译为“恪尽职责”是不大合适的。[6]陈公绰的注释有道理,但其没注意到不同语境下该术语可以有不同的译法。

due diligence常见的译文是“尽职调查”,涉及许多经济活动。涉及投资时,目的在于回避风险,所以需要审慎,宜译“审慎评估”,而当涉及个人职位职责时,译“勤勉尽责”或者“尽职尽责”。“勤勉尽责”是职业操守的要求,基金经理等不少重要职位的人都会作这样的承诺。

“谨慎处理”是为了安全,用在投资方面尚可,用在个人职位职责时,不够全面,“谨慎处理”未必“勤勉尽责”。刘旭等人把due diligence翻译成“适航义务”[7],结合了具体的语境,但意义有点狭窄。开航前和开航当时,“确保船舶适航”,只是承运人的职责之一。第47条中的“妥善配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品,并使货舱、冷藏舱、冷气舱和其他载货处所适于并能安全收受、载运和保管货物”也是承运人的基本职责。不过,他们在文中又把“适航义务”等同于“恪尽职责”。后者见《海牙规则》《海牙-维斯比规则》第4条第1款的规定,即:“由于船舶不适航所引起的货物灭失或损坏一旦发生,对于恪尽职责的举证责任应由根据本条规定要求免责的承运人或其他人承担”。due diligence是用于履行适航义务的要求,并不是适航义务本身的翻译。因此,exercise due diligence还是翻译成“勤勉尽责”比较合适,它的反面是“玩忽职守”。



(三)船舶吨税、引航费、港务费和其他港口规费的缴付请求;payment claims for ship’s tonnage dues,pilotage dues,harbour dues,and other port charges;

(四)海难救助的救助款项的给付请求;payment claims for salvage payment


…compensation claims for loss or damage to property resulting from tortuous act in the course of the operation of the ship…[1]17

claims前的英文单词是多余的,参考平行文本International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages 1993,第4条:“Maritime liens:

1.Each of the following claims against the owner,demise charterer,manager or operator of the vessel shall be secured by a maritime lien on the vessel:……

(c)claims for reward for the salvage of the vessel;

(d)claims for port canal and other waterway dues and pilotage dues;

(e)claims based on tort arising out of physical loss or damage caused by the operation of the vessel other than loss of or damage to cargo,containers and passengers'effects carried on the vessel.”[8]

例5:第77条……承运人向善意受让提单的包括收货人在内的第三人提出的与提单所载状况不同的证据,不予承认。Proof to the contrary by the carrier shall not be admissible if the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party,including a consignee,who has acted in good faith in reliance on the description of the goods contained therein.[1]47-49

从精炼语句的角度考虑,应该删去reliance on。


例6:第96条 出租人应当提供约定的船舶。The shipowner shall provide the intended ship.[1]57

第129条 约定的由出租人配备船员的船舶designated manned ship.[1]77


例7:第96条……因出租人过失未提供约定的船舶致使承租人遭受损失的,出租人应当负赔偿责任。Should any damage or loss occur to the charterer as a result of the shipowner’s failure in providing the intended ship due to his fault,the shipowner shall be liable for compensation.[1]57

failure in(doing)sth与fail to do sth的含义不同,前者是“已经做但是没有成功”,后者是“没有做”。failure in providing宜改为failing to provide。


例8:第59条经证明,货物的灭失、损坏或者迟延交付是由于承运人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,承运人不得援用本法第56条或者第57条限制赔偿责任的规定。The servant or agent of the carrier shall not be entitled to the benefit of limitation of liability provided for in article(Article)56or 57of this Code,if it is proved that the loss,damage or delay in delivery resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with intent to cause such loss,damage or delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss,damage or delay would probably result.[1]37


例8的“不得援用限制赔偿责任的规定”意译为“没有权利享受限制赔偿责任的好处”是可以的,但shall not be entitled to宜改为are not entitled to。


例9:第47条 承运人在船舶开航前和开航当时,应当谨慎处理,使船舶处于适航状态,妥善配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品,并使货舱、冷藏舱、冷气舱和其他载货处所适于并能安全收受、载运和保管货物。The carrier shall,before and at the beginning of the voyage,exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy,properly man,equip and supply the ship and to make the holds,refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried,fit and safe for their reception,carriage and preservation.[1]29

to make the ship seaworthy和to make the holds……是并列结构,作为exercise due diligence的目的状语,都是make sth+adj结构,但它们之间的properly man,equip and supply the ship是动宾结构,前面没有to,不能和另两个不定式并列做目的状语。properly man,equip and supply the ship改为to properly man,equip and supply the ship或者properly manned,equipped and supplied,后者三个过去分词做形容词,可以和seaworthy并列。


…The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier’s responsibility arising or resulting from the following causes…[1]31:

occurred改为occurring(或者在occurred前加关系代词which)更为合适。arising or resulting from的逻辑主语既是the loss or damage,又是responsibility。尽管通过语境可以排除后者,arising or resulting from直接跟在responsibility后面,容易引起误解。arising or resulting from前面加上and(或者arising/resulting改为arose/resulted)则不会产生误解,即译文改为“…occurring(或which occurred)during the period of carrier’s responsibility and arising or resulting(或arose or resulted)from the following causes:…”

例11:第59条经证明,货物的灭失、损坏或者迟延交付是由于承运人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,承运人不得援用本法第56条或者第57条限制赔偿责任的规定。The servant or agent of the carrier shall not be entitled to the benefit of limitation of liability provided for in Article 56or 57of this Code,if it is proved that the loss,damage or delay in delivery resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with intent to cause such loss,damage or delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss,damage or delay would probably result.[1]37

resulted改为resulting。原译文三个状语,with intent to……与recklessly是选择关系,与with knowledge that……是并列关系,与汉语原文不符。实际上,“故意或者明知”是选择关系。recklessly要紧跟done,以免分隔另两个本应放在一起的状语。译文宜改为:“…resulting from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done recklessly with intent to cause such loss,damage or delay or with knowledge that such loss,damage or delay would probably result.”



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[5]Due diligence[EB/OL].[2009-09-26].http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_diligence.

[6]Due diligence[EB/OL].[2009-09-26].http://www.investorwords.com/1596/due_diligence.html.


CHEN Gong-chuo.The translation of English documents[EB/OL].[2009-09-26].http://www.transexpert.net/skills/050519002.htm.(in Chinese)


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Correction to several mistranslations in Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China

HE Rui-qing,PU Ying-shan

The paper points out several mistranslations in wording or syntax in Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China,mainly discussing the translation of several important terms in this Code,such as artificial person,nonpossessory maritime lien,possessory lien on vessel and due diligence.

Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China;artificial person;non-possessory maritime lien;possessory lien on vessel;due diligence







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