
2010-02-15 15:58:04
中国塑料 2010年12期


环保安全法规环境下塑料助剂的应对策略………………………………………… 包红燕,孙绍刚,李润琳,王 磊,王朝晖,陈 宇(5-1)

高分子材料先进制造的微积分思想 ……………………… 杨卫民(7-1)

PVC管道行业要走技术创新的路 ………………………… 张玉川(11-1)

中国塑料管道行业现状及发展趋势 王占杰(1-1)………………………

聚芳醚酮的表面修饰及其在生物医用领域的应用……………………………………………………孙 辉,孙 杰,徐英凯,许国志(1-6)

聚羟基烷酸酯——一种应用广泛的生物降解聚合物……………………台立民,姜 滢,冯思静(2-1)………………………………………

高介电常数高分子复合材料的研究进展…………………………………………………………………………周文英,左 晶,任文娥(2-6)

多层共挤出塑料薄膜机头的结构改进与发展…………………………………………………………………… 苗立荣,张玉霞,薛 平(2-11)

ABS/碳纳米管纳米复合材料的研究进展 ………………………………………………………………………周 亮,李冬梅,杨 迎(3-1)

无卤阻燃含磷环氧树脂的研究进展…………………………………………………………………… 叶龙健,钱立军,佟芍朋,许国志(3-11)

聚合物挤出口模设计的数值研究进展 ………… 陈晋南,彭 涛(3-19)

中国塑料工业(2009) ……………………………………… 廖正品(4-1)

中国挤塑聚苯乙烯(XPS)泡沫塑料行业现状与发展趋势…………………………………………………………………………王 勇(4-12)

中国聚烯烃工业2009年发展状况及“十二·五”展望 … 刘 健(4-17)


聚吡咯/无机粒子纳米复合材料的研究进展 ……………………………………………… 段国晨,齐暑华,吴新明,齐海元,张 翼(5-14)

中国塑料管道新产品和新型塑料管道系统 ……………… 林少全(6-1)

聚氯乙烯/木粉复合材料研究进展 ……… 吴 波,齐暑华,王 鑫(6-6)

微注射成型与微分注射成型技术………………………………………………………………………… 张攀攀,王 建,谢鹏程,杨卫民(6-13)

聚磷酸铵为主的膨胀型阻燃剂的协效研究进展……………………………………………………… 屈红强 ,武伟红,武红娟,徐建中(7-7)

国外线形酚醛树脂研究进展……………………………………………………… 理莎莎,齐暑华,刘乃亮,卢文书,李梦韬,许灯顺(7-13)

反应器共混多相耐冲击聚丙烯结构和性能研究进展 …… 吕立新(8-1)

我国农膜行业现状的分析及其发展对策(2010年) ……… 周大纲(8-9)

气固相法生产氯化聚氯乙烯树脂的研究进展……………………………………………… 张向京,郭欣欣,刘玉敏,赵 飒,胡永琪(8-13)

淀粉基复合泡沫塑料制备工艺研究进展 ………… 陈小健,台立民(9-1)

壳聚糖智能水凝胶研究进展 …………… 舒 静,李小静,赵大飙(9-6)

氢氧化镁协同阻燃剂研究进展…………………………………………………………………………… 王 娟,李志伟,李小红,张治军(9-11)

膨胀阻燃体系概述…………………………………………………………………………… 陈晓平,张 胜,杨伟强,崔 正,陈小随(10-1)

无溶剂复合技术的特点及相关设备结构分析…………………………………………………………吕 玲,高 德,许文才,左光申(10-9)

硅氧烷基聚合物陶瓷化研究进展 …… 魏方明,王庭慰,邵海彬(10-17)

我国新材料轻型输送带的发展现状与趋势 ……………… 许乾慰(11-6)

聚丙烯/纳米二氧化硅复合材料研究进展 …… 赵祎程,姚军燕(11-11)

磺化聚苯乙烯反应工艺研究进展…………………………………………………………………… 周 蕊,魏荣卿,刘晓宁,陈新营(11-15)

有序介孔聚合物的研究进展……………………………………………………………………………刘攀博,焦 剑,邹 亮,许祥东(12-1)

塑料在“轻量化”汽车中的应用及发展趋势 ……………… 刘西文(12-8)

超临界CO2发泡微孔塑料的研究进展 …………………………………………………………… 程 博,齐暑华,吴 波,曹 鹏(12-14)

介孔SiO2的有机化修饰及其对环氧树脂拉伸性能的影响…………………………………………………… 焦 剑,刘攀博,邹 亮(1-11)

星形结构SAN树脂的合成及其对ABS树脂性能的影响………………………………… 陈 敏,曹春雷,王丹丹,肖凌寒,张会轩(1-17)

PC/PET共混合金相容性的研究 ……………… 薛继荣,宁 平(1-23)

硅橡胶/氯化聚乙烯共混体系的制备及性能研究 …………………………………………………………… 程青民,罗世凯,丁国芳 (1-28)

OMM T对PE-HD/PA 6合金的结晶性能和相容性的影响 ………………………………………………………………孙 莉,项赛飞(1-33)

环氧树脂/稻壳SiO2纳米复合材料的热性能及拉伸性能研究 ……………………………………… 刘继延,刘学清,张远方,甘燕梅(1-38)

羟甲基丙烯酰胺熔融接枝聚丙烯亲水性的研究………………………………………………………冯 杰,冯绍华,相益信,冯 厂(1-43)

PBT/ABS合金增容体系的研究 …………………………………………………………… 田 冶,段春来,周 霆,李荣群,辛敏琦(1-47)

炭黑在聚酰胺6中的超分散性研究………………………………………………………… 宋云华,范 闯,王成忠,徐德胜,李 革(2-21)

滑石粉、碳酸钙填充聚丙烯复合材料等温结晶行为的研究 ……………………………………………………邹 燕,纪彬彬,温变英(2-26)

可见光下发绿光的聚苯乙烯/Cd Te复合材料的制备及光学性能研究……………………………… 王 文,林美娟,黄丽梅,苏棉棉(2-30)

环氧树脂对PA 6/EPDM-g-MA H共混体系性能的影响 ………………………………… 江耀贵,杨 其,黄亚江,孙 静,程小莲(2-35)

含磷有机硅氧烷改性环氧树脂酚醛固化体系性能研究……………………………………………… 王政芳,刘伟区,胡朝辉,马松琪(2-42)

聚酰胺6/环氧树脂改性蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备与性能…………………………… 周雪琴,盛仲夷,谢松桂,申屠宝卿,翁志学(2-47)

长玻璃纤维增强PP/m-PA 6复合材料的制备及性能研究……………………………………………方 鲲,吴丝竹,丁雪佳,李 玫(2-52)

原位乳液聚合法制备PVAc/OMM T纳米复合材料的性能研究 ………………………………………………刘 玲,曾幸荣,赖学军(2-57)

PVC/MBS共混物的形态及力学性能 ……………………………………………………… 褚明利,刘 哲,李洪权,陈 明,张会轩(3-25)

L 丙交酯与ε 己内酯共聚物微观结构与热力学性能研究 …………………………… 鲁 越,熊左春,张胜蓝,熊成东,陈栋梁(3-29)

PAG原位增容PP/PA 6共混物的非等温结晶动力学 …………………………………………………………………… 梁淑君,杨万泰(3-34)

微波法合成凹凸棒复合丙烯酸 丙烯酰胺高吸水性树脂的研究………………………………………………… 来水利,陈 峰,韩武军(3-41)

丙烯腈 苯乙烯 丙烯酸酯共聚物的流变性能 ……………………………………………………… 王艳芳,崔玲玲,徐保良,滕谋勇(3-45)

纳米无机粒子选择性分布与迁移对聚合物共混物形态与性能的影响…………………… 于 杰,胡世军,郭建兵,张敏敏,秦舒浩(3-49)

用锥形量热仪研究聚氨酯泡沫的阻燃性能 ……………… 于宝刚(3-55)

聚酰胺6在聚丙烯/微胶囊化多聚磷酸铵中的作用 ……………………………………………………………………… 马志领,唐慧鹏(3-60)

PP及PP/EPDM共混物室内外老化行为的研究 ………………………………………… 樊鹏鹏,高丽彦,刘小林,杨 其,刘钰馨(4-21)

αMSAN共聚物的组成对PMMA/αMSAN共混物相容性的影响…………………… 孟 婷,任 亮,张立新,马晓琳,张明耀(4-27)

玻璃微珠和炭黑对EPDM胶料硫化特性的影响…………………………… 杨立宝,陆晓中,陆庆章,孙晓民(4-30)

官能化接枝共聚物增容PA 6/PS共混物的研究…………………………………………… 谭志勇,王丹丹,穆兴文,陈 敏,张会轩(4-34)

不同抗静电剂对聚丙烯抗静电性能和力学性能的影响………………………………………………………… 刘 伟,王向东,许国志(4-39)

马来酸酐改性端羟基乳酸预聚体的合成及性能研究…………………………………………………………… 陈佑宁,张君才,赵 维(4-44)

1,3双(2噁唑啉)基苯扩链聚酰胺6的研究……………………………………………………… 张 乾,万超瑛,党晓容,吴科勉(4-49)

聚己内酯/聚氨酯共聚热致形状记忆材料的合成与表征 …………………………………………… 陈亚东,彭振博,张慧波,张永春(4-54)

固相缩聚对聚酯切片热性能和结晶行为的影响…………………………………………………………………陈 允,金 剑,尹翠玉(5-20)

茂金属线形低密度聚乙烯树脂的结构与性能………………………………………………………… 李朋朋,梁天珍,樊 洁,杨世元(5-23)

钠 萘络合物对聚氯代对二甲苯薄膜的表面改性机理研究……………………………………………………………… 高刘德,刘 剑(5-28)

天然氨基酸作用下丙交酯的开环聚合反应 …… 刘继延,刘学清(5-34)

聚合物结构对界面张力与相对分子质量关系的影响…………………………………………………………… 吴爱民,孙载坚,吉法祥(5-39)

牙科根管桩钉用纤维/树脂可塑性复合材料的优化制备研究 ……………………………………… 胡 江,何惠明,刘玉红,郑亚萍(5-43)

温度和封端剂马来酸酐对聚碳酸亚丙酯黏均相对分子质量的影响……………………… 张光军,蒙 昊,陈有业 ,汪英杰,王红霞(5-48)

PP/纳米 TiO2复合材料的晶体形貌和非等温结晶行为…………………………………… 伍玉娇,何 辉,蒙日亮,刘昌贵,蔡启军(5-51)

EPDM交联对聚酰胺6基复合材料“沙袋结构”演变与性能的影响………………………… 傅李丹,陈 思,王勇杰,孟季凤,王 旭(6-19)

