The world’s most commonly used spice, Piper nigrum, starts life as berries in a clump1 on a flowering vine (like grapes). Native to Southern India, today pepper is grown throughout the tropics.
Archaeological evidence of people using pepper goes back to at least 2000 BC in India. It is known that pepper was exported, but to what extent remains a mystery. Nonetheless, signs of an ancient pepper trade from India to Egypt have been found, including the peppercorns that had been stuffed into the nostrils of Ramses the Great2 (1303–1213 BC) when he was mummified3.
Certainly by 40 AD, the Romans had a thriving trade in spices, including pepper. Leaving the southwestern coast of India in July with the monsoon winds, Roman sea traders brought cinnamon, incense oils and pepper to their great commercial hub in Alexandria4. When the strong monsoon winds switched in the fall, the traders rode them back.
The Romans gobbled pepper up5, and in Apicius6’ Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome, 80% of the recipes contain the spice. Nonetheless, not every-body was a big fan, including Pliny the Elder7 (25–79 AD):
古罗马是胡椒消费大国。在阿庇修斯的《罗马帝国的烹饪与饮食》一书中, 80%的食谱都列有胡椒。不过,也不是每个古罗马人都钟爱胡椒,老普林尼也在不爱之列(公元25—79年):
Whereas pepper has nothing in it that can plead8 as a recommendation to either fruit or berry, its only desirable quality being a certain pungency9; and yet it is for this that we import it all the way from India!
When Rome was attacked in 410 AD, to lift the siege of the Visogoths and prevent the city from being sacked, along with gold, silver, silk, and hides, the Romans paid “three thousand pounds of pepper.” Negotiations soon broke down again, however, and the siege was resumed. Eventually the Eternal City10 was sacked.
With the fall of Rome’s imperial power, other groups began to take over the spice trade. Under the unifying influence of Islam, Arabs organized into a dominant force in the trade of pepper.
To maintain their monopoly11, keep their source a secret and raise the cachet (and price) of this highly prized spice, Arab traders created the fantastic myth that pepper was cultivated in:
Groves of trees in India [and the Caucus mountains] “guarded” by poisonous serpents. In order to harvest the pepper, the trees have to be burned, driving the snakes away and in the process turning the originally white fruit black.
As the demand for pepper grew, so did its trade. By the 10th century, pepper had become important throughout Europe, and it is reported that the English King Ethelred II (978–1016) exacted12 10 pounds of pepper from German spice traders prior to letting them do business in London.
Arab traders were not alone on the sea, and by the Middle Ages, many other seafaring13 groups had joined the spice trade. By the 14th century Genoa had become a prominent commercial center with pepper as its primary commodity. Between 1367 and 1371, over 40% of the value of all that entered Genoa from Alexandria came from pepper.
Spice merchants from Alexandria brought pepper to Venice, as well, and by the end of the 15th century, over 400 tons of it every year. Sharp traders, “the Venetians marked up14 the price of spices an average of 40 percent during the fifteenth century.” Not alone in gouging15 the consumer, the Catalans of Barcelona extolled a 25% profit on the pepper they imported. Other major sources of pepper came from Constantinople, Cyprus, Syria and other ports of the Levant16.
In 1497, the Portuguese king Manuel sent Vasco da Gama to find the sea route to India with the purpose of finding “Christians and spices.” By the end of the 15th century AD, the Portuguese took over the spice trade, but not without a high price. The journey was fraught with17 dangers and during their glorious century of domination, nearly 30% of Portuguese trading vessels were lost. Nonetheless, from 1500–1600, “Portugal imported from Malabar [India] the equivalent of about 2 million kg annually.”
The high cost of importing pepper was passed on to the consumer. In addition to lost ships, a great portion of its price in the markets in Europe came from the number of middlemen18 (each adding a premium19) required to get pepper from the East to the tables of Europe.
The Portuguese failed to exert political and military authority in the areas where pepper was produced, and over the course of the 16th century, slowly lost control of its trade. During the 17th century, the Dutch became the dominant player in the spice trade with colonies in Bantam, Ceylon, Java, Lampong and Malabar (centuries earlier Hindu traders are believed to have spread the plant across the Indian Ocean including to Java, where it was found by Marco Polo in the 13th century.)
As the British Empire rose to prominence20 in the tropics, it eventually took control of the spice trade with commercial groups like the British East India Company, supported by its dominant military.
Today, Vietnam has emerged as the world leader in pepper production. In the first six months of 2023, Vietnam’s pepper exports reached 153,000 metric tons (mt), worth USD 483.2 million.
1 clump(尤指树或植物的)丛,簇。 2古埃及第十九王朝法老(约公元前1279—约公元前1213年在位),其执政时期是埃及新王国最后的强盛年代。 3 mummify把尸体制成木乃伊。
4亚历山大港是埃及在地中海最重要的一个海港,当时归罗马管辖,是古代欧洲与东方贸易和文化交流的枢纽。 5 gobble up消耗,耗费。 6古罗马商人、美食家,据信撰写了世界上最早的一本烹饪书,该书记载了数百种古罗马时代的食谱,最早也以Apicius命名。文中提到的Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome即此书英译本。 7即盖乌斯·普林尼·塞孔都斯(Gaius Plinius Secundus),古罗马百科全书式的作家,以《自然史》一书著称。 8 plead提出……的理由。 9 pungency辛辣。 10罗马的别称即“永恒之城”,因古罗马诗人阿尔比乌斯·提布鲁斯(公元前55年—公元前19年)的诗作《挽歌》而得名。
11 monopoly垄断。 12 exact索取。 13 seafaring以航海为业的,出海劳作的。
14 mark up提价,涨价。 15 gouge向……漫天要价。 16现地中海东岸一带。文中上述几个港口均位于此地区。 17 be fraught with充满。
18 middleman中间商。 19 premium附加费。 20 prominence突出,出名。