1. Once there was a king who felt humdrum in the Imperial Palace. One day,thd King took his officials to a village outside the city. He wanted to play there. 从前,有个国王在皇宫里感到很无聊。有一天,他带着大臣来到城外的一个村子,想在那儿玩玩。
2. As soon as he came into the village,he saw a donkey pulling millstones,a small bell hung around its neck. The bell rang as the donkey went. 刚进村,国王就看到一头毛驴在拉磨。毛驴的脖子上挂着一个铃铛,那铃铛随着毛驴的行走发出叮叮当当的响声。
3. The King was curious. Then he came up and asked the owner of the donkey,“Why do you hang a bell around the donkeys neck?” 国王很好奇,就上前问驴子的主人:“你为什么要在毛驴的脖子上挂个铃铛呢?”
4. The owner of the donkey said,“If Im not here,I can know whether the donkey is working or not by listening to the sound of the bell. If I cant hear the sound,I know the donkey is lazy.” 驴子的主人说:“如果我不在跟前时,可以凭我的听觉来判断毛驴是否在干活。如果听不到铃声,就知道毛驴是在偷懒。”
5. At this moment an official who thought himself clever shook the bell,and said,“If the donkey stands,but only moves his head and doesnt work,how do you know that?” 这时,一个自作聪明的大臣晃着毛驴脖子上的铃铛说:“如果毛驴在那儿站着不走,光摇头不拉磨,你能知道吗?”
6. The farmer laughed,“Please tell me,where can I find a clever donkey like you?” The official felt too ashamed to show his face. 农夫哈哈大笑:“请问,哪儿有像你这样聪明的驴子啊?”大臣羞得无地自容。