Agricultural Science & Technology (原名Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter)创刊于1999年,是我国第一家农业科技综合类英文期刊,袁隆平主编,湖南省农业科学院主办,安徽吴楚科技文化传播有限责任公司提供编辑出版支持,2008年为双月刊,国际公开发行。国内统一刊号CN43-1422/S,国际标准刊号ISSN1009-4229。该刊立足国内、面向世界,重点宣传国内农业科研实践、农业技术革新的成果;报道国内农业科研及相关领域的最新进展;介绍国内特色资源、农业生产与经济发展状况,以及我国与国际的农业学术交流和贸易情况。旨在提高我国农业科研的国际影响力,展示我国的技术实力和人才优势,更有效地促进我国农业科技成果在全世界范围内的交流。该刊在国际上,尤其在亚太地区获得了良好的声誉,与世界100多个国家和地区的农业科研教育和推广机构,实力雄厚的涉农机构及著名的国际农业组织建立了长期、稳定、友好的信息交流关系。现已被国际权威检索工具CABI Full Text数据库、AGRIS文摘数据库以及国内中国期刊网、万方和维普三大数据库全文收录,并被中国科学技术信息所评为“中国科技核心期刊”。刊登的文章也多次被国际植物遗传资源研究所的(IPGRI)APO Newsletter、亚太种协的Asian Seed & Planting Material等摘录或全文转载。 本刊设农业基础科学与方法、植物生理生化、农业生物技术、农艺、动物科学、植物保护、园艺·园林、资源与环境、土壤肥料、农业信息等栏目,内容新颖、图文并茂。本刊为双月刊,双月末出版,国际大16开本,铜版纸印刷,四封为彩色印刷。国内定价每册10元,全年6期共60元(含邮资),自办发行。
Agricultural Science & Technology
- Variation in Enzymes Activities of Rhizospheric Substrate and Influencing Factors during Nursing of Watermelon Seedlings
- Determination of Iprobenfos Residue in Rice by GC-FTD using Two-dim Ensional Purification
- The Interplanting Technology of Pleurotus ostreatus and Dendrobium officinale
- Antioxidant Activity of Polysaccharides in Yam Bulbils and Their Hypoglycemic Effect in Diabetic Mice
- Adsorption Kinetics of NH4+by Purple Soils with Different pH Values
- Rapid Determination of Lysine Content in Maize Kernel by Amino-acid Analyzer
- Comparison of Genomic DNA Extraction Methods for Chenopodium quinoa Willd
- Study on Multiplication,Rooting and Transplanting of Tissue Culture Plantlets of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall
- Screening and Taxonomic Status of a Highly Efficient Antifungal Strain against Cytospora chrysosperma
- Changes of NF-κB,Bax and Caspase 3 in Apoptosis Induced by Ligustrazine Combined with Cis-dichlorodiamine Platinum in Human Gastric Carcinoma SGC-7901 Cell Lines
- In vitro Rapid Propagation of Ficus carica L.‘Masui Dauphine’
- Isolation,Identification and Biodegradation Characteristics of a Phthalate Ester Degrading Bacterium
- Identification and Mutagenesis of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Chinese Sauerkraut
- Optimization of VA and VE Production by a Paecilomyces marquandii Strain
- Mapping of QTLs for Sheath Blight Resistance Using Recombinant Inbred Lines of Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
- Technical Specification for Producing Hybrid Pepper Seed Using Three-line Male Sterility
- Effects of Cultivation Methods on Yield Formation and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Zhuliangyou 4024 and H You 159 as Doublecropping Rice
- Effect of Different Seedling Age on the Growth and Yield of Double Cropping of Late Rice
- Physiological Characterization of Green Turning of Rice Seedlings at Different Temperatures
- Responses of Apple Rootstock Leaf Structure on Water Stress
- Effects of Mechanical Sowing and Transplanting on Characteristics of Dry Matter Production in Middle-season Hybrid R ice
- A Comparative Evaluation of Biological Traits in Two New Introduced Cherry(Prunus spp.)Varieties
- Experimental Study on No-tillage Cultivation of Flowering Chinese Cabbage in Rice Winter Fallow Fields
- High-yielding Seed Production Techniques of New Hybrid Rice Combination-Chuanxiang No.2058
- Research on Protected Cultivation of Fresh Faba Bean Tong Can Xian 7
- Exploration on the Regularity of Nitrogen Requirement of Zhoumai 22 in the Condition of Yield Increase of Wheat-maize Integration
- Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter in Broomcorn Millet
- Establishment and Application of Fertilization Model for Wheat Interplanted with Cotton in Jianghan Plain
- Analysis of Optimized NPK Formulation and Topdressing on Increasing Yield in Double Cropping Rice of Hunan
- Effect of Nitrogen Application on Grain Filling in Maize with Different Nitrogen Efficiency
- Control Effects of Tianshifu Soil Conditioners on Cd Contamination in Paddy Fields of Hunan Province
- Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Regulation with Straw-return on Wheat Yield and Different Forms of Potassium in the Soil
- Effects of Slow-release Fertilizer and Balanced Fertilization on Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Peppers
- Effects of Urea Ammonium Chloride of Different Fertilization Patterns on Maize Yield and Yield Components
- Analysis on the Main Nutrient State of Tobacco Planting Soil in Fuquan City
- The Prediction of Population of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise
- Technical Standards for Lotus Root-Redswamp Crayfish Integrated Farming
- Experimental Study on Friction Characteristics of Caragana korshinskii Kom
- The Synergism of Chemical Herbicides and Aureobasidium pullulans for Control Cleavers (Galium aparine L.)in Wheat
- Identification of Senescence-associated Protein DpXTH1 and its Gene Cloning in Dahlia Petals
- Inhibition of Chlamydospore Germination and Mycelial Growth of Trichoderma spp.by Chemical Fungicides
- The Effect of Crop Rotation on Soil Nematode Community Composition in a Greenhouse
- Establishment of Monitoring and Assessment Index System of Land Degradation of Farmland Ecosystems at Small-scale
- Division of Farmland Use in East China at County level Based on Landscape Structure and Output Function——a Case of Pingdu City,Shandong Province
- Study on Desiccation and Collection Models for Banana Stems
- Influence Factors and Assessment of Risk Perception for Agricultural Drought Based on Household-scale
- Study on Rhizome Crops by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Wavelet Analysis
- Status quo and Countermeasures of Tea Export Trade of China
- Village Renovation Advancement in Underdeveloped Areas based on Village Allocation Planning
- PCR-DGGE Analysis of Bacterial Communities Structure in Babylonia areolata Culture Systems of The Subtidal Zone and The Pond Mulched Plastic Film and Sand in Bottom
- Shelf-cultivation of Strawberry with Mulch and Heat Preservation Technology with Natural Energy
- Exploration of Water and Soil Conservation’s Function in Construction of Eco-environment
- Advances in Research on Comprehensive Utilization of Tea Waste
- The Scale of Constructing Mountainous Cities in Yunnan Province based on"Benchmark"Farmlands
- The Measurement and Grading of Pressure on Cultivated Land in City-level in Yunnan Province