聚丙烯/海泡石复合材料的等温结晶行为 ……………………………………………………………… 李晓燕,胡小平,戴亚堂,李少先(6-24)

聚丙烯/四针状氧化锌晶须/氧化镁导热绝缘复合材料的制备与性能研究 ……………………………………李光吉,童奇勇,冯 晖(6-28)

大规模集成电路封装用联苯型环氧树脂的制备及其结构与性能……………………………………… 杨明山,何 杰,李林楷,肖 强(6-36)

铁粉含量对聚甲醛/铁粉复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响 ……………………………………………… 刘 莉,王 龙,刘 晓,李少香(6-40)………………………

聚苯硫醚/钕铁硼复合材料力学性能与电磁性能 ………………………………… 王永杰,李 艳,芦 艾,许 轶,余雪江,王宪忠(6-45)


等温结晶行为的研究 ……… 林 轩,周红军,尹国强,曾余平(7-19)

CPVC/ABS/CPE三元共混体系的组成与性能关系研究 ……………………… 马 军,袁茂全,牟南翔,胡妹华,王 建,武德珍(7-24)

纳米棒状聚苯胺/席夫碱复合材料的制备及其电性能研究 ……………………………… 段国晨,齐暑华,吴新明,齐海元,张 翼(7-28)


电性能研究 ……………………………………… 段景宽,江平开(7-34)

环保型改性糠醛环氧灌浆材料的制备和性能研究………………………………… 高 南,张亚峰,邝健政,陈玉放,徐宇亮,周 华(7-41)

热降解动力学方法研究ABS的降解机理 ………………………………………………………………………杨有财,李荣勋,刘光烨(7-47)

端环氧基硅油改性环氧树脂性能研究 …………………………………………………… 李宏静,刘伟区,魏振杰,王政芳,马松琪(7-51)

多壁碳纳米管复合聚碳酸酯/苯乙烯系聚合物复合材料导电性能的研究………………………………………孙 尧,郭朝霞,于 建(8-17)

酚醛树脂/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备及其性能研究 ………………………… 吴江涛,齐暑华,李春华,莫军连,李美玲,尚 磊(8-23)

聚硼硅氧烷阻燃PC/ABS合金的制备与其阻燃性能……………………………………… 宋 健,周文君,吕 群,陈 科,陈友财(8-28)

苯乙烯/γ 甲基丙烯酰氧丙基三甲氧基硅烷乳液共聚动力学研究…………… 赵洪池,吴秀亭,高姗姗,高玲玲,宋智伟,白海英(8-32)

聚合物结晶行为的流变学研究 ……… 闵 敏,戴厚益,芦 艾(8-37)

聚苯胺 镧的制备与表征 …………………………………吴 涛(8-41)

膨胀型阻燃剂阻燃环氧树脂的阻燃性能及其影响因素…………………………………………………………………… 马志领,卢光玉(8-45)

聚乳酸/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备及其性能研究 ………………………………………… 沈 斌,刘 亮,林水兴,杨 奕,张丽叶(9-17)

PA 6/ABS共混物非等温结晶行为研究 …………………………………………………… 刘春林,肖叶彬,李 军,沈 慧,黄仁军(9-22)

聚丁二酸丁二醇/二甘醇酯的合成研究 ………………………………………………………………肖 峰,王庭慰,丁 培,王景春(9-27)

无溶剂缠绕成型用含磷阻燃环氧树脂的研究………………………………………………………… 王建宇,陈立新,何玮奇,孔娇月(9-31)

不同增容剂对聚酰胺1010/聚丙烯共混物的增容作用研究 ……………………………………………………………… 杨风霞,王雪静(9-36)

乙烯共聚聚丙烯流延膜树脂力学与结晶性能研究……………………………………………………………… 王英年,柯扬船,金丽晓(9-41)

一种新型聚丁二酸丁二醇酯类脂肪族生物可降解聚酯的性能……………………………………… 葛 岚,邵晓丛,陈建文,吴嘉麟(9-46)

炭黑填充PE-HD/EVA/PE-LD导电发泡复合材料的阻温特性 …………………………… 李继新,王立岩,李素君,张 木,吴全才(9-49)

流场下不相容聚合物共混物分散相形态的研究进展………………………………………………………… 何郁嵩,黄亚江,李光宪(10-21)

无卤阻燃高抗冲聚苯乙烯材料阻燃性能的研究…………………………………………………… 林春平,吴大鸣,刘 颖 ,郑秀婷(10-28)

剪切作用下POE-g-MAH和PP-g-MAH对PA 1010/PP共混物的增容作用 ……………………………… 刘 萍,杨风霞,陶建中(10-33)

载铜蒙脱土对聚氯乙烯阻燃性能的影响 ……… 杨 玲,王勇毅(10-39)

微晶纤维素含量对PE-HD复合材料性能的影响 …………………………………………………………… 李宏林,杨桂生,吴玉程(10-43)

高开口型线形低密度聚乙烯的性能研究…………………………………………………………… 魏福庆,周福斌,许惠芳,李朋朋(10-47)

水悬浮体系中苯乙烯和马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯改性研究…………………………………………… 祝宝东,王 鉴,董 群,宋 军(10-50)


流动场下含β成核剂的玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料结构与性能研究………………………… 张正驰,陈妍慧,李忠明,唐建华(11-20)

大豆分离蛋白的化学改性和增塑研究……………………………………………………………… 胡世明,崔永岩 ,杨振兴,赵振伦(11-26)

超支化聚氨酯的合成及表征…………………………………………………………………………… 靳彦岭,任鹏刚,张政委,李 杨(11-31)

增塑增韧聚丙烯的制备及其性能研究……………………………………………………………… 周中玉,潘泳康,唐颂超,王庆海(11-35)

瓶用聚酯切片结晶性能研究………………………………………………………………… 张 木,陈延明,陈 宏,司春雷,高启升(11-39)

悬浮法PEB-g-MAN/SAN共混物的热性能与耐老化性能研究 ………………………… 王 霞,朱勇平,王炼石,蔡彤旻 ,张安强(11-43)

应力诱导引发MAH官能化PE-LD及其对铝箔/PET复合薄膜层间剥离强度的影响 …………………… 张 玲,张云灿,傅伟宁(11-49)

聚乳酸与高分子弹性体共混体系的研究……………………………………………………………………… 黄 锦,吴文倩,项爱民(11-54)


PP/PS/纳米插层高岭土复合材料的制备及性能研究 …………………………………………… 侯桂香,李森林,桑晓明,马晓林(12-21)

CPVC增韧改性的研究……………………………………………………………………… 柯伟席,王 澜,韩微微,张 萌,沈传熙(12-25)

聚乳酸/可反应性纳米SiO2复合材料的等温结晶动力学………………………………………… 郭有钢,张予东,徐翔民,张普玉(12-30)

POE接枝衣康酸增容PA 6/POE共混物性能及形态研究………………………………………………………………刘喜军,侯宝庆(12-36)

POSS增强PMMA热性能和力学性能研究 ……………………………………………………… 杨本宏,李 萌,黄志君,吴 云(12-42)

PP-MAH对PP/汉麻纤维复合材料结构及性能的影响…………………………………… 牛鹏飞,陈建野,卫晓明,王孝军,杨 杰(12-46)

POM与POM/碳酸钙复合材料非等温结晶动力学研究 ……………………… 惠江涛,陈正广,李云勇,周维燕,周 涛,张爱民(12-52)

PEG/PCL基复合软段降解型PUF力学与动态力学特性研究 ………………………………… 王艳艳,梁书恩,田春蓉,王建华(12-57)

线形聚丙烯/低密度聚乙烯发泡体系的结晶行为研究 …………………………………… 刘 伟,刘本刚,王向东,许国志,张玉霞(12-63)

加工与应用助 剂塑料与环境标准与测试机械与模具论坛·交流企业访谈ForumReviewMaterialsand PropertiesProcessing and ApplicationAdditivePlasticsand EnvironmentStandard and TestMachinery and M ouldEnterprise Interview

带筋注塑制品截面充填过程数值模拟………………………………………………………………… 刘永志,赵振峰,马 兰,申长雨(1-52)

基于ANSYS的钢网增强PE-HD力学性能的模拟分析与实验验证 …………………… 孙佳楠,陈冰冰,金杨福,高增梁,钱 欣(1-56)

内模填充衣架式机头内物料停留时间的数值模拟………………………………………… 周文渊,熊传胜,孟雅新,杨宝红,王景禄(1-59)

加工工艺对聚乙烯/乙炔炭黑复合材料中炭黑分散性的影响 ………………………………………………… 张文龙,郎丹丹,凌 钧(1-64)

超临界二氧化碳挤出发泡聚丙烯研究……………………………………………………… 张玉霞,刘本刚,王向东,李 莹,许国志(1-69)

抗氧剂对聚乙烯光降解膜结构及性能的影响………………………………………………………… 陈加波,丁永红,李云峰,朱 威(2-61)

注塑工艺参数对微发泡PP/SiO2纳米复合材料发泡行为及力学性能的影响……………………………………………………………………………龚 维,高家诚,何 力,于 杰,郑 环,何 颖(2-66)

发泡工艺对高发泡PP板材性能的影响 ……… 刘 卉,揣成智(2-73)

聚合物熔体矩形流道挤出胀大的数值模拟 …… 李 勇,郑建荣(2-78)

纳米无机粒子抑制喷绘PVC膜中增塑剂析出的研究 …………………………………………………………杨宝红,白永平,曹英杰(2-83)

超薄花盆件注射成型工艺研究 ………………… 张 杨,辛 勇(3-64)

双色电器外壳的注射成型 …… 李冬梅,徐 岩,贾建波,王慎波(3-68)

PVC-g-DMC抗菌聚合物的制备及其在PVC中的应用…………………………………… 葛一兰,李青山,崔占全,孙忠学,郭 彬(3-72)

不同生产方法糊树脂复配对PVC增塑糊黏度及稳定性的影响 ………………………… 吉玉碧,徐国敏,张敏敏,胡 智,谭 红(3-79)

塑料中空吹塑成型用原料、工艺及设备的发展 ……………………………………………………………………………刘 学,张玉霞(3-83)

基于数值模拟的汽车外饰件熔接痕分析及其优化设计…………………………………… 单 志,梅 益,郭建兵,李扬俊,秦舒浩(4-58)

车载蓝牙外壳高光无痕注射CAE分析及参数优化 ………………………………………………………………………胡文文,辛 勇(4-61)

熔体温度对水穿透行为影响的可视化研究 …… 刘旭辉,黄汉雄(4-65)

玄武岩纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁受弯破坏形态有限元分析……………………………………………………李炳宏,江世永,飞 渭(4-70)

