Li Bai: Nothing can stop me
Li Bai(李白)is one of the most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty(唐朝). He is honored as “ The Poet Immortal”(诗仙). 他写诗时酷爱饮酒。他相信“天生我材必有用”,渴望用自己的才华报效祖国,实现人生理想。
You can also call me Li Taibai(李太白). I am outgoing and love making friends. I’m not only a brilliant poet, but also a skilled swordman(剑客).
Du Fu: Live poorly, but write rich
Du Fu(杜甫)is one of the greatest poets in the Tang Dynasty. 他人格高尚,一生忧国忧民,被后人称为“诗圣”。杜甫的诗歌充满了对国家和人民的深切关怀,被称为“诗史”。
I am Du Fu,I love learning and writing poems. I love our country.
Du Fu and Li Bai are good friends!
Shakespeare: To be, or not to be
Shakespeare is “The Father of English Drama”. 莎士比亚在少年时期因家贫被迫辍学,到剧院做过马夫、催场员,但他一直默默地坚持学习和写作,永不言弃,一步步成长为一名优秀的诗人和剧作家。
Sonnets 《十四行诗》
The Tragedy of Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》
Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
Dante: The first to open a new era
Dante is considered the greatest Italian poet. He was born in a noble family. He likes thinking and writing poems.即使在流放期间,但丁依旧用他的笔创作出了众多不朽的诗篇。他被誉为“中世纪的最后一位诗人和新时代的第一位诗人”。
La Vita Nuova 《新生》
The Divine Comedy 《神曲》
Have a try!
1.国破山河在,城春草木深。 ——《春望》
3. Follow your own course, and let people talk. 走自己的路,让别人说去吧。
4. To be, or not to be—that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。