Why Successful CompaniesPass the ‘Grandma Test’为何成功企业要通过“奶奶测试”

2024-10-12 00:00:00安德鲁·沙普/文张梦迪/译
英语世界 2024年10期

CEO Andrew Schaap argues that thinking carefully about spending choices is the key to growing a viable business and keeping investors happy.


When encouraging its portfolio companies to be fiscally responsible, an investment firm uses a unique guiding principle they call the “grandma test.” For every spending decision, it asks leaders to imagine that a 90-year-old grandmother is a shareholder and then consider the following: Is this good for the business—and does it help Grandma eat and pay her rent?


Being fiscally responsible doesn’t mean being a tightwad, but it does mean thinking carefully about spending choices that impact the bottom line. Contrary to what has become accepted wisdom in recent years, a company can scale without burning through cash. In fact, as a CEO in a highly capital-intensive industry, I’d argue that prudent spending is the key to building a solid foundation for growth. Here’s how entrepreneurs, leaders, and executives can employ the grandma test to make smart financial decisions.


Why spending wisely matters for every business


I believe keeping a lid on spending is important for two reasons:


Fiscal responsibility is crucial for the health of the business. Too many companies run into trouble by blowing money on things they don’t need.


Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. Investors entrust leaders with finding ways to be thoughtful about expenses, while still growing the business and their potential returns.


To address both of these factors, leaders must determine what’s essential and what’s not. Being fiscally irresponsible can spread through an organization like a hidden virus. The result: a lack of intellectual rigor around spending decisions.


However, there is also such a thing as being too fiscally responsible. When a company is skittish about spending on what really matters, it can also fail in its fiduciary duty. To avoid that conflict, a leader must understand the details of the business and ensure that it’s nimble—knowing when to pursue growth opportunities but also when to pull back. The payoff? Research shows that balancing growth and sensible spending can deliver substantially higher shareholder returns.


Baking fiscal responsibility into a business is easier said than done, but it’s well worth the effort. Here are a few things to consider.


Make scarcity a feature, not a bug


It may sound counterintuitive, but I believe scarcity can boost productivity. If a company adopts a frugal mindset, I have found that people often rise to the occasion and find ways to do more with less.


Making managers relatively scarce is part of the deal. Too often, middle managers push paper from one desk to another, creating red tape for everyone else. Being thoughtful about how you structure teams can help all workers do their most productive work.


Want more proof that scarcity can be a good thing? Look at all the successful companies that launched during an economic crisis—half of the Fortune 500. For businesses looking to learn from those inauspicious starts, the secret may lie in capturing the cost-conscious spirit of a downturn before you’re actually in one. Amazon, Costco, and Ikea are notoriously frugal companies whose eye on the bottom line helped propel them to enormous growth.


But remember: Scarcity is a two-way street. A leader must also know when being frugal hurts productivity or growth, adjusting spending as needed to keep the business healthy and capitalize on opportunities.


Hire thoughtfully


Fiscal responsibility is much more than reining in travel expenses and saving on paper clips. For most organizations, the biggest cost is people. If a team member is too busy, the impulse is to bring on another employee. But that new person might have little to do because they’re only picking up the 15% or 20% overflow from someone else.


This kind of hiring can be a bad investment and can breed resentment among teams. When the rest of an organization sees colleagues with a lighter workload, productivity can drop.


Rather than thoughtlessly hiring, keep in mind that not getting everything done each day isn’t a reason for anyone to panic. To the contrary: It sharpens people’s minds on the highest and best use of their time and on the things that really move the needle.


When a company absolutely must hire, it should do its homework and aim to bring on the best talent. Mediocre employees drag down the exceptional ones. When you hire second-rate team members, costs rise, productivity falls, and then you face a larger systemic challenge.


Do a productivity audit


Spending wisely means making productive use of time and resources. Here are three ways for companies to maximize the return on those investments.


· Look at outputs: Whether it’s a piece of hardware or some marketing collateral, is a particular group producing something of value? If not, it may be time to rethink the projects they’re focused on.

· 关注产出:无论是具体产品还是营销材料,某个团队是否在产出有价值的东西?如果没有,那么也许是时候重新考虑他们专注的项目了。

· Make the most of meetings by shrinking them: Even today, many companies have a bloated meeting culture straight out of Mad Men. The default one-hour meeting in Outlook encourages people to mistake activity for productivity. That is why I set all of my meetings to 30 minutes. In this case, time literally is money. Shopify estimates that a half-hour meeting with a handful of employees and an executive can cost upwards of $2,000.

· 通过缩短会议来提高会议效率:即使今天,仍有许多公司存在照搬自《广告狂人》的那种膨胀会议文化。微软Outlook软件默认的1小时会议会使人误把忙碌当作产能。这就是我把自己的所有会议时间都设定为30分钟的原因。在这种情况下,时间真的就是金钱。根据加拿大电商软件开发商Shopify的估算,一名高管和数名员工开会半小时,就可能造成2000多美元的损失。

· Hold team leaders accountable: In my company, the heads of individual teams own their group’s productivity, regardless of the links between business units. I have found that when leaders have independence, they are more likely to be accountable.

· 让团队领导者负责:在我的公司里,不论业务单元之间是否相互关联,单个团队的工作效率都由该团队领导者负责。我发现,领导者如果具备自主性,会更可能有责任心。

Don’t be afraid to say no (or not yet)


I’ve regularly turned down spending requests from my people—while still leaving the door open. When a team member recently came to me with an ask that wasn’t fully baked, I said I looked forward to seeing the business case, business use, and return on capital. From my perspective, if someone wants money, it’s on them to convince me by showing that they grasp the numbers and understand the costs.


The business landscape is littered with the wreckage of companies that got ahead of themselves. Leaders and their teams should be realistic about what they can accomplish. Without skimping on ambition, pursue a growth trajectory that’s built on smart financial choices. And for goodness’ sake, don’t forget Grandma.

