欧洲企业社会责任协会(CSR EUROPE)
联系人(Contact Us):
Nathalie Suvee 电话(Tel):+32 2 541 16 10 nathalie.suvee@csreurope.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
GreenBiz报道,可口可乐公司计划于2010年在全球配置10万无氟冰箱和自动贩卖机。根据Cox通讯社报道,可口可乐首席执行官Neville Isdell在5月绿色和平组织在北京举办的一场研讨会上宣布了这一计划。
Business Case for Diversity Workshop on diversity and innovation and a voluntary diversity initiative for Europe
CSR Europe, Focus Consultancy Ltd, the European Institute for Managing Diversity (EIMD) invite CSR Europe members to participate in the ?008 Business Case for Diversity Workshop on Diversity and Innovation and A Voluntary Diversity Initiative for Europe?on 26 June in Brussels.
TNT builds up green fleet with over 100 new electric and hybrid trucks
TNT is doubling its effort to cut carbon emissions of its road fleet with the introduction of over 100 electric trucks in the UK, China, and Australia.
IBM World Community Grid “supercomputer” to tackle rice crisis
As concerns of a global hunger crises mount, IBM and researchers at the University of Washington have launched a new program to develop stronger strains of rice that could produce crops with larger and more nutritious yields.
Interteks China Center raises the bar of suppliers capability and performance
Initiated by Intertek, the China Center for Labor and Environment is a capacity development platform aiming at contributing to continuous improvement of sustainable production methods and practices across China's supply chain base.
Epson announces its “Environmental Vision 2050”
Seiko Epson Corporation has unveiled the company's Environmental Vision for the next generation-a multi-part programme to address some of the most pressing environmental concerns facing the global community looking towards 2050 and how Epson intends to tackle them over the next 10 years.
HP launches solutions to help customers reduce environmental impact of printing
HP has unveiled new solutions to help customers reduce the environmental impact of their imaging and printing.
Coca-Cola to deploy 100K HFC-free coolers
The Coca-Cola Co. plans by 2010 to have 100,000 hydrofluorocarbon-free refrigerators and vending machines operating around the world, GreenBiz reports. The announcement came from CEO Neville Isdell at a Greenpeace-organized conference in Beijing in May, according to Cox News Service.
ArcelorMittal plants 30,000 trees in Spain
ArcelorMittal Olaberria has planted 29,820 trees of species native to the Basque Country over 17 hectares of land that had been used for industrial purposes and was now empty.
Latest News From the EU
European Commission pushing for ‘New Social Agenda
The Commission has revealed plans to update the current social agenda and better integrate it into the EU's overall policy framework, EurActiv reports. The main focus lies in addressing cross‐border health care, improving workers?rights and promoting better education systems.
European Commission casts ICT in green role
The European Commission has announced that it would promote the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) to improve energy efficiency throughout the economy. At present, the ICT sector accounts for 2% of global CO2 emissions. The real gains from green ICT will come from developing energy efficient ICT solutions that impact the other 98% of global emissions, the Commission says.
EU under pressure over CO2 effort sharing
A group of Eastern European countries have asked for a revision of their national targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, EurActiv reports. Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia are questioning the reference year 2005 chosen by the Commission to calculate how each of the 27 EU member states will contribute to the EU's promised 20% emissions cut.
