Asian Herpetological Research
- A New Leaf Litter Toad of Leptobrachella Smith,1925 (Anura,Megophryidae) from Sichuan Province,China with Supplementary Description of L.oshanensis
- A New Species of Trimeresurus Lacépède,1804 (Squamata:Viperidae) from Southwestern China,Vietnam,Thailand and Myanmar
- A New Species of the Genus Achalinus from Huangshan,Anhui,China (Squamata:Xenodermidae)
- Male Advertisement Call of the Endangered Leptobrachella tengchongensis (Anura:Megophryidae) from Mount Gaoligongshan,Yunnan Province,China
- Higher Body Temperatures and Earlier Parturition in Response to Hypoxia Experienced by Pregnant Lizards
- Trophic Niche Shifts in Mountain Feirana Frogs under Human-mediated Habitat Transformations
- Group Living on Trees Does Not Elevate Inbreeding Risk in Shedao Pit Vipers Gloydius shedaoensis
- Trophic Ecology of Ansonia latidisca at Gunung Penrissen,Sarawak,North-Western Borneo
- Phylogeography and Cryptic Species Diversity of Paramesotriton caudopunctatus Species Group (Salamandridae:Paramesotriton) in Guizhou,China
- Phylogeny and Biogeography of Common Toad (Bufo bufo) in Xinjiang,China
- Evolution of Phenotype and Mitochondrial Genome Reveals Limbless and Body-elongated Squamates may Change Their Energy Basis for Locomotion