How Hong Kong Got Its Name香港何以得名

2024-10-12 00:00:00马修·基根/文赵秋蕾/译
英语世界 2024年10期

The name Hong Kong is actually a phonetic translation of the city’s Cantonese name 香港 (heung gong), which literally means “Fragrant Harbour”. Over the years, Hong Kong has been given a number of nicknames. It has tried to rebrand itself as Asia’s World City. It has also been called the vertical1 city, for its density of skyscrapers, but the name that stuck and has persisted for centuries is “Fragrant Harbour”.

香港这一名称,实际上是这座大都市粤语名称发音heung gong(香港)的音译,字面义为“芬芳的港口”。多年来,香港被赋予了许多昵称。它一直试图将自己重塑为亚洲国际都会。由于摩天大楼密集,香港也被称为垂直城市,但沿用了数百年的还是寓意“芬芳的港口”的这一名称。

Historians believe “Fragrant Harbour” was a name inspired by the city’s past as a major trading post for fd17fa4f0104e32df4eca1cd689ed8725eca78ea3dc03f8ad112cde4c5ef74d4fragrant incense. In particular, agarwood2, known as the “King of Incense”—just two ounces of precious agarwood resin3 can sell for thousands of dollars.


During the Ming dynasty (1368—1644) and early part of the Qing dynasty (1636—1912), the villages surrounding Hong Kong, now known as New Territories, were noted for the production of incense. Agarwood was shipped, by junk boats, from a port in Hong Kong’s Aberdeen Harbour to provinces in Chinese mainland, Asia and even as far as Arabia.


Because of this exportation of incense, the port in Hong Kong’s Aberdeen area was called “the incense port” or “fragrant harbour” by the local boat people at the time known as Sui Seung Yan. “Hong” and “Kong” are the words for fragrant harbour as pronounced by the Sui Seung Yan in their Cantonese accent. The story goes that when British arrived in the 1840s, they could smell this wonderful fragrance burning and the name stuck and was applied to the whole island.


Before the British invaded Hong Kong in the 1800s, the area counted only around 7,500 inhabitants. These local villagers started planting trees around Hong Kong, known as Aquilaria sinensis4, believing these trees had good feng shui. To this day, practitioners of feng shui believe that the wood that forms in these trees, agarwood, contains special and auspicious5 energy (qi) that can improve luck, health and environment, especially when burnt as an incense to release its purifying scent and spiritual energy.


The villagers discovered that when insects or extreme weather started to attack the trees, they would repair themselves by producing a dark resin. This resin became known locally as Cham Heong, which is also commonly referred to as agarwood resin.

村民们发现,当昆虫或极端天气开始侵袭树木时,它们会分泌出一种深色树脂来自我修复。这种树脂在当地被称为Cham Heong,即通常所说的沉香树脂。

But for as long as there have been agarwood trees in Hong Kong, there have been poachers6. Ho Pui-han, a local conservationist, explains that there has been a long tradition of cutting these incense trees in southern China. “The poachers call the resin ‘black gold of the forest’,” says Pui-han. “It’s sometimes worth millions of dollars and so these poachers are crazy for it.” The resin the poachers extract from the trees can be used for incense sticks, for worship, for perfumes and the wood is used for carved sculptures of Buddhist figures.


The incense trees have also long been used in Hong Kong for Buddhism and Taoism. Followers believe that the fragrance of agarwood can induce clarity, peace of mind and ward7 off bad luck. It’s used for offerings, in meditation, scripture8tO20Ore/s5zqn2osmk/IbQ== chanting and in other holy ceremonies.


Small amounts of agarwood resin are used for creating incense chips and even these can sell for around HK $58,000 per kilogram. Larger logs of agarwood, often sold as hand-carved sculptures, can be sold for millions. Today, the resin is often distilled9 to create oud10 oil—an oil that has become a highly sought-after ingredient in high-end perfume, selling for up to HK $300,000 per kilogram.


Agarwood is also a sought-after commodity for practitioners of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Herbal pharmacists have used agarwood resin for centuries as a sedative11, pain killer, digestive aid and even as an aphrodisiac12.


However, due to deforestation and poaching, the agarwood trees have greatly declined in numbers, especially in Hong Kong. “They are nearly extinct”, says Pui-han. “Maybe less than 300 trees remain in Hong Kong.”


In response to the mass poaching and felling of the trees, the Hong Kong government announced a protection action plan in 2017. The plan involves protecting the remaining valuable trees with iron fences and installing cameras to monitor targeted areas. “So far, it has helped to save some of the remaining trees”, says Pui-Han.


Meanwhile, companies like Asia Plantation Capital are working with local farmers to invest in agarwood plantations where the wood can be harvested in a sustainable way. In April 2014, they teamed up with a local farmer in Hong Kong to plant 1,000 saplings. They have also worked with the Association for the Ecological & Cultural Conservation of Aquilaria Sinensis to help educate and promote the protection.


Despite ongoing efforts to protect the trees, conservationists like Pui-han say that poachers are still very active today and are searching and chopping the remaining incense trees that have not been fenced. However, while uncertainty hangs over the future of the trees, it’s safe to say they formed an integral part of the early incense trade that first put Hong Kong on the map and have secured their legacy by inspiring the city’s enduring name.



1 vertical垂直的,直立的。 2 agarwood沉香木。 3 resin树脂。

4 Aquilaria sinensis土沉香,瑞香科沉香属植物,为中国特有。 5 auspicious吉利的,吉祥的。

6 poacher偷猎者,非法捕猎的人。 7 ward防止,避免(危险、疾病、攻击等)。 8 scripture(某宗教的)圣典,经文,经典。

9 distill蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取。 10 oud沉香。这个词来源于阿拉伯语的音译,常用于香水产业。 11 sedative镇静剂。 12 aphrodisiac春药;激发性欲的食物。