Once the word is uttered aloud, there is a seismic shift. You will feel it.
Like a (very short) thread through the eye of a needle, swiftly in and swiftly out.
The air itself becomes thin, steely.
At the periphery of your vision, an immediate dimming. The penumbra begins to shrink. In time, it will become a tunnel. Ever diminishing. Until the remaining light is small enough to be cupped in two hands. And then it will be extinguished.
For when “hospice” is spoken, the fact is at last acknowledged: There is no hope.
No hope. These words are obscene, unspeakable. To be without hope is to be without a future.
Worse, by acknowledging that you are without a future, you have “given up.”
And so when the word “hospice” is first spoken—carefully, cautiously, by a (female) palliative-care physician—neither of you hears it. Or, if you hear it, you don’t register that you have heard.
A low-grade buzzing in the ears, a ringing, as of a distant alarm, an alarm in a shuttered room. That is all.
For if you don’t hear, perhaps it has not (yet) been uttered.
For if neither of you hears, perhaps it will not (ever) be uttered.
Yet somehow it happens: “hospice” comes to be more frequently spoken as the days pass.
And somehow it happens that your husband, surprising himself, begins to speak of his “final days.” As in, “I think these might be my final days.”
As if shyly. On the phone very early one morning, when he calls, as he has been calling, immediately after the oncologist making rounds in the hospital has examined him.
On the phone, so that he is spared seeing your face. And you, his.
A new shyness like the first, initial shyness. Finding some way to say I love you.
For some, an impossible statement—I love you.
But your husband managed it, and you managed it, somehow: I love you.
And now, years later, it is “I think these might be my final days.”
These words you hear over the phone distinctly, irrevocably, yet (you would claim) you have not heard them. No!
But, yes, you’ve heard. Must have heard. For the walls of the room reel giddily around you, blood rushes out of your head, leaving you faint, sinking to your knees like a terrified child, stammering, “What? What are you saying? That’s ridiculous. Don’t say such things! What on earth do you mean— ‘final days’?”
Your voice rises wildly. You want to fling the cell phone from you.
For you can’t bear it. You don’t think so. Not knowing, at this time, the vast Sahara that lies ahead with all that you cannot bear, that nonetheless will be borne, and by you.
For always, each step of the way, you resist.
It is a steep uphill. It is natural to resist. Or, if you accept the steep climb, console yourself with the thought that it is only temporary. The plateau, the flatland to which you’ve been accustomed, awaits you, both of you. You will return there. Soon.
Until a day, an hour—always there is a day, an hour—when you began to speak of hospice yourself.
At first, you, too, are shy, faltering. Your throat feels lacerated as if by metal filings.
Gradually, you learn to utter the two syllables clearly, bravely—hos-pice.
Soon after that, you begin to say these distinct, deliberate words: “our hospice.”
Soon, you draw up your vows. Quaintly state to yourself, as if to God, a formal decree.
It is my hope: I will make of our hospice a honeymoon.
My vow is to make my husband as comfortable as humanly possible.
To make him happy. To make us both happy.
To fulfill whatever he wishes that is within the range of possibility.
First: a new setting for him. NOT the Cancer Center. Our hospice will be in our home, which he loves.
The atrium flooded with morning light.
The foreshortened horizon—for the house is surrounded by trees.
The flotillas of sculpted clouds.
My husband can lie on a sofa, staring at the tree line and at the sky. Comfortable on the sofa with pillows behind him and feet (in warm socks) elevated.
Or, more likely, he can lie on a (rented) hospital bed, positioned in such a way that he can easily gaze out the window. And I can lie beside him, as I have done in the hospital.
Holding hands. Of course, we will hold hands. His hands are still warm—strong. His fingers, when squeezed, never fail to squeeze in return.
As his lips, when kissed, never fail to kiss in return.
I will sleep beside my husband holding him in my arms, not strong arms, in fact, rather weak arms, which nonetheless can be made to behave as if they were strong.
I will scatter seed on the redwood deck outside the window. Not ordinary seed but the more expensive “wild bird seed2” my husband purchases.
Thrilling to watch the birds. Taking the time, undistracted, really watching, for once...
And my husband loves music! I will bathe him in the most beautiful music through his waking hours. So long as it is not uncomfortable for him, I will lie on the bed beside him, holding him, listening with him to Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” Rachmaninoff’s “Vespers3.”
Falling asleep with him. Even during the day. Even with wan sunshine slanting through the window onto our faces. Head on the pillow beside his head.
From the bookcases in the house, I will select art books, his favorite artists, books from his photography shelves—Bruce Davidson, Edward Weston, Diane Arbus, Eliot Porter. I will turn the pages slowly, marvel with him.
Old albums, family photographs dating back to the early nineteen-hundreds. His family, great-grandparents who emigrated from the Pale. In which he has only recently shown an interest.
His favorite foods… Well, I will try!
When he is at home, possibly his appetite will return. When I am the one to prepare his food, his appetite will return, I am sure.
Of course, family will come to visit. Adult children, grandchildren. Relatives, friends. Colleagues from the university. Neighbors. Old friends from grammar school he hasn’t seen in fifty years. Some surprises for him—I will negotiate with the imagination of a theatre director.
Not merely hospice but our hospice. Not sad but joyous, a honeymoon.
We will be happy there, in our own home. Both of us.
For both of us, the “final days” will be a honeymoon. I vow.
In fact, nothing remotely like this will happen. How could you have imagined it would!
Hospice, yes. Honeymoon, no.
1(1938— ),美国小说家、散文家、诗人,被誉为“女福克纳”。奥茨素以揭露美国社会的暴力行径和罪恶现象而闻名,其作品在整体上构成了一幅当代美国社会的全景图,不仅生动反映了美国社会各个阶层特别是中下层阶级和劳动阶层的生活状态,而且触及到美国社会生活的多个领域,如学术界、法律界、宗教界、政坛,乃至拳击、足球等体育运动。从表现形式上看,美国文化传统对奥茨的影响显而易见,在继承马克·吐温、德莱塞、斯坦贝克等作家的批判现实主义传统的同时,她尤其擅长使用心理现实主义手法,注重用多样化的艺术形式刻画人物内心世界。尽管她的某些作品尝试运用了心理分析、内心独白、意识流、象征主义、神秘主义等现代主义表现手法,但评论界普遍认为其创作思想根基主要还是现实主义,因此她惯常被称为“具有巴尔扎克式雄心”的现实主义女作家。近几年一个比较引人注目的现象是,奥茨将她敏锐的现实主义触角伸向了犹太题材。
2在美国商店中,野生鸟食包装袋上常标有PREMIUM(高级)字样,以将其与普通鸟食区分开。相比于普通鸟食,野生鸟食的质量要高很多,据《华盛顿邮报》报道,普通鸟食中满足鸟类食用标准的种子含量仅27%,而野生鸟食中可食用种子不仅能接近100%,而且更加新鲜,其价格也因而较高。 3《晚祷》又名《彻夜祈祷曲》(All-Night Vigil),俄罗斯作曲家拉赫玛尼诺夫创作的一首无伴奏合唱作品,首演于1915年。唱词由俄罗斯东正教“彻夜祈祷仪式”的一系列文本组成。该作品被誉为拉赫玛尼诺夫最杰出的成就、俄罗斯东正教会最伟大的音乐成就。