注塑工艺对聚碳酸酯制品环境应力开裂行为的影响……………………………………… 韩 健,韩冬雪,刘春太,陈静波,申长雨(4-76)

PVA复合薄膜水果保鲜研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 李阳博,吴文倩,刘哲伟,项爱民(4-80)

不同颜料浓度时添加高熔体流动速率PE-LLD的色母粒性能研究……………………… 乔 博,乔 辉,程晓静,吴立峰,丁 筠(5-59)

PE-LLD/SEBS-g-MAH/POE-g-MAH共混体系流变性能的研究 …………………………………罗永春,仲 豪,熊 煦,龚方红(5-63)

PP/CaCO3复合发泡材料泡孔形态预测模型的研究 ………………………………………………………………………王喜顺,黄 松(5-68)

基于CAE的壁厚不均匀塑件的结构修正 ………………… 董金虎(74)

Moldflow在注射成型翘曲优化中的应用……………………………………………………………… 赵龙志,陈炳辉,杨 敏,张尚兵(5-78)

基于Moldflow的注塑模流道平衡设计与分析 ………… 周大路(6-50)

热老化对YJV电缆绝缘护套塑料燃烧性能的影响 ……… 舒中俊(6-55)

前照灯配光镜材料光源辐照及耐化学试剂测试研究………………………王铁城,钱国刚,黄 炘,房 旭,赵 斌,朱 瑛,蒋 羽(6-58)

金属基复合材料的摩擦学性能及结合强度试验研究 …… 王成军(6-62)

PP基木塑复合材料的制备及性能研究 …………………………………………………………………宫敬禹,陈元芳,韩 超,叶 阳(6-67)

气辅成型制品气道优化设计研究……………………………………………………………………… 付庆兴,程晓锋,李 义,梁继才(7-55)

MAPE含量对PE木塑复合材料冲击强度的影响…………………………………………………… 张清锋,吕 群,蔡培鑫,来国桥(7-60)

工艺参数对水辅注塑弯管壁厚的影响 ………… 刘旭辉,黄汉雄(7-64)

基于Moldflow的汽车保险杠注射成型分析 ……………………………………………………………………李永泉,李 峰,孙 晋(7-69)

电缆燃烧烟气释放速率的实验研究 …………… 杨守生,何 翊(7-74)

注射发泡成型聚丙烯/木粉复合材料配方体系的研究 …………………………………………………………………… 张 军,何继敏(8-49)

高密度聚乙烯薄壁件注射成型时的结晶特性研究…………………………………………………… 蒋炳炎,侯文潭,邱庆军,蒋丰泽(8-55)

成核母粒及螺杆组合对玻纤增强PET复合材料性能的影响 ………………………………………………… 傅明连,郑炳云,陈彰旭(8-60)

基于神经网络集的注射成型工艺参数多目标优化…………………………………………………… 胡泽豪,卫 炜,刘 娟,刘 琨(8-64)

挤出牵引速度对聚乙烯/金属锡导电复合材料性能的影响 …………………………………………………… 何全国,梁全才,胡 澜(8-72)

新型复合支撑插管挤出成型工艺 ……………… 王 铭,张东惠(9-53)

舰船用辐射交联无卤阻燃电缆护套料的研究……………………………………… 郭振涛,李淑凤,矫 阳,侯欣鹏,李铁军,张 龙(9-56)

均匀设计法在POE/POE-g-MAH增韧PA 6研究中的应用……………………………………………………陈 坤,郑梯和,曹 喆(9-6 1)

新型塑料检查井专用料的开发与应用研究…………………………………………………………… 郭 林,李 艳,胡俊强,杨建华(9-64)

基于熔接痕处应力值的浇口位置优化设计…………………………………………………………… 单 志,朱建华,刘 勇,朱祖媛(9-68)

高剪切应力对ABS/NBR共混物力学性能的影响…………………………………………………………… 李怀栋,张云灿,钱 慧(10-62)

PP/POE/T-ZnOw复合材料流变行为的研究………………………………………………………………… 王 蕾 ,胡国胜,王标兵(10-66)

基于稳健优化的注塑件变形预补偿方法研究……………………………………………………… 黄风立,刘国文,顾金梅,许锦泓(10-71)

PVC-U加筋管的生产工艺研究及其品质影响因素分析 ………………………………………………………………沃奇中,陈毅明(10-76)

聚苯乙烯/CO2发泡体系的气泡生长过程模拟 …………………………………………………… 贺朝晖,信春玲,李庆春,何亚东(11-62)

相容剂和加工工艺对PA 1010/PP共混体系形态和力学性能的影响 …………………………………………………张甲敏,连照勋(11-68)

熔融纺丝法研究聚乙烯熔体的拉伸流变性能 …… 钟磊,梁基照(11-72)

加工温度对氯化聚氯乙烯凝胶度及力学性能的影响………………………………………………………… 王艳芳,滕谋勇,徐保良(11-76)

木塑/超临界流体复合材料泡孔成核的数值模拟研究 ……………………………………………………………………………张婧婧(11-80)

钢塑复合管端部密封技术的研究…………………………………………………………………… 贾明印,薛 平,李爱军,丁 筠(12-72)

座椅塑件开裂问题的解决 …………… 王 鑫,杜林芳,李海梅(12-77)

无卤阻燃PC/ABS合金流变行为的研究……………………………………………………………………… 吴 若,段辉丽,刘春林(12-80)

PTFE乳液制备PTFE/YSZ微孔膜及孔隙率的研究……………………………………… 杜金丽,邓新华,孙 元,罗衍慧,庞向川(12-84)

水发泡抗静电半硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的制备和性能研究………………………………………… 梁书恩,田春蓉,王建华,蔚春蓉(12-89)

膨胀型阻燃剂阻燃PP/SBS/POE共混物的性能研究 ………………………………… 王炎祥,张立群,李红霞 ,梁文利 ,田 明(1-74)

三聚氰酸螺环磷酸酯阻燃聚丙烯的性能研究……………………………………………… 姜大伟,孙才英,向海旺,董春梅,胡树林(1-81)

铝酸锌包覆氢氧化镁的制备及其在软质PVC中的抑烟性能研究 ……………………………………………………… 董亮亮,姜宏伟(2-87)

新型P-Br阻燃剂对环氧树脂阻燃性能和力学性能的影响 ……………………………………………………卢林刚,周 霞,赵 敏(2-92)

硅微粉粒径及其匹配对IC封装用环氧模塑料流动性的影响 ……………………………………… 杨明山,刘 阳,李林楷,李冬雪(3-92)


溴化环氧树脂协同三氧化二锑阻燃PET的燃烧性能及阻燃机理研究………………………………………徐晓楠,杨海潮,王 芳(4-86)

超细Fe粉改性聚甲醛的研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 刘 莉,孙立水,李少香,刘光烨(4-91)

APP/MCA复合阻燃增强聚丙烯的研究……………………………………………………… 钱立军,韩鑫磊,叶志殷,叶龙健,许国志(5-81)

碳酸钙对PVC增塑糊黏度及稳定性的影响研究 ………………………………………… 徐国敏,张敏敏,吉玉碧,罗 恒,谭 红(5-85)

酚醛树脂为囊壁的超细微胶囊红磷制备及其表征…………………………………………… 常怀春,吕通建,许秋菊,孙青峰,韩光喜(6-72)

羟基锡酸锌的制备及其对PVC电缆材料的阻燃消烟作用 ………………………………………………………………………杨 玲(6-76)

辛二酸/硬脂酸钙双组分成核剂对等规聚丙烯中β晶生成的影响 ………………………………………………………薛建峰,窦 强(7-78)

纳米SiO2与玻璃纤维混杂增强聚酰胺6复合材料的摩擦磨损性能研究………………………………………张 静,杨和梅,顾红艳(7-83)

膨胀型阻燃剂和有机蒙脱土协同阻燃聚丙烯的研究………………………………………………………………………李 莹,王向东(7-87)

协效阻燃剂对PE-HD/Ca(OH)2复合材料阻燃性能影响的研究 ……………………… 陈艺兰,肖良建,陈荣国,肖荔人,陈庆华(8-75)

星形受阻酚抗氧剂的抗氧化性能研究……………………………………………………………………………李翠勤,王 俊,张会平(8-81)

磷系阻燃剂对PPO/PS-H I合金性能的影响 ……………………………………………… 张 伟,李 刚,李庆春,戴伍国,袁 文(9-72)


常用抗氧剂对PMMA树脂热氧化稳定性的影响 ………………………………………… 魏长吉,曹春雷,张子健,杨海东,张会轩(10-81)

有机硅改性环氧树脂的制备及其性能研究………………………………………………… 李美丽,杨 祥,景录如,李 倩,张院萍(10-85)

酚氧基环磷腈阻燃环氧树脂的热解过程研究……………………………………………………… 王 锐,谢吉星,焦运红,徐建中(11-84)

高分子阻燃剂BPS在PS-H I中的应用研究 ……………………………………………… 陈 梁,王浩杰,张 灿,井蒙蒙,刘继纯(12-94)

分散剂对松香型成核透明PP结晶行为和透明性的影响 ………………………………… 田瑶珠,王 松,秦 军,罗 筑,于 杰(12-98)

多次注塑H IPS的力学性能与化学结构的关联性研究 ……………………………………………… 张玉冰,高照明,徐庆强,徐 兵(1-85)

废旧塑料薄膜分离方法的实验研究 …………… 张群安,史政海(2-96)

肥料用聚苯乙烯包覆膜的制备及其性能研究…………………………………………………………………… 宋学君,张旭东,石元亮(6-82)

废旧塑料/磷石膏复合模板加热温度与保温时间的研究 ………………………………… 刘 彤,陈前林,宋 强,李贺军,公伟广(8-86)

玻璃纤维增强回收聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯复合材料的力学性能研究…………………… 鲁 萍,吴德峰,邱明敏,张 明,王江洪(9-84)

废弃涤纶织物对β成核剂改性回收PP结晶熔融行为及形态的影响……… 沈俊才,李伯成,林志丹,张秀菊,李政军,刘能盛(10-89)

废弃环氧模塑料填充聚氯乙烯的研究………………………………………………………………………… 许文娇,陆书玉,罗丽娟(11-89)

超高相对分子质量聚乙烯的相对分子质量及其分布的测试方法………王新威,沈贤婷,郭 宁,张 炜,张玉梅,吴向阳,徐静安(1-94)

热重 质谱联用对膨胀型阻燃剂阻燃EVA的机理研究 ………………………………… 徐建中,时 佳,谢吉星,焦运红,孙 赟(3-101)

磁敏橡胶材料弹性模量的测试与研究…………………………………………………………………………… 陈先忠,肖 静,游世辉(4-96)

