Those who indulge in daytime fantasies are legion, either for ideals or mere whims. The idealists strive for their dreams, eventually endeavoring their aspirations into realization while dreamers are completely detached from reality, plunge themselves into daydreams, bringing harm as reality denies. Daydreaming happens of one’s own accord while night dreaming is a passive state. Whether you are willing or not, it will intrude into your personal world. This is the true essence of dreams. Who would dare to dream so real? Yet, I love dreams I have at night the most, or more specifically, I like all dreams I have in real slumber.
The view had existed long that dreaming hinders people from having quality sleep even though it was proved by American scientists through research to be groundless. As far as I see, dreams possess benefits, and my personal experience c6CD0NOkbb3HUAz/r2NwvjA==an attest to these. For instance, dreaming can help contend with long-standing problems and have a restored recollection of long forgotten but should-not-be-forgotten friendships. More importantly, a dream is a reflection of one’s true self. Psychology states that “The day has thinks, and the night has a dream.” Hence, a narrow minded one will never be open-minded in a dream; a crush on someone in the day dares to cross of the line of shame in the dream. Venturing to admit the truthfulness of one’s dream amounts to embracing the true perception of oneself. What kind of dreams would a greedy heart create? What kind of dream awaits the lewd mind? Does one dare to tell others those “absurd” dreams? Freud was able to analyze the dream, which shows the justification of dreaming. With a frequent look at yourself in a dream “mirror”, you can tell true from false clearer.
Dreams are not always wise, and sometimes nightmares come with surprise. Some learn from old people, muttering spells to calm themselves down, while others learn from Song Dingbo in the ancient legends catching devils by spitting out some saliva to drive away evils seeking solace in this self-assurance. But my days, untouched by the night’s dismay, have kept nightmares at bay. Dreams enable our spirits to wander, beguiling the query of the soul’s existence. So, does a man have a soul? That is also the question once raised by Mrs. Xianglin, a character in the well-known writer Lu Xun’s novel. For months I have been working in Yangzhou, though I cherish this new environment, my “soul” is still left behind in my hometown. I’ve never seen any trace of Yangzhou in my dreams. Come back, my soul!
“梦”有褒贬二义,既有“梦想成真”,也有“梦幻泡影”,或许因为语言学上有“劣义驱逐良义定律”8?有一首英语歌曲,其中一段是:Row, row, row, row the boat down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. 大意是:划呀划,划着小船顺流而下;快活,快活,真快活,生活就是一场梦。初闻某中学师生唱成“Life is interesting.(生活真有趣。)”时,便感觉此虑多余。似乎此梦是“南柯一梦”“黄粱美梦”之梦。上文昭昭,下文只能是:生活就是五彩的梦。“梦”就是这么一个褒贬难辨、令人矛盾的字,就像对“天堂”一词一样,或趋之若鹜,或避之唯恐不及。
“Dreams” have both negative and positive sides, either coming true or to nothing. Why do people always mention its illusory fallacy? Perhaps due to linguistic tendencies, the “law of inferiority driving out good meaning” applies in this case. An English song goes as Row, row, row, row the boat down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. When I first heard that, some middle school teachers and students changed the lyrics to “life is interesting”, I felt my concern was superfluous. It appears that this dream is similar to “an empty dream” or “a dream of golden millet”. The reality is that, as previously stated, life is a colorful dream. In fact, the above text clearly shows that the following can only be: life is a colorful dream. “Dream” is such an ambiguous and contradictory word. It’s like the word “heaven”, which people either aspire to or dread.
The dream is my subconscious “self”, who in turn is my friend. Life is not empty due to dreams being so bright; they help to bring forth a future so light. I love dreaming, and my dreams reflect my inner self. Dreams are the unseen hero that brings forth my true self at every stage of life.
1“缘”本来指的是缘由,虽然可以用reason、cause之类的表示原因的词语表示,但不够鲜明和深入内涵,故选用bond,表明做梦人好像与梦有了约定,进一步表明做梦人对于做梦的痴迷。 2美国科学家研究指做梦的时间不会超过睡眠时间的19%,做梦次数一般在3—4次,所以安睡时间并不少。因此,不是做梦影响睡眠质量,而是身体或精神的原因影响了睡眠质量,而人们认为醒来后还记得梦境,是频繁做梦所致。该结论出自美国睡眠专家威廉·德门特于1960年在《科学》杂志上发表的文章。
3“不敢越雷池半步”,比喻不敢超越一定的范围和界限。 4奥地利精神病医师、心理学家、精神分析学派创始人。1899年出版《梦的解析》,被认为是精神分析心理学的正式形成。
5《宋定伯捉鬼》是东晋文人干宝创作的一篇小说,讲述的是宋定伯和一只鬼斗智斗勇的故事,宋定伯最终用人类的智能和勇气征服了鬼。 6宋定伯在看到鬼后不但不害怕,还骗了鬼,说自己是鬼。后来当他以请教的口吻问鬼怕什么时,鬼如实回答怕人的口水。当鬼发现他渡河有声音时他又骗了鬼,最后他使鬼化为一羊,并把鬼卖了,还用口水吐鬼,不让它再变回来。 7在鲁迅的小说《祝福》中,祥林嫂害怕所谓的轮回,对自己的来生产生恐惧,同时她又希望没有轮回之说,她看到“我”是一个读书人,所以才问我“这世上究竟有没有灵魂”,希望“我”能够给她解除内心的烦恼。 8语言学家称之为“语义演变的格雷欣定律”(Greshams law of semantic change),指的是在词语意义演变的过程中,有些情况下意义原本积极或者中性的词语出现了消极的意义,特别是当令人不快或者容易引起尴尬的误解出现后,人们趋向于更多使用该词的消极义,使原有的积极或者中性意义完全或者部分退出。