完形填空 “完义”为重

2008-05-21 10:07:12冯建国
中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年6期



I heard this story while in Vietnam. A bomb landed in an orphanage in a small village, killing two children and wounding one 8-year-old young girl, __41__ several.

Minutes later, an American doctor and nurse were__ 42__. They found the girl was__43__ injured and would die of__ 44__ of blood without quick action.

A donor(献血者) with a__ 45__ blood type was required. But a quick__ 46__ showed that none had the correct type except several of the__ 47__ orphans.

The doctor tried, in English, to explain to their young,__ 48__ audiences that unless they could be__ 49__ some of the girls lost blood, she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to her. Their request was__ 50__ with wide-eyed silence. After several long moments, a small hand__ 51__ went up.

“Thank you.” The nurse said sweetly, “What is your name?”

“Heng,”__ 52__ the reply.

Heng lay down and a needle got into his arm. After a moment, he__ 53__ a sob, covering his face with his free__ 54__. “Is it hurting?” the doctor asked. Heng shook his head, but then his__ 55__ sobs became a steady crying. They were concerned. Something was obviously wrong. At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived. Seeing the boys__56__, she spoke to him, listened to his reply and answered him in a comforting voice.

After a moment, the boy stopped__ 57__. Glancing up, the nurse said to the Americans, “He thought he was dying. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood__ 58__ the girl could live.”

“But why would he be willing to?” asked the doctor.

To this question, the boy answered__ 59__, “shes my friend.”

As the doctor__ 60__ it: Greater love has no man than this.

41. A. includingB. among

C. besidesD. except

42. A. called forB. sent for

C. called inD. brought in

43. A. heavilyB. seriously

C. hardlyD. greatly

44. A. lossB. lack

C. declineD. flow

45. A. fittingB. suiting

C. matchingD. comparing

46. A. examinationB. survey

C. checkD. test

47. A. woundedB. uninjured

C. livingD. dying

48. A. frightenedB. surprised

C. astonishedD. threatened

49. A. refillB. change

C. replaceD. donate

50. A. answeredB. reflected

C. welcomedD. met

51. A. bravelyB. quickly

C. slowlyD. willingly

52. A. madeB. went

C. gaveD. came

53. A. let outB. gave out

C. sent outD. cried out

54. A. headB. hand

C. fingerD. fist

55. A. loudB. constant

C. accidentalD. occasional

56. A. worryB. upset

C. dissatisfactionD. determination

57. A. sobbingB. smiling

C. cryingD. complaining

58. A. forB. and

C. asD. so

59. A. simplyB. regretfully

C. sadlyD. proudly

60. A. saidB. put

C. concludedD. stressed


41. B。此题属语境题。A、D两项干扰性不是很大,因为女孩子不可能包含几个人,应该反过来说才对;而女孩和几个其他的都属于受伤的,所以except 不对。此句意在说“在受伤的几人中有一个8岁的女孩”,将焦点聚集在女孩身上,以便于故事情节的展开。

42. C。近义词辨析题。本题最大的干扰项是 sent for “派人去请”,它着重于表达“去请”这个动作;call sb. in 是“找来”的意思,侧重于“请来”这个结果。比如:A lawyer is often called in to write a will. 人们经常找来律师写遗嘱。而从后面的句子They found the girl ... 来看,医生是到达了现场的,所以选择C。call for 是need 的意思;bring in 是“引进(人才、技术等)”的意思。

