本刊创刊于1958年,系国内外公开发行的、理论与应用相结合的综合性电子专业科技刊物,为中文核心期刊,主要刊登涉及下列应用方向和技术领域的述评、论文、新概念新技术新产品介绍:电子系统工程;通信;导航;识别;飞行器测控;卫星应用;雷达;信息战;共性技术(包括天线、射频电路、信号处理、信息处理、监视与控制、时间与频率、先进制造、电磁兼容、测试与试验、可靠性与维修性、软件工程化、综合保障等),包括科研成果的学术性总结、新技术、新工艺的论述、国内外科技动态的综合评述,以及实用性电子技术方面的的内容。面向的对象主要是从事电子科学技术研究、开发等方面的科研人员、高校师生及电子技术爱好者。目前设有研究与开发、基金项目论文、专题述评等栏目,集学术研究与技术交流于一体,是广大工程技术人员和产品开发人员相互交流的平台,是他们与元器件(仪器和设备)供应商相互沟通的桥梁,是具有导向性的权威刊物。(Started in 1958 and sponsored by Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology or The Electronic 10th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (China’s first comprehensive research institute with interested fields in military communications, electronics, avionics, aerocraft TT&C, navigation, identification and recognition, satellite application, radar, RF circuit, signal processing, advanced manufacturing technology, surveillance and control, reliability and maintainability, software development, etc.), the journal of Telecommunication Engineering(ISSN 1001-893X) is edited and published monthly by Telecommunication Engineering Agency. Its competent authorities is the Ministry of Information Industry of P.R.C. It contains original papers contributing to the science of communication and electronics, including those concerning telecommunication, radar, information warfare, TT&C and navigation, microwave and antenna, image transmission and processing, computer and network, electronic devices and parts, structure and process technology, etc. In addition the journal includes reviews of latest development of research, studies on the advancement of new technology and other matters of concern to those interested in telecommunication and electronics. It is now composed of three columns, that is Foundation Supported Project, Research and Development, and Summarization. An authoritarian publication with a large population of writers and readers in the field of IT and electronics all over the world, the journal ranks among the Core Journals of China for continuous three times for its academic influence and quality. It is also the Excellent Journal of the Ministry of Information Industry. The impact factor and other indexes rank top in the journals of its kind. English abstract, author’s email and telephone number are provided. It is a good media for scientists, engineers and other research personnel to introduce, show and propagate new technology and new products. The journal is an academic publication with a long history and good reputation. YU Guang-zheng, the chief editor, is a famous expert in radar. The editorial board includes 38 members, among which there are 6 academicians of China National Academy of Engineering. The journal is included by such famous Chinese database as Chinese Academic Journal(Compact Disk version)(CAJ-CD),Chinese Journal Full-text Database(CJFD),Chinese Scientific and Technical Journal Database, Chinese Periodical Web, Wanfang Data Digital Periodicals, and is abstracted by Chinese Radio Electronics Abstract(ISSN 1009-0851) and Electronic Sci.&Tech. Abstract(ISSN 1003-1928). It is also the source journal of China Science Citation Database(CSCD) and Chinese Academic Journal comprehensive Evaluation Database(CAJCED).It is also the source journal of Science Abstract(INSPEC),Cambridge Science Abstract(CSA),and Index of Copurnicus(IC).
- 一种基于纠缠交换的远程量子链路建立策略*
- C-RAN协作通信系统中基于正交预编码的同步算法*
- 认知网中感知时间和功率控制的联合优化机制*
- 无线双通道网络话音业务信道接入性能分析*
- 天基信息网络的软件定义网络应用探析*
- 扩展卷积码生成矩阵的统一表述*
- 航天器项目试验评估新方法*
- X/Ka频段遥感卫星地面接收信道便携式测试系统设计*
- 相控阵结合伺服辅助的车载动中通天线跟踪方法*
- 一种高速捷变并行调制矢量信号源的FPGA实现*
- D2D通信中一种资源分配与功率控制结合的方案*
- 采用混合核支持向量机的DOA估计*
- 三角形栅格阵列天线方向图的快速计算与优化*
- 利用分数阶Fourier变换抑制高频地波雷达中线性调频干扰*
- 扫描SAR成像中SPECAN算法的FPGA实现*
- 采用Gabor-Hough变换的自适应滤波人眼定位*
- 基于粒子滤波步行长度预测的移动ad hoc网络路由算法*
- 采用部分频率复用的小小区网络建模与分析*
- 采用等离子干燥工艺提高镀膜附着强度稳定性*
- 特征选择验证方法:原理、应用及最新进展*