1. Go to school! 上学啦!
2. But I am really afraid of going to school!可我就是好怕上学呀!
3. MaiDou said: “I do not care, because I always become fat anywhere.” 我麦兜无所谓,反正在哪里都会长肉的。
4. The alarm clock did not ring again and made me late for school. It will be really good enough,that next time my father can pick up a alarm clock which can ring on time.闹钟又没有响,害我迟到,老爸下次要是能捡个会响的闹钟就好了。
5. Be Punished, but I am happy, because my good friend is with me. 被罚站了,但我好高兴啊,因为有好朋友陪我。
6. Physics is the most difficult lesson. 最难的是物理课。
7. Some students are like this. 有的同学学成了这样。
8. Of course, there are a lot of tests.当然还有很多考试。
9. Sometimes we are really very tired.有时候真的很累。
10. And helpless.很无奈。
11. I still insist on study.我仍坚持着!
12. Finally, We have graduated successfully. 最后,我们顺利毕业了。