热重法测定淀粉基塑料中淀粉含量的方法研究…………………………………………………………………………… 凌 伟,翁云宣(5-89)

聚乙烯管道接头超声检测基础数据库软件开发……………………………………………… 王 非,李广忠,卲汉增,施建峰,郑津洋(6-86)


为研究 ……………………… 应 璐,王全林,戴双燕,刘志洪(7-92)

冷热水用塑料管道系统标准体系分析及基本计算 ……… 谢建玲(8-91)

国内外微波食品塑料包装安全性研究现状……………………………………………… 宋 翠,陈淑祥,高翠玲,王微山,许 超(12-102)

基于标准模架和模块化的注射模快速设计系统研究与开发…………………………………………………… 王江涛,申明倩,沈 杰(1-99)

T形异型材挤出口模的逆向数值模拟……………………………………………………………… 徐 磊,柳和生,黄兴元,黄益宾(1-103)

带把双色塑料杯的注塑模设计 ……… 匡唐清,周慧兰,彭琛琛(2-100)

超高速注塑机电液系统的分析与仿真研究………………………………………………………… 蔡康雄,文生平,温展飞,金 晖(2-103)

销钉单螺杆混炼段分布混合性能的数值研究………………………………………………………………… 李晓翠,彭 炯,陈晋南(2-109)

正 斜双联齿轮四板注塑模设计 …… 周慧兰,周新建,刘明财(3-105)

双转子连续混炼机混炼段拉伸作用的研究…………………………………………………………………… 张 霞,谢林生,马玉录(3-108)

基于UG的轿车内饰件注塑模设计…………………………………………………………………………… 李艳娟,王 芳,刘晓东(3-114)

不同锁模机构注塑机胀模特性的研究……………………………………………………………… 张攀攀,谢鹏程,华 岱,杨卫民(4-100)

基于CAE技术的CRT显示器后壳注塑模设计……………………………………………………………… 匡唐清,黎秋萍,刘 艳(4-104)

CAD/CAE集成多型腔模注射浇口优化设计 …………… 刘国亮(4-109)

温度控制保压过程对制件质量重复精度的影响…………………………………………… 吴 廷,安 瑛,谢鹏程,谭 晶,杨卫民(5-94)

手机外壳双色反向模具的顶出系统设计 ……… 周泳全,姜家吉(5-97)

基于熔体温度均匀性的注射螺杆性能评价方法……………………………………………… 周雅文,何亚东,信春玲,闫宝瑞,李庆春(6-91)

基于模流分析技术的壁挂式扬声器外壳注塑模设计 …… 匡唐清(6-97)

波状双螺杆元件混合性能的研究……………………………………………………………………… 武学伟,马秀清,李彦辉,田 军(7-98)

带嵌件注塑模具冷却过程的边界元分析…………………………………………………………… 张明飞,石宪章,赵振峰,刘春太(7-102)

CAE技术在电热水壶外壳注塑模设计中的应用 ……… 匡唐清(7-106)

捏合盘错列角和厚度对聚丙烯降解的影响…………………………………………………………… 田 军,马秀清,武学伟,李彦辉(8-99)


啮合异向双螺杆挤出机中捏合块元件对PE-HD/PS不相容体系混合效果的研究 …………… 李彦辉,马秀清,武学伟,田 军(9-94)

基于正交试验与数值模拟的木塑异型材挤出机头流道设计方法………………………… 赵 峰,薛 平,苗立荣,刘天涛,方晓钟(10-94)

基于Moldflow的热流道双色注射模具的流动平衡优化 …………………………………………………… 徐 岩,贾建波,王慎波(10-100)

螺旋沟槽单螺杆挤出机双螺棱推动理论模型的研究…………………………………… 潘 龙,贾明印,薛 平 ,金志明,唐广利(11-94)

计量段结构对注塑螺杆建压能力的影响……………………………………… 刘 迎,信春玲,李庆春,闫宝瑞,周雅文,何亚东(12-107)

医用塑料专题 ……………………………………………………(1-107)

电缆料专题 ………………………………………………………(3-118)


以客为先,持续创新——访香港雅式展览服务有限公司项目总监 梁雅琪…………………………………………………………《中国塑料》杂志社(1-111)

质量求精,服务求诚——访四川龙蟒集团 …………………《中国塑料》杂志社(2-113)

以科技为先导 共创聚合物发泡光明未来——访合肥会通新材料有限公司 何顺伦总经理………………………………………………………………《中国塑料》杂志社(4-113)

锐意创新、不断超越——访北京天罡助剂有限责任公司 …《中国塑料》杂志社(4-117)



发展源于不断创新——访巴斯夫公司亚太区特性化学品部塑料添加剂副总裁严凯鹏先生 ………………………《中国塑料》杂志社(7-111)


为您提供无限的创造力——访杜邦中国集团有限公司高性能聚合物大中国区销售经理黄 晨先生 …………………………《中国塑料》杂志社(9-99)

努力发展高分子材料先进制造技术——访北京化工大学高分子材料先进制造英蓝实验室学术带头人杨卫民教授 ………………………《中国塑料》杂志社(11-101)


Total Contents of 2010

Countermeasuresof Plastics Additives under the Environmental and Sanitation Law s and Regulations……………………………………………BAO Hongyan,SUN Shaogang, L IRunlin,WANGLei,WANG Zhaohui,CHEN Yu(5-1)

A Concep t of Differential and Integral Method in Advanced Processing of Polymer Materials ………YANGWeimin(7-1)

Technological Innvonation——Way out fo r PVC Pipes Industry in China …………………………ZHANG Yuchuan(11-1)

Situation and Development Trend of Plastics Pipe Industry in China …………………………………WANG Zhanjie(1-1)

Surface Modification of Poly(aryl ether ketone)s and Their Biomedical App lications……………………………………………SUN Hui,SUN Jie,XU Yingkai,XU Guozhi(1-6)

Polyhydroxyalkanoates—A Widely App lied Biodegradable Polymer ………TA ILimin,JIANG Ying,FENG Sijing(2-1)

Research Progress in High Dielectric Permittivity Polymeric Composites…………………………………………………………ZHOU Wenying,ZUO Jing,REN Wene(2-6)

Structure Imp rovement and Development of Coextrusion Dies fo r M ulti-layer Plastics Film s………………………………………M IAO Lirong,ZHANG Yuxia,XUE Ping(2-11)

Research Progressof ABS/Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites……………ZHOU Liang,L IDongmei,YANG Ying(3-1)

Research p rogress of Halogen-free Flame-retardant Phosphoruscontaining Epoxy Resins ……………………YE Longjian, Q IAN Lijun,TONG Shaopeng,XU Guozhi(3-11)

Progress in Numerical Study on Polymer Extrusion Die Design…………………………CHEN Jinnan,PENG Tao(3-19)

China Plastics Industry(2009) …………L IAO Zhengpin(4-1)

Developing Situation and Trendsof China XPS Foam Sector……………………………………………WANG Yong(4-12)

Development Scenario of China Polyolefin Industry in 2009 and Its Prospect During Twelfth Five-year-p lan Period…………………………………………………L IU Jian(4-17)

Research Progress on the Compatibility Imp rovement of Polyp ropylene Flame-retarded by Intumescent Flame Retardants………………………L IU Dingfu,L IANG Jizhao(5-6)

Recent Developmentof Polypyrrole/Inorganic Particle Nanocomposites ……………………DUAN Guochen,Q IShuhua, WU Xinming,Q IHaiyuan,ZHANG Yi(5-14)

New Pipes and Piping System s in China Plastics Pipes Industry…………………………………………L IN Shaoquan(6-1)

Research Progress in PVC/Wood Flour Composites………………………………WU Bo,Q IShuhua,WANG Xin(6-6)

M icro-injection Molding Technology and Differential Injection Molding Technology ……………………ZHANG Panpan, WANG Jian,XIE Pengcheng,YANGWeimin(6-13)

Research Progress in Synergistic Agents of Intumescent Flame Retardants Containing Ammonium Polyphosphate …………………………………QU Hongqiang,WU Weihong, WU Hongjuan,XU Jianzhong(7-7)

Research Progress in Novolac-type Phenolic Resin in Foreign Countries …………L IShasha,Q IShuhua,L IU Nailiang, LU Wenshu,L IMengtao,XU Dengshun(7-13)

Progress in the Study of Structure and Properties of Heterophasic Impact-resistant Polyp ropylene Blended in Reacto rs……………………………………………LÜLixin(8-1)

Analysis of Situations of China Agro-film Industry(2010)and Countermeasures fo r Its Development…………………………………………………………ZHOU Dagang(8-9)

Advances in the Study of Chlorinated PVC Resins Prepared by Gas-solid Phase Method ……………ZHANG Xiangjing, GUO Xinxin,L IU Yumin,ZHAO Sa,HU Yongqi(8-13)

Research Progress in Preparation Process of Starch-based Foamed Plastics ………CHEN Xiaojian,TA ILimin(9-1)

Research Progress in Chitosan-based Intelligent Hydrogels…………………SHU Jing,L IXiaojing,ZHAO Dabiao(9-6)

Research Progress in Synergistic Flame Retardants of Magnesium Hydroxide ………………………………WANGJuan, L IZhiwei,L IXiaohong,ZHANG Zhijun(9-11)

Review of Intumescent Flame Retardants…………………………………………………CHEN Xiaoping,ZHANG Sheng, YANGWeiqiang,CU IZheng,CHEN Xiaosui(10-1)

Characteristicsof Solventless Lamination Technology and Structure of Equipment Associated w ith It……………………LÜLing,GAO De,XU Wencai,ZUO Guangshen(10-9)

Research Progress in Ceramization of Silicone-based Polymers WEIFangming,WANG Tingwei,SHAO Haibin(10-17)

Current State and Development Trends of New-materials-based Light Conveyor Belts in China ………XU Qianwei(11-6)

Research Progress in Polyp ropylene/Nano Silicon Dioxide Composites ……………ZHAO Yicheng,YAO Junyan(11-11)

Research Progress in Reactive Processies of Sulfonated Polystyrene ……………………………………………ZHOU Rui, WEIRongqing,L IU Xiaoning,CHEN Xinying(11-15)

Research Development of O rdered Mesoporous Polymers……L IU Panbo,JIAO Jian,ZOU Liang,XU Xiangdong(12-1)

App lication and Developing Trend of Plastics Used in“Light Weight”Automobile ……………………L IU Xiwen(12-8)

Study Progess of M icrocellular Plastics Foamed by Supercritical CO2…………………………………………………………CHENGBo,Q IShuhua,WU Bo,CAO Peng(12-14)

Organic Modification of Mesoporous Silica and Its Effect on Tensile Properties of Epoxy Resins…………………………………JIAO Jian,L IU Panbo,ZOU Liang(1-11)

