Ginger: From Ancient Healer to Modern Marvel姜:古药新用

2024-10-12 00:00:00诺拉·艾伦/文狄沐祺/译
英语世界 2024年10期

Ginger, the aromatic root known for its unique flavor, has a fascinating history as a medicinal powerhouse. From ancient civilizations to modern times, ginger has played a pivotal role in traditional medicine and emerged as a popular health remedy in various cultures. This article takes you on a journey through ginger’s remarkable medicinal history.


Ancient beginnings


The use of ginger for its medicinal properties dates back over 5,000 years to ancient China and India. It was one of the earliest spices to be cultivated and traded. The early applications of ginger included:


· Digestive aid: In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger was used to stimulate digestion and treat various digestive ailments.

· 助消化:在阿育吠陀医学中,姜被用于刺激消化以及治疗各种消化系统疾病。

· Anti-Inflammatory: Ancient Chinese herbalists employed ginger for its anti-inflammatory properties, using it to alleviate pain and joint stiffness.

· 消炎:中国古代的草药医师利用姜的消炎特性来缓解疼痛和关节僵硬。

· Respiratory health: Ginger was utilized to ease respiratory conditions, such as coughs and colds.

· 呼吸系统健康:姜被用来缓解呼吸系统疾病,比如咳嗽和感冒。

Ginger in the Middle East


As trade routes expanded, ginger’s reputation as a medicinal herb spread to the Middle East. It became a prized spice in Middle Eastern cuisines and was used in various medicinal concoctions:


· Ancient Greece: Greek physicians like Dioscorides1 and Galen2 valued ginger for its medicinal prop992ec2620518d238d84b87e624b8e32adefd9c302aeb7da82ca93cb023f22dbberties, recommending it as a remedy for digestive troubles.

· 古希腊:希腊名医如迪奥斯科里季斯和盖伦,重视姜的药用价值,将其作为治疗消化类疾病的药物。

· Persian traditions: In Persia (modern-day Iran), ginger was a key ingredient in traditional remedies for colds and flu.

· 波斯传统:在波斯(今伊朗),姜是治疗感冒和流感的传统药剂中的关键成分。

Ginger in the spice trade


During the Middle Ages, ginger was a valuable commodity in the spice trade. It found its way into Europe and became a staple in European herbal medicine:


· Gingerbread: The tradition of gingerbread-making in Europe dates back to the 13th century, with the spiced bread being praised for its digestive benefits.

· 姜饼:欧洲制作姜饼的历史可以追溯至13世纪,人们称道它对消化的助益。

· Digestive elixir: Ginger was commonly used in herbal elixirs to soothe digestive discomfort.

· 消化灵药:姜常被用在草药配制的万灵药剂中,以缓解消化不适。

· Cultural symbol: In medieval Europe, ginger was not only a remedy but also a symbol of social status and hospitality.

· 文化符号:在中世纪的欧洲,姜不仅是一味药材,还是拥有社会地位和热情好客的象征。

Ginger in traditional Asian medicine


In Asia, ginger continued to play a prominent role in traditional medicine:


· Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Ginger is a fundamental herb in TCM, where it’s believed to balance the body’s energy and dispel cold and dampness.

· 中医:姜是中医中的基本药材,被认为可以平衡阴阳、驱除寒气和湿气。

· Ayurveda: In India, ginger was incorporated into Ayurvedic remedies for a wide range of health issues, from colds to arthritis.

· 阿育吠陀:在印度,姜被纳入了阿育吠陀治疗体系,用来治疗从感冒到关节炎等各类健康问题。

Ginger’s emergence in modern medicine


Ginger’s journey as a medicinal remedy didn’t stop in ancient times. It continued to gain recognition and respect in modern medicine:


· Nausea relief: In the mid-20th century, ginger’s effectiveness in alleviating nausea, particularly in pregnant women and chemotherapy patients, was widely acknowledged.

· 缓解恶心:在20 世纪中期,姜在缓解恶心,尤其是缓解孕妇和化疗患者恶心方面的疗效是众所周知的。

· Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have been the subject of numerous scientific studies, with potential applications in various medical fields.

· 消炎和抗氧化功效:姜的消炎和抗氧化效用是很多医学研究的对象,在很多医学领域都有潜在的应用价值。

· Pain management: Some research suggests that ginger may be a natural pain reliever, potentially benefiting those with arthritis and muscular discomfort.

· 止痛:有研究表明,姜也许是一种天然的止疼药,或能缓解关节炎以及肌肉不适。

· Culinary and medicinal blend: Today, ginger seamlessly blends into both culinary and medicinal applications. It’s used in herbal teas, supplements, and as a spice in various cuisines.

· 食疗:在今天,姜已经毫无违和感地融入了烹饪与药用之中。它被用于药草茶和营养补充剂,也可作为各类菜肴的调味料。

The global influence of ginger


Ginger’s medicinal history transcends borders, and its influence can be seen in various cultures and health practices worldwide:


· Traditional remedies: Ginger is a component of traditional remedies in diverse cultures, from ginger tea in the Caribbean to ginger-infused soups in South Asia.

· 传统疗法:从加勒比地区的姜茶到南亚的姜汤,姜是各种文化中传统医疗的重要组成部分。

· Holistic healing: Ginger fits into the growing movement of holistic health and wellness, where natural remedies are celebrated for their multiple benefits.

· 整体治疗:姜正合乎越来越受关注的整体治疗和保健运动潮流。其中,天然药材因其多重益处而备受推崇。

· Culinary delight: In addition to its health attributes, ginger continues to be cherished for its culinary appeal in dishes like stir-fries, curries, and desserts.

· 为烹调增色:除药用价值外,姜也因在炒菜、咖喱和甜点中的烹饪价值而受到青睐。

Ginger’s medicinal history is a testament to its enduring legacy as a health remedy. From ancient civilizations to modern times, ginger’s therapeutic properties have transcended borders and continue to be celebrated worldwide. It’s remarkable journey from a spice in ancient remedies to a modern marvel in both medicine and cuisine exemplifies the profound impact of traditional herbal wisdom on our contemporary understanding of health and wellness.



1希腊植物学家、药理学家和医生,著有知名药典《草药》一书,影响深远。 2希腊解剖学家、内科医生和作家,开创了解剖学和实验生理学先声。