Vanilla: A Flavor from Orchids香草:来自兰花的芬芳

2024-10-12 00:00:00希姆兰·塞蒂/文杨亦彬/译
英语世界 2024年10期

“The farmers move quickly through snaking vines, seeking out the pale, waxy flowers that bloom just one morning each year. They use thin, pointed sticks to lift the delicate membrane that separates the male and female parts of the flower. With thumb and forefinger, they push the segments into each other to ensure pollination1.”


If the union is successful, “the thick green base of the flower swells almost immediately,” as food writer Sarah Lohman2 writes in her book Eight Flavors. “The swollen base matures into a green fingerlike seedpod—a fruit—that ripens yellow and eventually splits at the end.”


To wait too long or to damage the plant during pollination is to lose a precious flower that could have matured into a pod. That’s a costly mistake for what has become one of the most beloved, lucrative spices in existence: vanilla3. Consumers’ insatiable appetite for this fragrant spice means that an estimated 18,000 products on the market contain vanilla flavor today, with prices for natural vanilla hovering around $300 per pound.


The work of hand pollination is painstaking, but not new. Long before Europeans took to4 vanilla’s taste, the creeping vine grew wild in tropical forests throughout Mesoamerica5. While the Totonac people of modern-day Veracruz6, Mexico, are credited as the earliest growers of vanilla, the oldest reports of vanilla usage come from the pre-Columbian7 Maya. The Maya used vanilla in a beverage made with cacao and other spices. After conquering the Totonacan empire, the Aztecs followed suit8, adding vanilla to a beverage consumed by nobility and known as chocolatl9.


The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in 1519 brought the fragrant flower—and its companion, cacao—to Europe. Vanilla was cultivated in botanical gardens in France and England, but never offered up its glorious seeds. Growers couldn’t understand why until centuries later when, in 1836, Belgian horticulturist10 Charles Morren reported that vanilla’s natural pollinator was the Melipona bee11, an insect that didn’t live in Europe. (A recent study, however, suggests that Euglossine bees12 may actually be the orchid’s primary pollinator.)


Five years later, on the island of Réunion13, a 39-mile long volcanic hotspot in the Indian Ocean, everything changed. In 1841, an enslaved boy on the island named Edmond Albius developed the painstaking yet effective hand-pollination method for vanilla that is still in use today, which involves exposing and mating the flower’s male and female parts. His technique spread from Réunion to Madagascar and other neighboring islands, and eventually worked its way back to Mexico as a way to augment the vanilla harvest pollinated by bees.


This proliferation helped whet the world’s appetite for vanilla. The spice quickly found its way into cakes and ice cream, perfumes and medicines, and was valued for its intoxicating flavor and aroma. But despite growing demand and a robust crop, the tremendous amount of time and energy that went into cultivation and processing affected farmers’ ability to supply the market—and continues to do so today. Nearly all of the vanilla produced commercially today is hand-pollinated.


“Vanilla requires a fair amount of skill to grow,” explains Tim McCollum, co-founder of Madécasse, a direct-trade chocolate and vanilla company. “You can’t just put seed in the ground, tend to it and expect it to produce a yield. Hand pollination is a learned skill. Many farmers have been growing vanilla for three to four generations. Smallholder farmers … have an absolute sixth sense as to when the orchids will bloom.”


Moreover, the vanilla aromas and flavors we know and love don’t reveal themselves until the crop is cured14 and dried. So it’s equally important to know to manage the plants once they bear fruit. After harvesting, McCollum explains, vanilla beans are sorted and graded. They’re then blanched15 in hot water to halt fermentation and placed in large containers to sweat for 36 to 48 hours. “It’s when the beans start to change from green to brown, and start to develop aroma,” he says.


From there, the beans undergo alternating periods of sun drying during the day and sweating at night, a journey that lasts between five and 15 days and ends with a period of slow drying. “This usually occurs indoors, in a well-ventilated room where beans are placed on racks,” McCollum says. “It can take up to 30 days, depending on the grade.” The entire process—from growing and pollinating to drying, curing and preparing for export—takes around one year.


But the reality is that very little of the vanilla we consume comes from those precious pods. Today, most of what we eat is actually artificial vanilla flavoring. In the late 19th century, scientists figured out how to derive vanillin16—the dominant compound that gives vanilla its signature aroma—from less expensive sources. Today, about 85 percent of vanillin comes from guaiacol17 that’s synthesized from petrochemicals18. This isn’t something many of us realize, because labeling can be confusing.


In short, vanilla is the plant. Vanillin is one of up to 250 chemical compounds that make up the flavor we know as vanilla. So what’s the distinction? Real extract is thicker and darker in color, and speckled with seed fragments. Vanillin produced naturally in the bean varies from place to place which results in different flavor profiles. Imitation vanillin extracted from lignin19 or guaiacol is very standard, rather than distinct.


Right now, this demand for inexpensive vanilla flavoring comes with an environmental cost. According to research in the American Chemical Society’s journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, the production of these compounds “creates a stream of wastewater that requires treatment before it can be released into surface water … catalysts currently used in the manufacturing of vanillin are polluting and can only be used one time.” In response, the authors have developed a new catalyst that separates out the vanillin but removes the polluting step. This catalyst could theoretically be re-used and, they hope, lead to more environmentally-friendly ways of manufacturing the alluring compound.


So is the answer to move away from real vanilla, and toward more environmentally friendly ways of scaling up production of artificial vanilla? Assuming that we consumers are content with a simple vanilla flavor, perhaps. But we will undoubtedly lose something in the process.


1 pollination 授粉。 2美国历史学家。其作品《八种风味:美国菜的秘史》(Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine)考据了美式菜肴中最常见的八种口味及其发展史。

3香荚兰,又称香草、香子兰等。 4 take to 喜欢上。 5 Mesoamerica中美洲。 6位于墨西哥东部沿海地区。 7 pre-Columbian 又称印第安时期,指美洲在明显受到来自欧洲文化影响前的历史时期。 8 follow suit 照做。 9纳瓦特语词汇,意思是“苦水”。这个词是chocolate的词源。

10 horticulturist园艺学家。 11无刺蜂属,广泛分布于热带地区。 12兰花蜂族,主要分布在中南美洲热带地区。 13位于印度洋西南部,临近马达加斯加岛。

14 cure(用熏、腌等方法)加工贮藏。 15 blanch 焯水,在热水中短暂浸泡。

16 vanillin香草醛,又称香兰素、香草精等。 17 guaiacol愈创木酚。 18 petrochemical 石油化学物质。

19 lignin木质素。