
2008-09-28 07:40李志晓刘耀宏
中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年7期

李志晓 刘耀宏


1.NMET 2008全国卷ll


It should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs,because by doing so youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily.


It also helps to watch TV and read books,newspapers and magazines in Chinese

whenever possible.


First ...then ...;besides ...;a Chinese course;your fellow students

2.NMET 2008全国卷I


Id like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work,because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.


Could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday?


Now;By the way;a panda lover;gave birth to;in advance

3.NMET 2008江苏卷


Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding,and improve interpersonal relationship.

Show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile;be open-minded to different opinions even though you dont like them.


What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children,so they will understand them better,and find it easy to narrow the generation gap.


So;and;thus;In a word;interpersonal relationship;narrow the generation gap;meet their needs;a supportive silence;a knowing smile.

4.NMET 2008 辽宁卷


We should develop a good attitude to life.

Knowledge is power.


In order to study well,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.

Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times.


Firstly,secondly;develop a good attitude;consists of;for this goal;enjoy life

5.NMET 2008 四川卷


I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.


I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood.


For me;For example;wisely;disposable;use both sides of paper

6.NMET 2008陕西卷


So I think “Friday New Hour” can broaden our mind and enrich our school life.

I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.


Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad,let alone what we can do for our country.

And we should make a choice about what well read.


But;So;Whats more;As for;broaden our mind;enrich our school life;benefit from

7.NMET 2008湖北卷


I was so desperate on hearing that.

It was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.


...but was told that the model had been sold out.

I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.


Later;Then;but;Therefore;desperate;consideration;spare parts

8.NMET 2008福建卷


The aim of this activity impressed me greatly.

Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation.


I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together.

I can improve my English,make more friends,and enrich my life.


Therefore;For one thing,...for another thing;impressed;instructive;outgoing;enrich;recommend.

9.NMET 2008北京卷


While we are confident in ourselves,we should recognize strengths in others and show our respect for them.

We were shocked to see litter here and there.

We came up with several choices such as going boating,climbing a mountain,and going to an amusement park.


I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better.

While climbing the mountain,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.


Finally;However;Then;Afterwards;At the same time;So in my opinion;litter;respectively;hard-working;confident;strengths;show our respect for them

10.NMET 2008安徽卷


I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment.

More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them.


Im glad that youve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection.

These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish.


Besides;directed;concern;an even cleaner place

11.NMET 2008湖南卷


I cannot help being moved by its author.

I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life.

For a disabled person like her,this was really a wonder.


Her story tells us that we should value what we have and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.

Since then she has lived in a world of darkness and silence,and communication has seemed only a dream for her.


But;optimistic;Under the guidance of;wonder;overcome

12.NMET 2008 浙江卷


They may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.

I prefer to work in a team,which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them.


People can decide for themselves when to start and how to do it.

People may also choose to work in a team,which offers me a chance to learn from each other and help each other.


In this way;whats more;besides;personally;basically;on their own;efficiently.

13.NMET 2008山东卷


The following tips may be a help to you.

I will surf the Internet for some information about how to deal with relationships.


What I want to say is that you are likely to be a stranger to them.

With time going by,you can become good friends.


As a matter of fact;Believe it or not;Firstly ...secondly ...finally;Anyway;Newcomer;smooth;unnesessary

14.NMET 2008重庆卷


What you should focus the topics of your compositions on is chiefly about the students daily life.

Once you are determined to be a member of us,you can participate in this activity at any time.


It is many top teachers who will offer practical guidance to you.


Whats more;However;practical guidance;awarded;participate

15.NMET 2008江西卷


An English composition contest is planned to be held in our school and it is just around the corner.

My teacher makes some practical suggestions and I adopt them.


One of the problems that I am in face of is how to make good use of some excellent sentences.


As a result;And;around the corner;adopt;advanced;consulting;grammatical structures;quote;adequately

16.NMET 2008 天津卷


She was grateful to me for my kind offer.

No one on the train offered his seat to the old woman willingly.


I could imagine when my father saw the wonderful presents,how cheerful he was.

No matter who we are,we should have a common sense that we must show respect for the old.


At that time;nevertheless;While after one minute;Undoubtedly;drawing near;joyfully;was grateful to;a common sense ★
