
2009-07-09 08:01
黑龙江教育·中学 2009年10期

马 馨


如著名的Martin Luther King,JL的“I HAVE A DREAM”全篇演讲一共11分50秒,由于时间的原因可以节选其中最经典的部分:

“l have a dream that one day this nation will rise up'live upto the true meaning of its creed:‘We hold these truths to beself-evident;that au men are created equal.

I have a dream that one day onthe red hills 0f Georgia thesons of former slves and the sons of former slave-ownem will beable to sit down together at the table of brotherood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi.astate sweltering with the heat of injustice,sweltering with the heatof oppression.

will be transformed into an oasis of freedom andjustice.

I have a dream that myfour children will one daylivein anation where they will not be judged by the color if their skin butby the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its gover-nor having his lips dripping with the words 0f interposition and nullification,one day right down in Alabama litde black boys and black grls will be able t0 join hands with little white boys and white grls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted.ev-cry hill and mountain shall be made low,the rough places will be made plain,and the crooked places will be made straight.and tIleglory ofthe Lord shall be revealed.and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope.This is the faith that I go back to the Southwith.With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain 0fdespair a stone of hope.With this farth we will be able to transformthe jangling discords 0f our nation into a beautiful symphony 0fbrotherhood.With this faith we will be able to work together,topray together,to struggle together,to go to jail together,to stand upfor freedom together.knowing that we will be free one day.'



根据课程标准要求和对课文的辅助考虑,让学生自拟题目进行课上5分钟演讲。如第二册(供高中一年级上学期使用)的第一课Our Body and Healthy Habit中,在INTRODUC-TION部分中,有四部分,教师可以把其中内容留给学生做课前预习作业;要求自拟题目,写成100~150字左右的一篇演讲,尽量用自己的语言和经历把对身体健康有利或不利的因素说出来,也可以结合课前的INTRODUCTION提供的in-formation。在上英语课时用五分钟时间让学生做关于健康、身体的演讲。


My HeMthy Habits

My name is Xiao Hao,I have very strong body.There are many reasons.Firsdy,I eat very healthy,and fresh fruit and veg-etablas are a very important part of our diet.Secondly,My familylive near the river and we have fish about four times a week.mymother let me not eat much far or sugar.So I dont have a sweettooth.At the same time.I take a lot of exercise and am every fit.Im crazy about running.Im a member of the sch001.

So as you Can see from whatIve said.Im anormal kindofperson,but Im stronger than other normal persons.In a11.ev-cry body should havehealthyhabits.

演讲稿一共124字,结合自己谈了一些观点,同时可以看到一部分结合课前INTRODUCTION提供的information。包括文章的结构和一些词汇。课程标准中一册书一共6课。分为6个主题,当教师开始讲一篇新课时,留作业让学生围绕每课主题编写自己的演讲稿。一个学期过后,学生在不知不觉中对新课进行了预习,同时在编写过程中遇到很多生词,拓展了词汇量;学生写作能力的提高,在编写演讲稿时他们注意到了,文章要分层次,思路要有逻辑,对许多关联词的运用,如:aI this time;first;second;aI last;next;previously;last but not least;to begin with;te star with;to end with;finally:sincethen;first of all;afterwards;fonowing this;preceding this;as wellas;either…,or…;both…and…;for example;for instance;in this case等,最有显著成效的是阅读和口语的提高。小盛同学是我班英语口语中等偏下的学生,平时朗读课文的速度也较慢。针对这一情况,我采取具体问题具体分析的方法,要求:1.每天大声朗读或大声讲至少5分钟。起初没有让他马上在同学面前演讲,而是请他在课堂上把演讲稿朗读出来。由一开始的卡壳,到渐渐的流畅平顺起来。2.每天练习“三分钟演讲”一次或“三分钟默讲”一次。3.胜意讲话时的一些技巧。A.讲话前,深吸一口气,平心静气,面带微笑,眼神交流一遍后,开始讲话。B.勇敢地讲出第一句话,声音大一点,速度慢一点,说短句,语句中间不打岔。c.当发现紧张卡壳时,停下来有意识地深吸口气,然后随着吐气讲出来。D.如果表现不好,自我安慰:“刚才怎么又紧张了?没关系,继续平稳地讲”;同时,用感觉和行动上的自信战胜恐惧。E.紧张时,可以放松练习,深呼吸,或尽力握紧拳头,又迅速放松,连续lO次。最终,在讲第五课“Newspapers and Magazines”时,他鼓起勇气自己以“My favorite Newspapers and Magazines”为题。进行了一次精彩的演讲。经过循序渐进的训练,学生整体上都有了进步。

