
2008-06-30 09:34
中学英语之友·上 2008年5期

张 庆 李 锐

Unit 9

1. examination/test/quiz


He did very well in the entrance examinations.



I have to prepare for tomorrows exam. 我必须准备明天的考试。


Theres going to be an English test this morning.



Our teacher gave us a ten-minute quiz.


注意:说某科考试,在学科的词前面用in或on都可以。例如:exami-nation in (或on) English grammar(英语语法考试),用in比用on普通。test可指(做)物理,化学等试验。


用examination, test或quiz填空:

(1)The entrance ____ to high school began yesterday.

(2)We are going to have a ____ on the first lesson next Friday.

(3)The ____ of the second term extends(包括) over the work of the whole year.

(4)Mr Zhang showed them how to do a ____ in the chemistry lab(化学实验室).

(5)He took part in a television ____ and won several prizes.

Key:(1)examination (2)test (3)examination (4)test (5)quiz

2. a few/few/a little/little

[一语击破]它们在语法中称为限定词,a few和few一般与可数名词复数一起使用。a few意思上相当于some或several, few的否定意义更强烈一些,有时它们也可以作为代词,代替上文所提到的名词。例如:

It is snowing heavily, but there are still a few children playing out-side. 虽然外面正下着大雪,但是仍旧有一些孩子在玩。

This math problem is so difficult that few students in our class can work it out. 这道数学题太难了,班里几乎没有人能做出来。

——Do you want some eggs? 你想要一些鸡蛋吗?

——Yes. Just a few. 是的,就要一些吧。

a little和little在使用方法上与few和a few基本相同,只是它们与不可数名词一起使用或代替上文所提到的不可数名词。更重要的是a little和little还是程度副词,可以修饰形容词或副词。例如:

There is little ink in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有墨水了。

I have still a little water here. 我这里还有一些水。

It looks a little difficult. 看起来有点困难。

3. speak/talk

Dont speak to me now. 现在别跟我说话。

Im talking. 我在谈话。



Who is speaking at the meeting? 谁正在会上发言?

Do you speak Chinese? 你说汉语吗?


Please stop talking and listen to me. 请不要说话了,听我讲。

Lets not talk about it now. 这事咱们现在别谈了。

(3)speak to和talk to意思基本上一致,都表示“和……谈话”。例如:

They are speaking/talking to a foreign friend.




(1) The students are ____ about the film in the room.

(2) Please ____ clearly.

(3) Two men are ____ in front of the house.

(4) They can ____ a little English.

(5) The child just begins to ____.

(6) On the bus we sat together and ____.

Key:(1)talking (2)speak (3)talking (4)speak (5)speak (6)talked

Unit 10

1. at the corner/in the corner/on the corner


A. at the corner 意为“在拐角处”,指一百八十度以上的角。

I saw her at the corner of the street yesterday.


B. in the corner 意为“在……的内角”,指一百八十度以下的角。

There is a chair in the corner of the room. 屋角里有一把椅子。

C. on the corner 意为“在角上”,也可解作“在拐角处”,这时与at the corner同义,可以互换。

The book is on the corner of the desk. 这本书在桌子角上。


用at the corner, in the corner或 on the corner填空:

(1) His house is ____ near the cinema.

(2) Please put this desk ____ of the classroom.

(3) He is sitting ____ of the box.

(4) Is the restaurant right ____ of Washington Street?

Key:(1)at(on) the corner (2)in the corner (3)on the corner (4)at(on) the corner

2. vacation/holiday


A. 两者都可以表示“假期”,在英国一般用holiday,在美国多用vaca-tion, 但英国大学里多用vacation, 中小学里用holiday。 a holiday可能是“一天假期”,也可能是“一次(长达几天的)假期”。如果假期不止一天,像寒暑假,则通常用复数形式。例如:

Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries.


Summer holidays will begin next month. 下个月暑假就要开始了。

B. holiday还可以表示“节日”,“纪念日”。例如:

Everyone was in his holiday clothes. 人人都穿上了节日的盛装。

C. vacation指一段时间的假期,指寒暑假时往往用单数形式。例如:

The students will go home during the winter vacation.


She spent a pleasant vacation in the country.


D. “在休假中”可以说on vacation或on holiday。例如:

Your friend is coming to stay in your house for one week while you and your family are away on holiday.




(1) The summer ____ usually begins at the beginning of July.

(2) He is away on ____.

(3) Christmas is a ____ for everybody in the West.

(4) In Britain, universities have ____ while schools have ____.

Key:(1)vacation (2)holiday/vacation (3)holiday (4)vacations, holidays

3. go/walk



People in the cities often go and help them.


He will go to Beijing by plane. 他将乘飞机去北京。

My watch wont go. 我的表不走了。


We are going to walk there. 我们将走着去。

They are walking along the street. 他们沿着大街散步。


He walked (或went) to the window. 他向窗口走去。

注意:walk不能与短语on foot连用,但可以说go…on foot。


误:He walks to school on foot every day.

正:He goes to school on foot every day.

正:He walks to school every day.



(1)I sometimes ____ to the factory, but I often ____ there by bike.

(2)Look!The bus is full of people. Shall we ____ home?

(3)My younger brother is learning to ____.

(4)How many miles can the car ____ an hour?

(5)He often ____ to the farm on foot.

(6)Lets ____ to the zoo.

Key:(1)walk, go (2)walk (3)walk (4)go (5)goes (6)go/walk

Unit 11

1. like/love


A. like意为“喜欢”,“爱好”,是一般用词,语气较弱,主要指对某人、某事产生好感或发生兴趣。例如:

Do they like games? 他们喜欢游戏吗?

