China Textile
- 顾平:先进的纺织装备对纺织工业高质量发展至关重要
- Gu Ping:aAcdhviaenvcinegd hteigxhti—leq ueaqluitiyp mgreonwtt ihs crucial for
- 梁鹏程:绿色发展、数字变革让纺织业“智”变升级
- Liang Pengcheng:Green growth and digital transformation make the textile sector smart and upgrade
- 聚焦产业供应链更新及升级
——访欧洲纺织机械制造商委员会主席Ernesto Maurer - 中国是瑞士纺织机械制造商最重要的销售市场
——访瑞士纺织机械协会秘书长(SWISSMEM)Cornelia Buchwalder - China is the most important sales market for Swiss textile machinery manufacturers Interview with Ms.Cornelia Buchwalder,Secretary General of SWISSMEM (Swiss Textile Machinery)
- 瑞典企业注重数字化与自动化的产品研发
——访瑞典纺织机械协会(TMAS)秘书长Therese Premler-Andersson - Swedish businesses prioritise digital and automated research and development of products Interview with Ms.Therese Premler-Andersson,Secretary General of TMAS(Textile Machinery Association of Sweden)
- 成功取决于紧密的业务关系和可靠性
——访德国机械设备制造业联合会主席Janpeter Horn 博士 - Success is built on close business relationships and reliabilityInterview with Dr.Janpeter Horn,Chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association
- 法国企业专注特色市场的深耕和培育
——访法国纺织机械制造商协会秘书长Christian Guinet - French enterprises focus on the product development and niche market Interview with Mr.Christian Guinet,Secretary General of UCMTF(French Textile Machinery Manufacturers’ Association)
- 中国重新开放商业机会振奋人心
——访ITMA 服务主席Charles Beauduin - Thrilling resumption of business operations in China Interview with Mr.Charles Beauduin,ITMA Services Chairman
- Italian textile machinery market grows steadily Interview with Mr.Alex Zucchi,President of ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers)
- 意大利纺机市场稳步增长
——访意大利纺织机械制造商协会(ACIMIT)主席Alex Zucchi - Sustainable mechanical technology solutions are aprerequisite for enterprises Interview with Mr.Jason Kent,Chief Executive Officer of BTMA(British Textile Machinery Association)
- 可持续的机械技术解决方案是企业的必选项
——访英国纺织机械协会(BTMA)首席执行官Jason Kent - Focus on renewal and upgrading of supply chains Interview with Mr.Ernesto Maurer,President of CEMATEX
- 专访中国恒天集团金永传:打造“世界一流”的纺织机械“国家队”
- Interview with China Hi—Tech Group Corporation’s Jin Yongchuan:Building a "world—class" national textile machinery team
- 经纬纺机:设备+管理+数据全面升级,追求“智慧工厂”的卓越模式
——专访经纬纺织机械股份有限公司党委书记、董事长、总经理邵明东 - 恒天重工的“王者荣耀”:填补多项空白,突破多个“卡脖子”技术!
——专访恒天重工党委委员、副总经理李新奇 - Fill in the gaps and break through stranglehold technologies!Hi—Tech Heavy Industry Co.Ltd.’s “Honor of Kings”Interview Mr.Li Xinqi,the member of HTHI Party Committee and deputy general manager
- 恒天立信:打造口碑载道世界一流的纺织染整机械品牌
——专访恒天立信集团总经理陈鹏 - CHTC Fong’s:Building a world—class textile dyeing and finishing machinery brand Interview with Chen Peng,General Manager of CHTC Fong’s Group
- 宏大研究院:为用户锻造创造价值的“金钥匙”
——专访宏大研究院有限公司执行董事、总经理安浩杰 - Hongda Research Institute:Forging the golden key to unlock value for users Interview with An Haojie,Executive Director and General Manager of Hongda Research Institute Co.,Ltd.