Synthesis of Star-shape SAN Resin and Its Effect on Properties of ABSResin ………………CHEN M in,CAO Chunlei, WANGDandan,XIAO Linghan,ZHANG Huixuan(1-17)

Study on Compatibility of PC/PET A lloys…………………………………………………XUE Jirong,N ING Ping(1-23)

Study on Preparation and Properties of Silicone Rubber/Chlo rinated Polyethylene Blends …………………………………CHENGQingmin,LUO Shikai,D ING Guofang(1-28)

Effect of OMM T on Crystallization and Compatibility of PEHD/PA 6 A lloys …………SUN Li,XIANG Saifei(1-33)

Thermal Behavio r and Tensile Property of Epoxy Resin/Rice Husk Silica Nanocomposites …………………L IU Jiyan, L IU Xueqing,ZHANG Yuanfang,GAN Yanmei(1-38)

Study on Hydrophilicity of Hydroxymethyl Acrylamide Grafted Polyp ropylene …………………………………FENG Jie, FENG Shaohua,XIANG Yixin,FENG Chang(1-43)

Study on Compatibilizers fo r PBT/ABSA lloys…………………………………………………TIAN Ye,DUAN Chunlai, ZHOU Ting,L IRongqun,XIN M inqi(1-47)

Study on the Hyperdispersion Property of Carbon Black in PA 6……………………………SONG Yunhua,FAN Chuang, WANG Chengzhong,XU Desheng,L IGe(2-21)

Study on the Isothermal Crystallization Behavio r of PPComposites Filled with Talc o r Calcium Carbonate…………………………ZOU Yan,JIBinbin,WEN Bianying(2-26)

Preparation and Luminescence Property of Polystyrene/Cd Te Composites Emitting Green Light Under Visible Light………………………………………………WANGWen, L IN Meijuan,HUANG Limei,SU M ianmian(2-30)

Effectsof Epoxy Resin on Properties of Polyamide 6/EPDM-g-MAH Blends …………………JIANG Yaogui,YANGQi, HUANG Yajiang,SUN Jing,CHENG Xiaolian(2-35)

Study on Properties of Epoxy Resin/Novolac System Modified by Organosiloxane Containing Phospho rus……………………………………………………WANG Zhengfang, L IU Weiqu,HU Chaohui,MA Songqi(2-42)

Preparation and Properties of PA 6/Epoxy-resin-modified Montmo rillonite Nanocomposites ………………ZHOU Xueqin, SHENG Zhongyi,XIE Songgui, SHENTU Baoqing,WENG Zhixue(2-47)

Preparation and Properties of Long-glass-fiber Reinfo rced Polyp ropylene/m-Polya-mide 6 Composites……………………FANG Kun,WU Sizhu,D ING Xuejia,L IMei(2-52)

Properties of Poly(vinyl acetate)/Organophilic Montmorillonite Nanocomposites Prepared by In Situ Emulsion Polymerization ……L IU Ling,ZENG Xingrong,LA IXuejun(2-57)

Mo rphology and Mechanical Properies of PVC/MBSBlends………………………………………CHU M ingli,L IU Zhe, L IHongquan,CHEN M ing,ZHANG Huixuan(3-25)

Study on the M icrostructure and Thermal Propertiesof L-lactide andε-cap rolactone Copolymers…………………………………LU Yue,XIONG Zuochun,ZHANG Shenglan, XIONG Chengdong,CHEN Dongliang(3-29)

Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Polyp ropylene/Polyamide 6 Blends In-situ Compatibilized w ith PAG ………………………L IANG Shujun,YANGWantai(3-34)

Study on Synthesisof a Super-water-absorbent Copolymer of A-crylic Acid and Acrylamide Inco rpo rated w ith A ttapulgite Clay Prepared under M icrowave Radiation………………………LA IShuili,CHEN Feng,HAN Wujun(3-41)

Rheological Behavio r of Acrylonitile-styrene-acrylate Copolymer……………………………WANG Yanfang,CU ILingling, XU Baoliang,TENGMouyong(3-45)

Effect of Selective Distribution and M igration of Ino rganic Nanoparticleson Mo rphology and Properties of Polymer Blends………………YU Jie,HU Shijun,GUO Jianbing, ZHANGM inmin,Q IN Shuhao(3-49)

Study on Flame-retardant Property of Polyurethane Foam Using Cone Calorimeter ……………………YU Baogang(3-55)

Effect of Polyamide 6 on Polyp ropylene/M icroencap sulation Ammonium Polyphosphate…………………………………………………MA Zhiling,TANG Huipeng(3-60)

Study on Indoor and Outdoo r Aging Behavior of PP and PP/EPDM Blends …………………FAN Pengpeng,GAO Liyan, L IU Xiaoling,YANGQi,L IU Yuxin(4-21)

Effect of Structure ofα-MSAN Copolymer on Compatibility of PMMA/α-M SAN Blends ……M ENG Ting,REN Liang, ZHANG Lixin,MA Xiaolin,ZHANGM ingyao(4-27)

Effects of Glass Bead and Carbon Black on Curing Characteristics of EPDM Rubbers ……………………YANG Libao, LU Xiaozhong,LU Qingzhang,SUN Xiaomin(4-30)

Study on PA 6/PS Blends w ith Compatibilized Functionalized Graft Copolymer …………TAN Zhiyong,WANG Dandan, MU Xingwen,CHEN Min,ZHANG Huixuan(4-34)

Effects of Antistatic Agentson Antistatic and Mechanical Properties of Polyp ropylene…………………………………………L IU Wei,WANG Xiangdong,XU Guozhi(4-39)

Study on Synthesis and Propertiesof Maleic Anhydride Modified Lactic Acid Prepolymer……………………………………CHEN Youning,ZHANGJuncai,ZHAO Wei(4-44)

Chain Extension of Polyamide 6 w ith 2,2′-(1,3-phenylene)bis (2-oxazoline) ……………ZHANG Qian,WAN Chaoying, DANG Xiaorong,WU Kemian(4-49)

Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Induced Shape Memory PCL/PU Copolymers …………CHEN Yadong, PENG Zhenbo,ZHANG Huibo,ZHANG Yongchun(4-54)

Influence of Solid-phase Polycondensation on Thermal and Crystallization Properties of Polyester Chips…………………………………CHEN Yun,JIN Jian,YIN Cuiyu(5-20)

Structure and Properties of Metallocene Linear Low-density Polyethylene Resin ……………………………L IPengpeng, L IANG Tianzhen,FAN Jie,YANG Shiyuan(5-23)

Research on the Surface Modification Mechanism of Poly(monochloro-p-xylylene)Films Modified by Sodium-naphthalene Comp lex ……………………GAO Liude,L IU Jian(5-28)

Ring-opening Polymerization of Lactide in the Presenceof Natural Amino Acids………………………L IU Jiyan,L IU Xueqing(5-34)


nfluence of Polymer Constitution on the Relationships Between Interfacial Tension and Molecular Weight ………………………………WU Aimin,SUN Zaijian,JIFaxiang(5-39)

Op timized Preparation of Fiber/Resin Thermop lastics Composites fo r Dental Endodontic Posts…………………………

HU Jiang,HE Huiming,L IU Yuhong,ZHENG Yaping(5-43)

Effects of Temperature and End-capped Additive Maleic Anhydride on the Viscosity-average Molecular Weight of Poly (p ropylene carbonate)……………………………………………………………ZHANG Guangjun,M ENG Hao, CHEN Youye,WANG Yingjie,WANG Hongxia(5-48)

Nonisothermal Crystallization Behavio rs and Crystal Morphology of PP/Nano-TiO2Composites ………………WU Yujiao, HE Hui,M ENG Riliang,L IU Changgui,CA IQijun(5-51)

Effect of Crosslinking of EPDM on“Sandbag”M icrostructure Evolution and Properties of PA 6/EPDM/Nano-CaCO3Ternary Composites ……………………FU Lidan,CHEN Si, WANG Yongjie,M ENG Jifeng,WANG Xu(6-19)

Isothermal Crystallization Behavior of Polyp ropylene/Sepiolite Composites…………………………………………………L IXiaoyan,HU Xiaoping,DA I Yatang,L IShaoxian(6-24)

Preparation and Propertiesof Thermally Conductive and Electro-insulating PP/T-ZnOw/M gO Composites……………………………L IGuangji,TONGQiyong,FENG Hui(6-28)

Synthesis,Structure and Propertiesof Biphenyl Epoxy Resin fo r Integrated Circuit Encapsulation……………………………YANGM ingshan,HE Jie,L ILinkai,XIAO Qiang(6-36)

Effect of Fe Pow der Contentson Friction and Wear Propertiesof Polyformaldehyde/Fe Pow der Composites…………………L IU Li,WANG Long,L IU Xiao,L IShaoxiang(6-40)

Mechanical and Electromagnetic Properties of Poly(phenylene sulfide)/NdxFe94-xB6Composites ………WANG Yongjie,

L I Yan,LU Ai,XU Yi,YU Xuejiang,WANG Xianzhong(6-45)

Preparation of Monomer Casting Polyamide 6-Polyether Block Copolymer/Nano-carbon Black Composites and Their Nonisothermal Crystallization Behavior ……………L IN Xuan, ZHOU Hongjun,YIN Guoqiang,ZENG Yuping(7-19)

Study on the Relationship Between Compositions and Properties of CPVC/ABS/CPE Ternary Blends……………………………………MA Jun,YUAN Maoquan,MU Nanxiang, HU Meihua,WANGJian,WU Dezhen(7-24)

Preparation of Polyaniline/Schiff Base Nano rods Composites and Their Conductive Properties……………………………………………………DUAN Guochen,Q IShuhua, WU Xinming,Q IHaiyuan,ZHANG Yi(7-28)

Study on M icrostructure and Electrical Properties of CER/ TM PTMA w ith Interpenetrating Netwo rks ………………………………DUAN Jingkuan,JIANG Pingkai(7-34)

Preparation and Propertiesof Environmentally-friendly Modified Furfural Epoxy Grouting Materials ……………………………GAO Nan,ZHANG Yafeng,KUANG Jianzheng, CHEN Yufang,XU Yuliang,ZHOU Hua(7-41)

Degradation Mechanism of ABS by Thermal Degradation Kinetics …YANG Youcai,L IRongxun,L IU Guangye(7-47)

Study on Epoxy-terminated Silicone Modified Epoxy Resins……………………………………L IHongjing,L IU Weiqu, W EIZhenjie,WANG Zhengfang,MA Songqi(7-51)

Study on the Conductivity of M ultiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Filled Polycarbonate/Styrene-series Polymer Composites……………SUN Yao,GUO Zhaoxia,YU Jian(8-17)