B. love意为“爱”,“爱好”,在感情上比like强烈,经常用于爱祖国、爱父母这一类程度比较深的情况。在口语中它往往仅指一般的喜爱,这样用时和like的意思相近,可以互换,后面可以跟名词、动名词或动词不定式。例如:

We love our Party. 我们热爱我们的党。

I love skating. 我喜欢滑冰。(可用like替换)



(1)I ____ him but I dont ____ him.

(2)The mother ____ her baby quite a lot.

(3)He ____ taking the children out for long walks.

(4)I ____ to watch TV plays.

(5)They ____ labour(劳动) and help one another.

Key:(1)like, love (2)loves (3)likes/loves (4)like/love (5)love

2. think of/think about/think over


A. think about和think of 这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换。例如:

They are thinking about/of buying a new computer.


What do you think of/about the TV play?你认为那部电视剧怎样?

注意:当think of 表示以下意义的时候,一般不可和think about 互换:


Mary, are you thinking of marrying Jack?



It was Tom who thought of the idea. 是汤姆想出的那主意。

I cant think of his name at the moment. 我此刻想不起他的名字。


Lei Feng was always thinking of others but never thinking of himself. 雷锋总是为别人着想,从来不为自己着想。

B. think about表示“回想过去的事件”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般不和think of 换用。例如:

I often thought about what my teacher said last time I saw her.


C. think over 意为“仔细考虑”。例如:

Id like to think it over. 我要仔细考虑一下。

Think over, and youll find a way. 仔细考虑一下,你就会有办法。


用think of, think about或think over的适当形式填空:

(1)Well ____ your suggestion(建议) and give you our answer tomorrow.

(2)Id like to ____ the matter ____.

(3)Dont ____ it any more.

(4)I cant ____ her address.

(5)He ____ it ____ and remembered that he had put his bag some- where in the library.

(6)Mrs Green is a good comrade. She is always ____ others.

Key:(1)think over (2)think, over (3)think of/about (4)think of (5)thought, over (6)thinking of

3.agree on/agree to/agree with


A. agree with 的意思是“同意”,“赞成”。后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的名词或代词作宾语。例如:

Does she agree with us? 她同意我们的意见吗?

None of us agree with what you said.


B. agree with 还有“与……一致”,“(气候、食物等)适合”的意思。例如:

His words do not agree with his actions. 他言行不一致。

Too much meat doesnt agree with her.


C. agree to 意为“同意”,“赞成”,后面跟表示“提议”,“办法”,“计划”,“安排”等的名词或代词。例如:

Please agree to this arrangement. 请同意这个安排。

This plan has now been agreed to. 这个计划已经被认可了。

D. agree on 表示“对……取得一致意见”,指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或是达成了某种协议。例如:

After discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire.


They all agree on the matter. 他们在这个问题上意见一致。


用agree with, agree to 或agree on填空:

(1)I ____ what you said about him.

(2)The climate doesnt ____ me.

(3)The two sides have ____ the date of talks.

(4)I ____ Mr Wang, but I cant ____ the plan.

(5)We ____ leaving for Shanghai next morning.

(6)They could not ____ each other.

Key:(1)agree with (2)agree with (3)agreed on (4)agree with, agree to (5)agree on (6)agree with

Unit 12

1. else/other


else 和other 都可以作“别的”“其他的”讲,但用法不同。

A.else 可作形容词或副词,作形容词时,主要用在who, whose, what, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing等词的后面作定语;作副词时,用在where, when 等词的后面作状语。例如:

——What else do you want? 你还要什么?

——Nothing else. 别的什么都不要。

Where else are you going to stay? 你们还要在什么地方停留?


I took someone elses coat by mistake. 我错拿了别人的外衣。


Where are the other boys? 其他的男孩在哪里?


This story is more interesting than the other one.



用else 或other填空:

(1)What ____ can you see in the picture?

(2)——Where are the ____ boys? ——They are in the TV room.

(3)Give me the ____ pencil, not this one.

(4)Do you have any ____ books on the subject?

(5)I dont like this model plane, but I like the ____ one.

(6)He has nothing ____ to do today.

(7)Whom ____ did you see?

(8)When ____ would you do it?

Key:(1)else (2)other (3)other (4)other (5)other (6)else (7)else (8)else

2. must/have to


A.两者都可以表示“必须”。must 着重表示主观上认为有义务有必要。have to 着重于表示客观上的需要,含有“不得不”的意味。例如:

We must work hard. 我们必须卖力工作。(是我们要这样做)

We have to work hard. 我们得卖力干活。


B.must 只有一种形式,并且无人称、时态和数的变化。而have to要随主语人称、时态和数的变化而变化。例如:

Ill have to go with her tomorrow. 明天我得同她一道去。

When I was your age, I already had to work.


He has to stay at home because he is ill.


C.must和have to 的否定式表示的意义不同:must not 表示“不应该、不许可、禁止、千万别”等意思;not have to 表示“不必”,与neednt 同义。例如:

You must not smoke in the classroom. 不准在教室里抽烟。

You dont have to worry about his studies.


You mustnt tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。

You dont have to tell him about it. 你不必把这件事告诉他。


用must 或have to的适当形式填空:

(1)I ____ write her a letter next week.

(2)We ____ always follow the Party.

(3)He ____ wait for another two hours because the train was late.

(4)Soldiers(士兵) ____ obey orders(遵守命令).

(5)——____ we leave after school? ——No, you neednt.

(6)Well ____ get up early tomorrow morning.

Key:(1)must/have to (2)must (3)had to (4)must (5)Must (6)have to

新目标英语七年级(下)units 1~6复习小结