In the morning we were taken to where the Liberation Daily had been printed when Yan’an was the revolutionary center. Our friend George Hatem, when he wasn’t doctoring, had helped produce the English edition. As a precaution against Japanese and, subsequently, Kuomintang bombings, the newspaper had been housed in the Cave of the Ten Thousand Buddhas—a cavern about 60 feet square which had been hewn out of solid rock over 1,000 years ago. Two huge pillars supported the ceiling. Every inch of the walls and pillars was lined with rows of carved Buddhas and female figures in the lush natural style of the Tang Dynasty.
They originally had been colored, but Hu Zongnan had set fire to the printing equipment when he retreated, blackening the paint. The figures were still beautiful. Each one was different in posture and expression, and had been created in sets by different sculptors over several centuries. Beside each set was a plaque inscribed with the names of the artists and the devout Buddhists who had sponsored the carvings1.
We visited a large experimental farm outside Yan’an. They had found a good wheat variety for cold climates and were trying to improve it. Their wheat expert turned out to be a man who had been studying agriculture at Cornell while I was there taking an army course in Chinese. Small world department. His English was very good. He had returned to China in 1945.
The farm was also pushing apples. For one thing they had discovered that the slopes held water better when strips of fields were alternated with strips of orchards. For another, apples grew well here. They had several varieties. My favorite, and the one which seemed to thrive the best, was a type called the “banana apple”. Crisp and juicy, it did actually have the flavor of bananas. The farm had given 100,000 grafts the previous year to the co-ops, free of charge, to improve the local stock. They would be bearing fruit within three years.
As any farmer will tell you, fruit is a risky crop. If you don’t dispose of it all in season, it starts to go bad. You have to preserve it or refrigerate it, and that requires capital and equipment poor hillside regions don’t have. Here again, the experimental farm people distinguished themselves. They found that the yellow soil caves were natural refrigerators, cool and dry. Apples stored in October keep most of their natural juice and flavor until the following May or June. Big cities like Xi’an could be supplied all during the usually apple-less first half of the year. Another source of income for the farming co-ops.
According to the lunar calendar it was Moon Festival Day. The time of the year when the moon is at its roundest and people celebrate the harvests. In the afternoon we bought moon cakes and lots of fruit and invited the kids from the operetta company over. The boys had a basketball match, but half a dozen of the girls came. A pretty Hui ethnic girl from Kaifeng sang Henan opera tones. (She was the only member of the troupe who had dietary scruples but they had a special kitchen for her. It’s government policy to respect the customs of ethnic minority people.)
Others did some north Shaanxi songs. We were amused by a cute number called Husband and Wife Have a Tiff. Gao Min, a charming mezzo-soprano from Jiangsu Province, wrote out the words and rehearsed us a couple of times. She was surprised that I didn’t have any of the pear-shaped tones some foreigners use for rendering Chinese folk songs. Obviously she had never heard of unpretentious Brooklyn speech.
The next day was our last in Yan’an. We visited the famed Precious Pagoda. Built in Tang times, it stood atop a high hill from which there was a wonderful view in all directions. A big old bell of cast bronze stood in a wooden frame not far from the pagoda. Also made in Tang, it had hung in a local temple, long since gone. It was inscribed with the names of worshipers who claimed they had been cured of their ailments, and of women who believed their prayers for sons had been answered. They had all chipped in to pay for the bell and present it to the temple. An expensive gift. It had been used as an alarm in the Liberated Area days.
To my amazement, along with various holy figures on the bell, there was Pigsy. Old Pigsy was a folklore figure who allegedly accompanied Xuan Zang, a devout Buddhist monk, to India 1,000 years ago to bring back holy scriptures. Their other companion was Monkey, whose X-ray eyes2 could penetrate the disguises of the many demons who beset them on their way. The adventure of these three3 was an important part of Chinese children’s fairy tales and puppet shows. They appeared, too, in Beijing opera.
Monkey was a typical children’s hero. He could work powerful magic, was fearless, humorless, and treated women with disdain. Pigsy appealed more to the grown-ups, though the kids liked him too, as a raffish comedian. Brave enough when he had to fight, he was a good-natured slob the rest of the time, a glutton and a lecher whenever the opportunity presented. Due to certain minor deficiencies in my own character, I have always found Pigsy entirely lovable. But I never expected to see him commemorated on an ancient bronze temple bell. That must have been quite a congregation4. No wonder Tang was a Golden Age.
We took off the following morning at 5:30 by bus, arrived in Tongchuan by 3:30 in the afternoon, got on a train at 4:30, reached Xi’an at 11 in the evening, returned to the hotel by pedicab, had a wash and fell into bed, bone weary, around midnight.
1 Buddhists在此处并非指和尚僧人等出家人,而是指信奉佛教的百姓,因此不能直接译为“佛教徒”。信众捐资修建佛像是一种传统,sponsor即指“捐资”,如译为“赞助”则脱离了中国文化语境。
2 the Monkey和X-ray eyes都属于中国神话元素翻译到英文中的变形,在英译汉时需要采取回译策略,译为“孙悟空”和“火眼金睛”。
3 《西游记》中为师徒四人,沙博理此处记述有误,因此译文进行了模糊处理。 4 con-gregation本意指教会会众的集会,此处指前来参拜的信众规模之大,quite更添几分感叹的意味。