43. B。语境题。由后面的die 可推知应该是病得“很严重”。

44. A。语境题。最大的干扰项是lack, 很容易根据汉语“由于缺血而死”而导致错选,而实际上die for / through lack of sth.才是常用搭配;并且在此情况下,应该是“失血过多”导致的死亡。

45. C。近义词辨析题。fitting 强调尺码和形状是否合适;suiting强调(衣服、发型)的样式是否合适;而对于输血来说,只有相配的血型才可以用。

46. D。语境题。examination ,主要指跟健康有关的检查;survey 指“问卷调查”,意思不吻合;check一般指“核对”;对于输血来说,看血型是否相配,进行一下测试“test”,也是合情合理的。

47. B。语境题。输血的常识告诉我们,未成年的小孩是不被鼓励的,除非万不得已。所以像受伤的,垂死的小孩更是不可能,而living“活着的”,语意包括了“受伤的”,所以不妥。

48. A。语境题,对于不谙世事的小孩来说,见到这样一种战争的场面,“感到恐惧”应该是情理之中的事。

49. C。近义词辨析题。refill意为“to fill again”, 后接容器词,如refill the pot with water; 而replace 是 “替换”之意,“替换流失的血”才是合乎情理的。

50. D。meet their request with silence 指“请求遭遇了无声”,也就是对于他们的请求,无人回应。

51. C。语境题。不要认为文章在歌颂小孩的“英雄”行为,就得bravely。对于一个认为要用自己的性命来换取朋友的性命的小孩来说,太不可能如此从容了,而slowly则更好地表现了孩子的内心矛盾,毕竟他也是害怕的。

52. D。词义题。此句为倒装句,正常语序为The reply came ...

53. A。词义辨析题。let out a scream / yell / cry to express loudly and violently大声强烈地表达……; give out 往往跟噪音;send out习惯上加signals等内容。

54. B。语境题。一只手在打针,另一只手当然就是“free”的。

55. C。语境题。小孩应该是从时断时续的抽泣转到持续的哭泣,occasional 偶尔的,时有时无的;accidental 意外的,偶然的。

56. B。语境题。upset “不安”, 而worry则显太突然,因为小孩的忧虑是大家没料到的,也根本就看不出来。

57. C。语境题。由sobbing到crying,非常吻合小孩哭泣的情形。

58. D。语境题。so引导结果状语,表示“with the result that”。

59. A。语境题。小孩回答很简单,只是说“她说我的朋友”,并无豪言壮语。Simply一词非常吻合小孩的情况,也正是他这平淡的回答,让我们敬佩不已。

60. B。词义辨析题。此题课本高二下有原句。put it: to express sth. in words; 其它几个词则勿需it。



1. 利用褒贬语境,判断是非曲直


例1: Some companies add minerals to give the water a better taste. But the term mineral water is__ 47__, because all water—except specially purified water—contains minerals.__ 48__ must be made to tell people clearly what kind of water people are exactly buying: spring water, mineral water, or purified water. ( 武汉市2008年2月调考)

47. A. mistakenB. misunderstood

C. misleadingD. misreading

48. A. LawsB. Notices

C. ProductsD. Inventions

解析: 47. C48. A本篇作者对于将瓶装的水称为“矿泉水”是持反对态度的,因为几乎所有的水(除特别净化的之外)都含有矿物质,据此商家的行为具有误导性。所以,作者认为应该通过法律来维护消费者的利益。

2. 避免只重语意,忽略习惯搭配


例2: Compared with the cost of bottled water, the testing cost will be less expensive. Letting cold water__ 58__ for a minute or so before a drink or using it in preparing a meal is a good way to__ 59__ (limit) possible water pollution, especially if the water has been__60__ (off) for an hour or more. ( 武汉市2月调考)

58. A. runB. flowC. fillD. boil

解析:58. A。与瓶装水相比,作者认为如果自来水可以饮用的话,还是用自来水划算。在饮用之前将水龙头打开,让水流一两分钟。有的同学一想到“流”就选择了flow,殊不知自来水的流应该用run,不然的话,为何将自来水称为running water 呢?

3. 巧妙利用平行结构,准确判断逻辑关系


例3: When you are going__ 1__ in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you__ 2__ (seek for) is always within your__ 3__ (reach). When you are going downwards you tend to__ 4__ yourself, mistaking difficulties and__ 5__ (disadvantages) for your own incompetence (无能).

1. A. forwardsB. upwards

C. downwardsD. backwards

4. A. overestimateB. estimate

C. ignoreD. underestimate

解析:答题的关键在于看出这两句是排比句。第1题,后面讲到downwards, 并列对称,前面就应该用upwards; 第4题,前面讲的是overestimate, 后面当人处于downwards 时,当然就是underestimate了。虽然这些词看似超纲,实则不然,它能考查一个学生灵活运用所学的能力以及完整的语意理解能力。

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