
  • 孝老爱亲传佳话
    屋前,58 岁的王慧推着坐在轮椅上的徐凤英晒太阳,一会帮她抹脸,一会为她梳头,跑进跑出,不亦乐乎。邻居们都说:“这个好媳妇天天有故事,令人感动。”“好媳妇”王慧与丈夫陆凤祥原先都在建湖县纺织厂工作,一个是织布车间挡车工,一个是机修车间保全工。陆凤祥有一手好技术,退休后被返聘;王慧不仅一肩担起家务事,还精心照顾因病卧床的公婆陆应章和徐凤英33年,赢得好评无数。1990 年,王 慧 的 公 公陆应章从建湖县人民法院退休,不久身患贲门癌,生活不能自理。那时,王慧

    银潮 2023年2期2023-03-09

  • Modulated spatial transmission signals in the photonic bandgap
    ui Wang(王慧) Daohong Xie(谢道鸿) Junling Che(车俊岭) and Yanpeng Zhang(张彦鹏)1School of Science,Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Xi’an 710121,China2School of Communication and Information Engineering,Xi’an University of Pos

    Chinese Physics B 2022年12期2022-12-28

  • Nutrient-enhanced n-alkanes biodegradation and succession of bacterial communities*
    NG Hui (王慧) LI Junde (李俊德) , WANG Bin (王斌) ,QI Cancan (齐灿灿) , HU Xiaoke (胡晓珂) 1 Key Laboratory of Coastal Biology and Bioresource Utilization, Yantai Institute of Costal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 2640

    Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2018年4期2018-08-02

  • 王慧 藏石欣赏
    王慧 藏石欣赏陈炉石名家CHEN LU SHI MING JIA王慧,出生于1978年,现任铜川市观赏石协会副秘书长,酷爱赏石文化,钟爱收藏陈炉石,藏品受到赏石名家好评。(左)题名:【四世同堂】石种:陈炉石规格:12cm×7cm×4cm收藏:铜川市·王慧(右)题名:【周礼】石种:陈炉石规格:20cm×12cm×5cm收藏:铜川市·王慧

    宝藏 2017年5期2017-07-18

  • Two Allusions in Sense and Sensibility
    王慧【Abstract】Allusions are commonly applied in our daily conversations and literature works. To understand theirs references clearly is essential for us to communicate with others or enjoy the literature. It is beneficial for Engli

    校园英语·上旬 2016年4期2016-07-04

  • Effective Ways to Improve Students’ Listening Comprehension in the Classroom
    王慧As for English learners, being able to understand listening discourse and materials is essential. In our daily life, doing listening practice in the classroom is common especially for the students in the secondary school. In gen

    校园英语·上旬 2016年4期2016-07-04

  • General Introduction of One Literary Study Method
    王慧The comprehension of literary analysis is beneficial for English learners who are eager to appreciate English literature. As is following, one kind of literary analysis method is introduced, that is, feminism criticism.To begin

    校园英语·上旬 2016年5期2016-05-14