让学生掌握9个化学术语:acidic basic neutral strong acid-weak base salt weak acid-strong base salt fire extinguisher chlorine alcohol solid-state.
2 教学方法
先与学生讨论长大后的理想,引出大家都想为社会做出贡献的思想。那现在作为一名学生,我们也可以用我们所学来解决一些生活实际问题,进而引出本节课的主题:chemistry knowledge in daily life。接着通过化学知识在生活中的三个常见应用事例(泡沫灭火器的制取原理、洗洁剂混用的危害、固体酒精的制法),由学生表演、实验、分析、讨论得出学习知识的重要性,最后教师作小结,希望学生们能学有所成,实现自己的梦想,与开头呼应。
3 教学过程
[第一部分 导入]
Teacher: What's your dream? What kind of jobs would you like to do in the future?
Student1: I want to be a journalist.
Student2: I want to be an engineer.
Stndent3: I want to be a teacher, too.
Teacher: Good,in a word , we all want to make great contributions to our society. As a student, we can also use what we've learnt to solve some problems. Today, Let's enjoy three projects. Please try your best to find out the reasons for the three phenomena. OK, let's begin.
[第二部分 表演、实验、讨论、分析]
[Project 1]
[旁白]: I have two friends, one is aluminum sulfate ,the other is sodium bicarbonate.
Student 1: Hello, everyone, I am aluminum sulfate, please read after me ,can you say something about my properties?
Student 2: Hello, everyone, I am sodium bicarbonate, please read after me ,can you say something about my properties?
Teacher: I will give you some words and expressions to help you.
strong acid-weak base salt
weak acid-strong base salt
[旁白]: One day , when they met together, what will it happen?
Student 1 and Student 2:表演反应的情景。(学生1和学生2打斗过后,彼此互换了衣服,学生1的帽子飞起来了,学生2躺倒在地。打斗:表示在剧烈地反应;互换了衣服:表示反应后有新物质生成;帽子飞起:表示生成了气体;倒在地上:表示生成了沉淀)。
Teacher: Who can write down the reaction equation on the blackboard?
Teacher: You see, we can put out fire easily in this way. According to this theory, we can make out “fire extinguisher”.
[教师展示实物并提问]:There are two buckets in fire extinguisher, the inside one is made of plastic, the outside one is made of iron. How to put aluminum sulfate and sodium bicarbonate? When we use it, what should we pay attention to?
Students:We should put aluminum sulfate into the bucket which made of plastic and put sodium bicarbonate into the bucket which made of iron. When we use it, we should turn it upside down.
[Project 2]
[旁白]:Mary is a very busy woman , she works in the office from day to night. Sometimes she even works on holidays. So there is little time for her to do some cleaning. Today is a special day ,she needn't go to work. She wants to clean the house. First , she chooses to clean the closestool.
Teacher: Do you find out anything wrong? What does it happen? Why does Mary faint?
Teacher: Mary takes in a large amount of chlorine , so she faints. From now on , please tell your mother not to put substance cleaning the toilet and substance cleaning the bowl together. It is dangerous.
[Project 3]
[猜谜] It's a puzzle. I will give you three pieces of information. Try your best to guess what it is as quickly as you can.
It can be found everywhere, such as in the hospital ,in the restaurant and so on.
It exits in a liquid form. It can be lit.
If you drink too much especially before driving , you will be faind by the policeman.
What is it? Who can write down this word on the blackboard?
Student 1: alcohol.
Teacher: We know, in normal temperature, alcohol is a liquid, but sometimeswe can see some solid-state alcohol. What is it? How to make it?
Students: increase the pressure、low the temperature.
[第三部分 小结]
Teacher: In the three experiments ,we all mix two different substances together. Some do good to us, some do not. Whether it is useful or not depends on the way we use. So I hope you can make good use of your knowledge and make great contributions to our society. I'm sure you all can make your dreams come true!