Preparation and Properties of Phenolic Resin/Montmorillonite Nano-composites ………………WU Jiangtao,Q IShuhua, L IChunhua,MO Junlian,L IMeiling,SHANG Lei(8-23)

Preparation and Flame Retardancy of PC/ABS A lloy Flame Retarded by Polyborosiloxane …………………SONGJian, ZHOU Wenjun,LÜQun,CHEN Ke,CHEN Youcai(8-28)

Study on Emulsion Copolymerization Kinetics of Styrene/3-(trimethoxysilyl)p ropyl Methacrylate………………………………ZHAO Hongchi,WU Xiuting,GAO Shanshan, GAO Lingling,SONG Zhiwei,BA IHaiying(8-32)

Rheology Research of Polymer Crystallization Behavio r………………………………M IN M in,DA I Houyi,LU Ai(8-37)

Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline-La………………………………………………………………WU Tao(8-41)

Flame Retardancy and Influencing Facto rsof Epoxy Resin Flame Retarded by Intumescent Flame Retardant………………………………………MA Zhiling,LU Guangyu(8-45)

Preparation and Properties of Poly(lactic acid)/Montmorillon

ite Nano-composites ……………………SHEN Bin,L IU Liang, L IN Shuixing,YANG Yi,ZHANG Liye(9-17)

Research on Non-isothermal Crystallization Behavior of PA 6/ ABSBlends …………………L IU Chunlin,XIAO Yebin, L IJun,SHEN Hui,HUANG Renjun(9-22)

Study on Synthesisof Poly(butylene succinate-co-diethylene succinate) …………………………………………XIAO Feng, WANG Tingwei,D ING Pei,WANG Jingchun(9-27)

Research on Phospho rus-containing Flame-retardant Epoxy Resin for Solvent-free Winding ………………WANGJianyu, CHEN Lixin,HEWeiqi,KONGJiaoyue(9-31)

Study on Compatibilization Effectof Different Compatibilizerson Polyamide 1010/Polyp ropylene Blends……………………………………YANG Fengxia,WANG Xuejing(9-36)

Research on Mechanical and Crystallization Properties of Ethylene-co-polyp ropylene Resin fo r Casting Film s……………WANG Yingnian,KE Yangchuan,JIN Lixiao(9-41)

Perfo rmance of a New Kind Biodegradable A liphatic Polyester in Poly(butylene succinate)Group …………………GE Lan, SHAO Xiaocong,CHEN Jianwen,WU Jialin(9-46)

Resistivity-temperature Behavior of Acetylene Carbon Black Filled PE-HD/EVA/PE-LD Conductive Foamed Composites……………………………………L IJixin,WANG Liyan, L ISujun,ZHANGM u,WU Quancai(9-49)

Research Progress in Mo rphology of Dispersed Phases in Immiscible Polymer Blends under Flow Field ……………………HE Yusong,HUANG Yajiang,L IGuangxian(10-21)

Study on Flame Retardancy of Halogen-free Retardants Retarded High Impact Polystyrene …………………L IN Chunping, WU Daming,L IU Ying,ZHENG Xiuting(10-28)

Compatibilization Effect of POE-g-MAH and PP-g-MAH on PA 1010/PPBlends under Shearing Fo rce………………L IU Ping,YANG Fengxia,TAO Jianzhong(10-33)

Effect of Cu-loaded Montmorillonite on Flame Retardancy of PVC ………………YANG Ling,WANG Yongyi(10-39)

Effects of M icrocrystalline Cellulose Content on Properties of PE-HD Composites ……………………………L IHonglin, YANG Guisheng,WU Yucheng(10-43)

Study on Propertiesof PE-LLD w ith High Opening Perfo rmance……………………………………W EIFuqing,ZHOU Fubin, XU Huifang,L IPengpeng(10-47)

Study on Styrene and Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polyp ropylene in Water Suspension System ……………ZHU Baodong, WANGJian,DONGQun,SONGJun(10-50)

Preparation of Cellulose Grafted Butyl Methacrylate Oil Absorbing Resins Initiated by Ceric Ion ………Halidan Mamat, Ablimit,Kurbanjian Rouz,A limjian(10-55)

Structure and Propertiesof Glass Fiber Reinforced Isotactic Polyp ropylene Modified byβ-nucleating Agent Under Flow Field ……………………………………ZHANG Zhengchi, CHEN Yanhui,L IZhongming,TANGJianhua(11-20)

Study on Chemical Modification and Plastification of Soy Protein Isolate ………………………………………HU Shiming, CU I Yongyan,YANG Zhenxing,ZHAO Zhenlun(11-26)

Synthesis and Characterization of Hyperbranched Polyurethane………………………………JIN Yanling,REN Penggang, ZHANG Zhengwei,L I Yang(11-31)

Research on Preparation and Properties of Plasticized and Toughened Polyp ropylene ………………ZHOU Zhongyu, PAN Yongkang,TANG Songchao,WANGQinghai(11-35)

Study on Crystallization Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle Chips ……………ZHANGM u,CHEN Yanming, CHEN Hong,SIChunlei,GAO Qisheng(11-39)

Thermal Perfo rmance and Aging Properties of PEB-g-MAN/ SAN Blends Synthesized by Suspension Polymerization……………………………WANG Xia,ZHU Yongping, WANG Lianshi,CA I Tongmin,ZHANG Anqiang(11-43)

Functionalization of Low-density Polyethylene with Maleic Anhydride Through Stress-induced Initiation and Its Effect on the Peeling Strength of Al/PET Composite Film ………ZHANG Ling,ZHANG Yuncan,FU Weining(11-49)

Study on Blendsof PLA/Elastomer ……………………………………HUANGJin,WU Wenqian,XIANG Aimin(11-54)

Effect of Surface Treatment of SiC Nano-particle on Properties of PTFE/Nano SiC Composites………………………………………………GU Hongyan,D INGLanying(11-58)

Preparation and Properties of Polystyrene/Polyp ropylene/Nanointerrelated Kaolinite Composites…………………………

HOU Guixiang,L ISenlin,SANG Xiaoming,MA Xiaolin(12-21) Research on the Toughening Modification of CPVC………………………………………………KEWeixi,WANG Lan, HAN Weiwei,ZHANGMeng,SHEN Chuanxi(12-25)

Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of PLLA/reactable Nano-SiO2Composites ……………………………GUO Yougang, ZHANG Yudong,XU Xiangmin,ZHANG Puyu(12-30)

Study on Properties and Mo rphology of PA 6/POEBlends Compatibized by POE Grafted Itaconic Acid………………………………………L IU Xijun,HOU Baoqing(12-36)

Thermal and Mechanical Properties of PMMA Reinforced by POSS ……………………………………YANGBenhong, L IMeng,HUANG Zhijun,WU Yun(12-42)

Influence of PP-MAH on the Morphology and Propertiesof PP/ Hemp Fiber Composites ……N IU Pengfei,CHEN Jianye, WEIXiaoming,WANG Xiaojun,YANGJie(12-46)

Study on Non-isothermal Crytallization Kinetics of POM and POM/Calcium Carbonate Composites…………………………HU IJiangtao,CHEN Zhengguang,L I Yunyong, ZHOU Weiyan,ZHOU Tao,ZHANG Aimin(12-52)

Study on Mechanical and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of PEG/PCL M ixed Soft Segments Degradable Polyurethane Foams ……………………………………WANG Yanyan, L IANG Shuen,TIAN Chunrong,WANG Jianhua(12-57)

Crystallization Behavio r of Linear Polyp ropylene/Low-density Polyethylene Foaming Blends……L IU Wei,L IU Bengang, WANG Xiangdong,XU Guozhi,ZHANG Yuxia(12-63)

Numerical Simulation fo r Filling Stage of Injection Molded Parts w ith Ribs …………………………………L IU Yongzhi, ZHAO Zhenfeng,MA Lan,SHEN Changyu(1-52)

ANSYS Software Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Steel Skeleton Reinfo rced PE-HD and Its Experimental Verifica-tion ………………………SUN Jianan,CHEN Bingbing, JIN Yangfu,GAO Zengliang,Q IAN Xin(1-56)

Numerical Simulation of Residence Time of Flow in Coat-hanger Dies Inserted w ith Different Co res……………………………………ZHOU Wenyuan,XIONG Chuansheng, M ENG Yaxin,YANGBaohong,WANGJinglu(1-59)

Effect of Processing Technology on Dispersion of Carbon Black in Polyethylene/Acetylene Black Composites……………ZHANGWenlong,LANGDandan,L ING Jun(1-64)

Study on Extrusion Foaming of Polyp ropylene w ith Supercritical CO2as Foaming Agent……………………………………………………………ZHANG Yuxia,L IU Bengang, WANG Xiangdong,L I Ying,XU Guozhi(1-69)

Effect of Antioxidanton the Structure and Propertiesof Polyethylene Photo-degra-dable Films ………………CHEN Jiabo, D ING Yonghong,L I Yunfeng,ZHU Wei(2-61)

Effect of Injection Molding Parameterson Foaming Behavio r and Mechanical Properties of M icrocellular PP/SiO2Nanocomposites ………………………GONGWei,GAO Jiacheng, HE Li,YU Jie,ZHENG Huan,HE Ying(2-66)

Effect of Foaming Parameters on Properties of Highly Foamed PPBoards ……………L IU Hui,CHUA IChengzhi(2-73)

Numerical Simulation of the Extrudate Swell of Polymer Melt Through Rectangular Channels…………………………………………………L I Yong,ZHENGJianrong(2-78)

Study on the Effect of Inorganic Nano-particles on the Anti-migration of Plasticizers in Printed PVC Film s……………YANGBaohong,BA I Yongping,CAO Yingjie(2-83)

Research on Injection Molding Technology of U ltra-thin Flower Po ts ……………………ZHANG Yang,XIN Yong(3-64)

Injection Molding of Two-color Electrical Enclosures…………L IDongmei,XU Yan,JIA Jianbo,WANG Shenbo(3-68)

Preaparation of PVC-g-DMC and Its App lication in PVC…………………………………………GE Yilan,L IQingshan, CU IZhanquan,SUN Zhongxue,GUO Bin(3-72)

Effect of Compounding Ratio of Two Different PVC Paste Resins Synthesized by Separated Process on the Viscosity and Stability of the Resultant PVC Plastisols ………JI Yubi, XU Guomin,ZHANGM inmin,HU Zhi,TAN Hong(3-79)

Development Scenario of Resins,Processing Technologies and M achines fo r Blow Molded Plastics Containers…………………………………L IU Xue,ZHANG Yuxia(3-83)

Op timization Design of Weld Line fo r Automobile Deco ration Parts Based on Numerical Simulation ………SHAN Zhi, M EI Yi,GUO Jianbing,L I Yangjun,Q IN Shuhao(4-58)

