
2024-11-07 00:00王长有杨涛陈华汪栖羽



中图分类号: O241.84 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-2443(2024)04-0306-08

引 言

数学模型已经被广泛研究,因为它们可以描述生物学、生态学、物理学、经济学等领域的许多现实生活问题[1-3]。近年来,随着生物技术的快速发展,生物数学模型受到了数学和生物工作者的广泛关注[4-8]。差分方程作为一种重要的生物数学模型,可用于描述种群生物学中的真实情况[9-10]。最近,人们对指数型差分方程组进行了充分的研究[11-13]。尽管差分方程的形式非常简单,但要彻底理解其解的动力学行为是极其困难的[14-19]。有许多论文与指数型生态差分系统有关,例如,El Metwally等[20]研究了以下单物种差分种群模型

根据(29), (30)和(17), 容易验证系统(28)满足定理2.3的条件。所以,由定理2.3可知, 系统(28)的正平衡点[(x, y, z)] 对区域[(xi,yi,zi)ϵ(0.3601,0.8577)×(0.4046,0.8333)×(0.2926,0.75),i=0.1]中的任何初值是全局渐近稳定的。上述结果显示在图2~4中。

5 结论


(1) 利用不等式性质证明了生态系统(6)的每一个正解都是持久的和有界的;

(2) 利用不动点定理,得到系统(6)至少存在一个正平衡点;

(3) 利用线性化理论及Rouche定理,得到了确保系统(6)的正平衡点是局部渐近稳定的充分条件;

(4) 利用李亚普诺夫稳定性定理,得到了确保系统(6)的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的充分条件;

(5) 通过数值算法验证了所得理论结果的正确性。



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On the Dynamic Behavior of a Type of Exponential Three Populations Differential Ecosystem

WANG Chang-you 1, YANG Tao 1, CHEN Hua 2, WANG Qi-yu 1

(1. College of Applied Mathematics, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;2. College of Marxism, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China)

Abstract: Population dynamics, as an important branch of ecosystems, is increasingly receiving attention from scholars. Significant achievements have been made in the study of differential ecosystems of single and two populations, but research on differential ecosystems of three populations has not yet been published. In this paper, we study a class of exponential 3 populations biological differential systems. Firstly, we use iterative methods and inequality techniques to prove that every positive solution of the system is persistent and bounded. Secondly, the existence of a positive equilibrium point of the system is proved, using fixed point theory. Finally, using linearization theory, Rouche theorem and Lyapunov stability theory, we provide sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium point of the ecosystem. The obtained conclusion extends the corresponding results in references [20-24].

Key words: ecosystem; boundedness; persistence; equilibrium point; stability
