How We Learn in Life我们如何在生活中学习

2024-12-07 00:00:00苗淑华
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2024年11期

Learning is a big part of life. Babies learn how to walk and say words fromtheir parents, older brothers and sisters. They learn what to eat and to drink. Theylearn what to do when they are cold. They learn when to sleep. All of these thingsare learned by watching others.

First, a young child watches others, and then, he or she tries to do thosethings. Later, we learn to read. This is the main1 way we learn about the worldwhen we are in school. We learn about other countries. We learn about animalsand plants. We also learn about history. Reading opens the door to the world ofbooks. Books can teach us about anything. Reading to learn is a very importantskill2 we develop3 at school. We learn how to teach ourselves with books.

As we get older, our teachers in school show us another way to learn. Thisnext way of learning is writing. Did you know that you can learn by writing? It istrue. In order to write about something, we first have to read different books ormagazines. As we read, we put ideas together4 and write them down in a way thatothers can read and understand the ideas. In this way, we learn more from writingour ideas than from only reading.

There is also another way we can learn. We learn by teaching others. This islike learning through5 writing, but it is not always about teaching what we read inbooks. For example, if we know how to make something, we can teach others. Butwhen we tell someone how to do it, we learn new things as well. Try it, and youwill see.






1. main 主要的;最大的

2. skill 技巧;技艺

3. develop 获得

4. together 以使接触;或相结合……到一起

5. through 以……凭借

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