Parameter Op timization of High-gloss&Non-weld Line Injection Molding fo r Cases of Automotive Bluetooths Based on CAE ……………………HU Wenwen,XIN Yong(4-61)

Visualization Study on Effect of Melt Temperature on Water Penetration Behavio r During Water-assisted Injection Molding …………………L IU Xuhui,HUANG Hanxiong(4-65)

Finite Element Analysis of Flexural Failure Mode of Concrete Beams Reinfo rced w ith BFRPBars…………………………………L IBinghong,JIANG Shiyong,FEIWei(4-70)

Effect of Injection Molding Process on Environmental Stress Cracking Behavio r of Polycarbonate Parts………………………………………………HAN Jian,HAN Dongxue, L IU Chuntai,CHEN Jingbo,SHEN Changyu(4-76)

Study on Fresh-keeping Poly(vinyl alcohol)Composite Film s fo r Fruits …………………………………………L IYangbo, WU Wenqian,L IU Zhewei,XIANG Aimin(4-80)

Properties of Color Masterbatch Containing High Melt Flow Rate PE-LLD in Different Contentsof Pigment ……………………………………………Q IAO Bo,Q IAO Hui, CHENG Xiaojing,WU Lifeng,D ING Yun(5-59)

Rheological Behavior of PE-LLD/SEBS-g-MAH/POE-g-MAH Blends ……………………………………LUO Yongchun, ZHONG Hao,XIONG Xu,GONG Fanghong(5-63)

Predicting Model for Bubble Morphology of PP/CaCO3Foaming Composites ………WANG Xishun,HUANG Song(5-68)

Structure Modification of Injection Molded Plastics Parts w ith Uneven Thickness Based on CAE ……DONGJinhu(5-74)

App lication of Moldflow Software in Warpage Op timization of Injection Molded Parts …………………ZHAO Longzhi, CHEN Binghui,YANGM in,ZHANG Shangbing(5-78)

Balancing Design and Analysis of Runners of Plastics Injection Molds Based on Moldflow ……………ZHOU Dalu(6-50)

Effect of Thermal Aging on Fire Performance of YJV Cable Jacket Insulation Compound ………SHU Zhongjun(6-55)

Research on A tmospheric Test and Chemical Resistance Test of Headlamp′s Lens ………………………WANG Tiecheng, Q IAN Guogang,HUANG Xin,FANG Xu, ZHAO Bin,ZHU Ying,JIANG Yu(6-58)

Test Research on Tribological Properties and Bonding Strength of Metal Matrix Composites ……WANG Chengjun(6-62)

Preparation and Mechanical Propertiesof PPBased WPC………………………………GONGJingyu,CHEN Yuanfang, HAN Chao,YE Yang(6-67)

Study on Optimal Design of Gas Channel in Gas-assisted Injection Molding …………………………………FU Qingxing, CHENG Xiaofeng,L I Yi,L IANGJicai(7-55)

Effect of MAPE Contentson Impact Strength of WPC Based on PE ………………………………………ZHANGQingfeng, LÜQun,CA IPeixin,LA IGuoqiao(7-60)

Effect of Processing Parameterson Wall Thickness of Water-assisted Injection Molded Curved Tubes………………………………………L IU Xuhui,HUANG Hanxiong(7-64)

Analysis of Injection Molded Automobile Bumpers Based on Moldflow ………L I Yongquan,L IFeng,SUN Jin(7-69)

Study on Smoke Release Rate of Cables during Burning…………………………………YANG Shousheng,HE Yi(7-74)

Research on the Formula System of Injection Molded Foamed PP/Wood-flour Composites…………………………………………………………ZHANGJun,HE Jimin(8-49)

Crystallization Properties of Injection Molded PE-HD Thin-wall Parts ………………………………………JIANGBingyan, HOU Wentan,Q IU Qingjun,JIANG Fengze(8-55)

Effect of Nucleating Masterbatch and Screw Combination on the Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced PET Composites…FU M inglian,ZHENGBingyun,CHEN Zhangxu(8-60)

M ulti-objective Optimization of Injection Molding Processing Parameters Based on Neural Netwo rks Ensem ble……………HU Zehao,WEIWei,L IU Juan,L IU Kun(8-64)

Effect of Take-up Speed While Extruding on the Properties of PE/Stannum Conductive Composites ……………………………HEQuanguo,L IANGQuancai,HU Lan(8-72)

A New Extrusion Process fo r Composite Reinfo rced Cannulas……………………WANGM ing,ZHANGDonghui(9-53)

Numerical Simulation of the Cell Nucleation of WPC/Supercritical Fluid Composites …………ZHANGJingjing(11-80)

Study on End Sealing Technologies of Steel-plastics Composite Pipes…………………………………………………………JIA M ingyin,XUE Ping,L IAijun,D ING Yun(12-72)

Solution of Cracking Problem on Injection Molded Chair Parts……………WANG Xin,DU Linfang,L IHaimei(12-77)

Study on Rheological Behavior of Non-halogen Flame-retarded PC/ABSA lloy ………………………………………………………WU Ruo,DUAN Huili,L IU Chunlin(12-80)

Studies on Radiation-crosslinked Halogen-free Flame-retardant Cable Jacketing Compound Used fo r Naval Vessels……………………GUO Zhentao,L IShufeng,JIAO Yang, HOU Xinpeng,L I Tiejun,ZHANG Long(9-56)

App lication of Homogeneous Design in the Investigation of POE/POE-g-MAH Toughened PA 6………………………………CHEN Kun,ZHENG Tihe,CAO Zhe(9-61)

Development and App lication of a Novel Special Material fo r

Plastics Inspection Chambers……………………………………GUO Lin,L I Yan,HU Junqiang,YANGJianhua(9-64)

Gate Location Op timization Based on Stress Value of Weld Lines SHAN Zhi,ZHU Jianhua,L IU Yong,ZHU Zuyuan(9-68)

Effect of High Shearing Stress on Mechanical Properties of ABS/NBR Blends……………………………………………L IHuaidong,ZHANG Yuncan,Q IAN Hui(10-62)

Study on Rheological Behavior of PP/POE/T-ZnOw Composites………WANG Lei,HU Guosheng,WANGBiaobing(10-66)

Study on Deformable Pre-compensation of Injection Molded Plastics Parts Based on Robust Op timization…………………

HUANG Fengli,L IU Guowen,GU Jinmei,XU Jinhong(10-71)

Study on Processing Technology of PVC-U Ribbed Pipes and Facto rs Influencing Their Quality……………………………………………WO Qizhong,CHEN Yiming(10-76)

Computer Simulation of Bubble-grow th Process in PS/CO2Foaming System ………………………………HE Zhaohui, XIN Chunling,L IQingchun,HE Yadong(11-62)

Influence of a Compatibilizer and Processing Conditionson Mo rphology and Mecha-nical Properties of PA 1010/PPBlends………………ZHANG Jiamin,L IAN Zhaoxun(11-68)

Study on Extensional Rheological Behavio r of Polyethylene U-sing Melt Spinning Techniques………………………………………………ZHONG Lei,L IANGJizhao(11-72)

Effect of Processing Temperature on Gelation Degree and Mechanical Properties of CPVC ……………WANG Yanfang, TENGMouyong,XU Baoliang(11-76)

Preparation of PTFE/YSZ Composite M icroporous Membrane by PTFE Resin Emulsion and Investigation on Porosity …………………………………DU Jinli,DENG Xinhua, SUN Yuan,LUO Yanhui,PANG Xiangchuan(12-84)

Research on Preparation and Properties of Water Blow n Antistatic Semi-rigid Polyurethane Foams ……L IANG Shuen, TIAN Chunrong,WANGJianhua,WEIChunrong(12-89)

Properties of Intumescent-flame-retardant Retarded PP/SBS/ POEBlends …………WANG Yanxiang,ZHANG Liqun, L IHongxia,L IANGWenli,TIAN M ing(1-74)

Properties of Spirophosphate Cyanuric Acid Flame Retarded Polyp ropylene …………………JIANGDawei,SUN Caiying, XIANG Haiwang,DONG Chunmei,HU Shulin(1-81)

Preparation of Zinc A luminate Encapsulated Magnesium Hydroxide and Its Smoke Supp ression Property in Plasticized Poly(vinyl chloride)……………………………………………………DONG Liangliang,JIANG Hongwei(2-87)

Influence of Novel P-Br Flame Retardant on Flame Retardancy and Mechanical Propertiesof Epoxy Resin…………………………LU Lingang,ZHOU Xia,ZHAO M in(2-92)

Effect of Spherical Silica Particle Size and Their Matches on Flowability of Epoxy Molding Compound fo r IC Packaging…………………………YANGM ingshan,L IU Yang, L ILinkai,L IDongxue(3-92)

Study on Dispersity of Modified TiO2Particles in PVC…………LUO Meifang,WANG Huanbing,L IChunzhong(3-96)

Study on Combustion Propertiesand Flame-retarding Mechanism of Brominated Epoxy Resin and Antimony Trioxide Synergistically Flame-retarded PET………………………………XU Xiaonan,YANG Haichao,WANG Fang(4-86)

Study on U ltrafine Iron Pow der Modified Polyoxymethylene…L IU Li,SUN Lishui,L IShaoxiang,L IU Guangye(4-91)

Research on Polyp ropylene Composites Flame-retarded and Reinforced by APP/MCA ………Q IAN Lijun,HAN Xinlei, YE Zhiyin,YE Longjian,XU Guozhi(5-81)

Influence of Calcium Carbonate on Viscosity and Stability of PVC Plastisols …………XU Guomin,ZHANGM inmin, JI Yubi,LUO Heng,TAN Hong(5-85)

Preparation and Characterization of M icroencapsulated Red Phospho rus with Phenol-formaldehyde Resin as Shell Material ……………………CHANG Huaichun,LÜTongjian, XU Qiuju,SUN Qingfeng,HAN Guangxi(6-72)

Synthesis of Zinc Hydroxystannate and Its Effect on Flame Retardancy and Smoke Supp ression of PVC Cable Materials………………………………………YANG Ling(6-76)

Effect of Suberic Acid/Calcium Stearate Bi-component Nucleating Agent onβCrystal in Isotactic Polyp ropylene……………………………XUE Jianfeng,DOU Qiang(7-78)

Friction and Wear Propertiesof Nano-SiO2and Glass Fiber Reinfo rced Polyamide 6 Composites…………………………………ZHANGJing,YANG Hemei,GU Hongyan(7-83)

Study on Synergistic Retarding Effect of Intumescent Flame Retardant and O rganic Montmorillonite on Polyp ropylene ………………………L I Ying,WANG Xiangdong(7-87)