联系人(Contact Us):
黄宜玲 电话(Tel):+86 20 38910690 yhuang@bsr.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
科罗拉多州丹佛市一家法院向陶氏化学公司和波音公司开出一张总计金额达9.26亿美元的罚单,以处罚Rocky Flats 核武器工厂的钚污染对当地财产所造成的损害。这场18年前发起的集体诉讼案于2006年2月落下帷幕,约有12000名原告起诉陶氏化学和Rockwell国际公司,而波音是在1996年购买了该公司的部分股份。
巴西的Banco Real S/A银行在伦敦获得了“金融时报可持续银行大奖”。这是首家来自新兴市场的银行获得该项殊荣。这家银行引领了南美银行业的可持续发展,它把社会和环境问题放在了运营业务的中心地位予以考虑,并促使其32000名员工参与到该项战略中来。
美国卫生与公共事务部部长Mike Leavitt会见中国官员探讨了去年几起中国出口至美国商品被召回事件,同时他还宣布美国将禁止进口那些无法满足美国产品质量认证标准的中国厂商生产的产品。
“万花筒项目”是一个于2002年启动的,旨在鼓励制造商遵守劳工标准的项目。日前该项目发布了一个试点项目的最终报告, 该项目涉及10家为迪斯尼和麦当劳提供产品的中国工厂。
Grant Thornton会计事务所在《2008年国际商业报告》中强调符合伦理道德的实践是私有企业获得成功的基础。根据这份报告,私有公司的企业社会责任的主要驱动力是:吸引和保留优秀的员工以及成本管理。这表明认识到成本控制对商业和环境非常有益。这也表明大公司对CSR的需要已传递到他们的供应链中。完整报告请登陆www.grantthorntonibos.com/files/ibr%202008%20-%20corporate%20social%20responsibility%20report%20final%20(150%20dpi)%20web%20enabled.pdf
This Weeks Top Headlines
U.S. Lawmakers to Tackle Climate Change
The U.S. Senate kicked off a debate Monday on groundbreaking climate-change legislation that would cap carbon emissions and allow industries to buy and sell credits. The measure would reduce U.S. greenhouse gases by about 66 percent by 2050.
High Gas Prices Push U.S. Demand for Fuel Efficiency
Reflecting a U.S. consumer shift away from gas-guzzling vehicles to smaller, fuel-efficient vehicles, General Motor's Corp. announced plans last week to shut down four plants in the United States, Canada and Mexico that specialize in sports-utility vehicles and pick-up trucks. GM's announcement came as the U.S. national average gas price hit US$4 a gallon.
Dow and Boeing Fined for Nuclear Plant Contamination
A Denver, Colo. court has fined The Dow Chemical Co. and The Boeing Co. a total of US$926 million for property damages caused by plutonium contamination from the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. In the class-action lawsuit launched 18 years ago and concluded in February 2006, approximately 12,000 plaintiffs accused Dow and Rockwell International Corp., which Boeing bought parts of in 1996.
Brazilian Bank Wins International Sustainability Award
Banco Real S/A of Brazil is the first emerging market bank to win the Financial Times Sustainable Banking awards in London. The firm leads sustainable banking in South America by putting social and environmental issues at the center of its business activities and involving its 32,000 staff members in its strategy.
U.S. Sets Standards for Chinese Exports
During a trip to meet with Chinese officials about last year's recalls of several Chinese products that were exported to the United States, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt announced that the U.S. will ban products from Chinese companies that do not meet U.S. product-quality certification standards.
Wal-Mart Sets New Toy Safety Standards
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has ordered its suppliers to limit eight heavy metals and plastic-softening chemicals used in children's products, setting a precedent for the toy industry and superseding federal legislation. The mandates are prompting toy makers to find new materials, closely monitor overseas factories and verify their products?metal and chemical content through more frequent independent lab testing.
Corporate-NGO Project Aims to Improve Global Labor Compliance
Project Kaleidoscope, a program started in 2002 to encourage manufacturers to comply with labor standards, released a final report covering a pilot program at 10 Chinese factories supplying goods for the Walt Disney Company and McDonald's Corp.
Report Corner
CSR Essential for Privately Held Businesses
Grant Thorntons “International Business Report 2008” emphasizes that ethical practices are fundamental to the success of privately owned businesses. According to the report, the main factors driving corporate responsibility at private firms are recruitment and retention of quality staff and cost management, reflecting the recognition that cost control is good for business and the environment. It also shows that CSR demands from large corporations are filtering down their supply chains.
Featured BSR News
Word from the Street: Water
An increase in the price of water driven by scarcity and quality problems will affect almost all of societys commercial activities, and investors and financiers are increasingly including water criteria in their investment decisions. Evaluate your level of risk and identify water-related opportunities in the second of our three-part finance and sustainability series, "Word from the Street."