Today, Mum got a message saying that a package arrived at the package station.今天,妈妈收到一条消息,说有一个包裹到快递站了。So, we went there to pick up the package.所以,我们去取快递。
They helped us find the package.
Sometimes, we need to find the shelf with our package code on it ourselves.有时候,我们需要自己找到上面标有我们包裹取件码的货架。
We need to let the package station know we took our package, so we need to scan the barcode and take the package. 我们要让快递驿站知道我们已经拿走了包裹,所以我们需要先扫描条形码,再取走包裹。
Sometimes, we may get our package in the package lockers for some smaller packages.有时,我们可能会到快递柜取一些较小的包裹。
In that case, we should enter the package code or scan the QR code with one of these apps. 在那种情况下,我们应该输入取件码或者使用其中某一个应用程序扫描二维码。
The door will open.柜门就会打开。
We can get our package, and don’t forget to close the door. 我们就能拿到包裹了。可别忘了关上柜门。