Research on the Effect of Synergistic Flame Retardants on the Flame Retardancy of PE-HD/Ca(OH)2Composites……………………………CHEN Yilan,XIAO Liangjian, CHEN Rongguo,XIAO Liren,CHEN Qinghua(8-75)

Oxidation Resistance of a Star Type Hindered Phenolic Antioxidant …L ICuiqin,WANGJun,ZHANG Huiping(8-81)

Effectsof Phospho rus Flame Retardants on Properties of PPO/ PS-H IA lloy ……………………ZHANGWei,L IGang, L IQingchun,DA IWuguo,YUAN Wen(9-72)

Effect of Flame Retardants on HCN from the Thermal Decomposition of Soft PU Foam…………………………………………………YANG Shousheng,LU LinGang(9-77)

Effect of Current Antioxidantson Thermal Oxidation Stability of PMMA …WEIChangji,CAO Chunlei,ZHANG Zijian, YANG Haidong,ZHANG Huixuan(10-81)

Preparation and Propertiesof Silicone Modified Epoxy Resin……………………………………L IMeili,YANG Xiang, JING Luru,L IQian,ZHANG Yuanping(10-85)

nvestigatation on Thermal Degradation of Hexakis(phenoxy) Cyclotriphosphazene Flame Retarded Epoxy Resin………………………………………WANG Rui,XIE Jixing, JIAO Yunhong,XU Jianzhong(11-84)

App lication of Polymeric Flame-retardant BPS in PS-H I……………………………………CHEN Liang,WANG Haojie, ZHANG Can,L IU Jichun(12-94)

Effect of Crystallization Behavior and Transparency of Rosin Nucleated PPw ith Dispersant Agent…………………………………………………TIAN yaozhu,WANG song, Q IN Jun,LUO Zhu,YU Jie(12-98)

Study on Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Molecular Structure of Repetitious Injection Molded H IPS……………………ZHANG Yubing,GAO Zhaoming, XU Qingqiang,XU Bing(1-85)

Experimental Research on the Separation Method of Waste Plastics Film s …………ZHANGQunan,SH IZhenghai(2-96)

Preparation and Properties of Polystyrene Film fo r Fertilizers′Encapsulation………………………………………………SONG Xuejun,ZHANG Xudong,SH IYuanliang(6-82)

Research on Heating Temperature and Holding Time of Waste Plastics/Phosphogypsum Compound Formwo rk……………………………………L IU Tong,CHEN Qianling, SONGQiang,L IHejun,GONGWeiguang(8-86)

Mechanical Propertiesof Recycled Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/ Glass Fiber Composites …………LU Ping,WU Defeng, Q IU M ingmin,ZHANG M ing,WANG Jianghong(9-84)

Effect of Waste Polyester Fabric on Crystallization-melting Behavio r and Morphology of Recycled Polyp ropylene Modified byβNucleating Agent……………………………………………………SHEN Juncai,L IBocheng,L IN Zhidan, ZHANG Xiuju,L IZhengjun,L IU Nengsheng(10-89)

Study on PVC Filled w ith Waste Epoxy Molding Compound……………XU Wenjiao,LU Shuyu,LUO Lijuan(11-89)

Study on Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution of PE-UHMW ……………………………WANG Xinwei, SHEN Xianting,GUO Ning,ZHANGWei, ZHANG Yumei,WU Xiangyang,XU Jingan(1-94)

Study of Flame-retarding Mechanism of EVA Treated w ith Intumescent Flame Retardant by TG-MS ……XU Jianzhong, SH IJia,XIE Jixing,JIAO Yunhong,SUN Yun(3-101)

Research and Test of Elastic Modulus of Magnetorheological Rubber…………………………………………………………CHEN Xianzhong,XIAO Jing,YOU Shihui(4-96)

Determination of Contents of Starch in Starch-based Plastics by Thermogravimetry …L INGWei,WENG Yunxuan(5-89)

Development of U ltrasonic Detection Database of Polyethylene Pipe Joints …………………WANG Fei,L IGuangzhong, SHAO Hanzeng,SH IJianfeng,ZHENGJinyang(6-86)

Study on M igration Behavior of Nonvolatile U ltraviolet Absorbing Extractables from M icrowave Suscep tors Used in M icrowave Popcorn Bags ……………………………YINGLu, WANGQuanlin,DA IShuangyan,L IU Zhihong(7-92)

Analysis of Standards of Plastics Piping System s fo r Ho t and Cold Water Installations and the Basic Calculation………………………………………………XIE Jianling(8-91)

Research Status of Safety of M icrowave Food-use Plastic Packaging Materials at Home and Aboard…………………………………………………SONG Cui,CHEN Shuxiang, GAO Cuiling,WANGWeishan,XU Chao(12-102)

Research and Development of Rapid Design System fo r Injection Moulds Based on Standard Moldbases and Modular……WANGJiangtao,SHEN M ingqian,SHEN Jie(1-99)

Inverse Numerical Simulation of T-shape Dies for the Extrusion of Plastics Profile ………………XU Lei,L IU Hesheng, HUANG Xingyuan,HUANG Yibin(1-103)

Design of Injection Mould fo r Two-color Cups w ith Handles KUANG Tangqing,ZHOU Huilan,PENG Chenchen(2-100)

Analysis and Simulation of Electro-hydraulic System s of U ltra High Speed Injection Molding Machines……………………………………………………………CA I Kangxiong, WEN Shengping,WEN Zhanfei,JIN Hui(2-103)

Numerical Study on Distributive M ixing Perfo rmance of M ixing Section of Pin Single-screw Extruders…………………………L IXiaocui,PENGJiong,CHEN Jinnan(2-109)


esign of Four-p late Injection Molds of Spur-helical Gears ………ZHOU Huilan,ZHOU Xinjian,L IU M ingcai(3-105)

Study on Stretching Effect in M ixing Section of Two-rotor Continuous M ixers ………………………………………………………ZHANG Xia,XIE Linsheng,MA Yulu(3-108)

Design of Injection Molds for Cars′Interiors Based on UG Software………………………………………………………………L I Yanjuan,WANG Fang,L IU Xiaodong(3-114)

Study on Mold Separations of Injection Molding Machines w ith Different Clamping Units ………………ZHANG Panpan, XIE Pengcheng,HUA Dai,YANGWeimin(4-100)

Design of Injection Mold fo r Back Covers of CRTDisp lays Based on CAE…………………………………………………………KUANG Tangqing,L IQiuping,L IU Yan(4-104)

Op timization Design of Gate Location for Multi-cavity Molds by CAD/CAE …………………………L IU Guoliang(4-109)

Effect of Packing Controlled by Cavity Temperature on the Unifo rmity of Parts′Mass …………………………WU Ting, AN Ying,XIE Pengcheng,TAN Jing,YANGWeimin(5-94)

Ejection System Design of Two-shot Inverse Moulds of Mobile Phones′Cases ……ZHOU Yongquan,JIANGJiaji(5-97)

Performance Evaluation of Injection Molding Screw s Based on Melt Temperature Homogeneity …………ZHOU Yawen, HE Yadong,XIN Chunling,YAN Baorui,L IQingchun(6-91)

Design of the Injection Mold fo r Wall Speaker Covers Based on Moldflow Technologies …………KUANG Tangqing(6-97)

Study on M ixing Perfo rmance of Wave Tw in-Screw Elements WU Xuewei,MA Xiuqing,L I Yanhui,TIAN Jun(7-98)

Boundary Element Analysis of Cooling Process in Injection Molds w ith Embedded Inserts ……………ZHANGM ingfei, SH IXianzhang,ZHAO Zhenfeng,L IU Chuntai(7-102)

App lication of CAE Technology in Design of Injection Molds for Electric Water Heater Covers…KUANG Tangqing(7-106)

Influence of Staggering Angle and Thicknessof Kneading Blocks in an Intermeshing Co-rotating Tw in-screw Extruder on the Degradation of Polyp ropylene………………………………TIAN Jun,MA Xiuqing,WU Xuewei,L I Yanhui(8-99)

Design of Injection Molding Moulds for Tread Flanges Based on Pro/E………………………………………………………ZHOU Huilan,KUANG Tangqing,WAN Jinjin(9-90)

Influence of Kneading Blockson the M ixing Effectof PE-HD/PS Immiscible Blend in an Intermeshing Counter-rotating Tw in Screw Extruder………………………………………………L I Yanhui,MA Xiuqing,WU Xuewei,TIAN Jun(9-94)

Design Method of Die Runners fo r W PC Profiles Based on Numerical Simulation and O rthogonal Test…………………………………………………ZHAO Feng,XUE Ping, M IAO Lirong,L IU Tiantao,FANG Xiaozhong(10-94)

Flow ing Balance Op timization of Double-color Injection Mould w ith Hot Runners Based on Moldflow ……………………………XU Yan,JIA Jianbo,WANG Shenbo(10-100)

Study on Double-flight D riving Theo retic Model fo r Helically Grooved Feed Single-screw Extruder ………PAN Long,

JIA M ingyin,XUE Ping,JIN Zhiming,TANG Guangli(11-94)

Effects of Parameters of Metering Zone on Pressure-developing Capability of Injection Screw s……………………………………………L IU Ying,XIN Chunling,L IQingchun, YAN Baorui,ZHOU Yawen,HE Yadong(12-107)

Interview w ith M s L IANG Yaqi,Project Executive of Adsale Exhibition Services Limited…………………………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(1-111)

Interview w ith Sichuan Lomon Corporation…………………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(2-113)

Interview w ith M r HEShunlun,President of Hefei Huitong New Materials Co,L td……………………………………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(4-113)

Interview w ith Beijing Tiangang Additive Co,Ltd…………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(4-117)

Interview w ith M r CHEN Fuheng,Business General Manager of Greater China,Titanium Technologies Division of DuPont………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(5-101)

nterview w ith M r Wang Yunhong,Sales Director of Ticona Great China ……Edito rial Office of China Plastics(6-103)

Interview w ith M r Jan Kreibaum,Vice President fo r Plastic Additives,Asia Pacific Perfo rmance Chemicals Division,BASF……………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(7-111)

Interview w ith M r L I Hui,Marketing Manager of Asia Pacific fo r Polytrend?of Coatings&A dditives,Evonik Degussa (China)Co,L td……………………………………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(8-105)

nterview w ith M r HUANGChen,Sales Manager-Greater China, Performance Polymers,DuPont China Holding Co.,L td.……………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(9-99)

Interview w ith M r YANGWeimin,a Leading Acadenic Scholar, Laborato ry of Advanced Polymer Processing,Beijing University of Chemical Technology…………………………………………Editorial Office of China Plastics(11-101)

Interview w ith M r WAN Songzhou,General M anager of Guangdong Designer Machinery Co,L td………………………………………Edito rial Office of China Plastics(12-113)

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