Some argue that in a city, bookstores functionas “cultural landmarks” and “sanctuaries” forbook enthusiasts. From another perspective, theseestablishments also act as “urban living rooms,”drawing in diverse readers while subtly embodyingthe cultural essence and spirit of the city.
If you are seeking a tranquil retreat amidstShanghais bustling streets, a bookstore is a mustvisit.Shanghais bookstores not only offer a widearray of books but also boast cafes, bars, restaurants,art studios, writing spaces, and small cinemas. Theyhost book clubs, author signings, art exhibitions,and even distinctive weddings. These spaces arentmerely commercial venues; they are “havens for thesoul,” each brimming with ideas and emotions.
Lately, Shanghai has seen a surge in trendybookstores offering unique experiences. Amongthem, there emerged two types, each with its distinctfeatures.
一类是开设在老洋房里的书店。在这儿不仅可以阅读书籍,还可以品味书店建筑本身。说到老洋房里的书店,就不能不提思南书局。这幢建于1927年的假四层法式花园洋房,曾是冯玉祥将军名下的房产,也是著名诗人柳亚子先生的旧居。书局的一楼是历史哲学、评论书籍专区;二楼有具备公共休闲功能的思南客厅,连接着文学专区和咖啡区;三楼是文创展厅和艺术书籍展区;四楼是举办小型文化沙龙的作家书房。思南书局的文化体验空间,兼有书店与会客厅的功能,颇受城市白领的喜爱。《思想史:从火到弗洛伊德》的作者彼得 · 沃森称赞思南书局为“上海最精致的书店”;历史学家大卫 · 阿米蒂奇在参观思南书局时说道:“我最喜欢的书店有两个,一个是伦敦书评书店,另一个就是这里。”
The first type is located in old Western-stylebuildings, allowing visitors to indulge in readingwhile admiring the architectural charm of thebookstore itself. Sinan Books is a notable example ofthis type of establishment. This four-story pseudo-French garden villa, constructed in 1927, was onceowned by General Feng Yuxiang and served as theresidence of the renowned poet Liu Yazi. On the firstfloor, youll find history, philosophy, and critiquebooks; the second floor features Sinan Lounge, apublic leisure area connecting the literature sectionand the coffee area; the third floor hosts culturalproducts and art books, while the fourth floor isreserved for small cultural salons in the writersstudy. Sinan Books provides a cultural experienceblending the typical bookstore functions with areception lounge that is greatly appreciated byurban professionals. Peter Watson, author of Ideas:A History from Fire to Freud, lauds Sinan Books as“Shanghais most exquisite bookstore,” and historianDavid Armitage, during his visit, remarked, “Mytwo favorite bookstores are the London ReviewBookshop and this one.”
由圣尼古拉斯教堂改建而成的思南书局 · 诗歌店尤其能体现老洋房书店的独特之处。设计师采用钢板巧妙分割空间,在建筑内部营造出日夜与四季的变化,又通过光影呈现来表达“时间和知识”的思想理念。思南书局 · 诗歌店中的诗歌书籍来自中国、日本、法国、英国、德国、美国、波兰、意大利、爱尔兰、俄罗斯和奥地利等国家,书架营造出移步换景式的观感,读者可以随意漫步其中,寻找喜爱的诗歌作品,找个舒适的地方坐下,慢慢品读。虽然诗歌店的经营面积不大,但它的每一个角落似乎都蕴藏着一种文艺的神圣感。
The Sinan Books—Poetry Store, housed in theconverted St. Nicholas Church, beautifully capturesthe essence of an old Western-style bookstore. Thedesigner has cleverly utilized steel plates to partitionthe space, evoking a sense of day and night, as well asthe shifting seasons within the building. By playingwith light and shadow, the concept of “time andknowledge” is artfully expressed. Here poetry books from China, Japan, France, the UK, Germany, theUS, Poland, Italy, Ireland, Russia, and Austria, adornthe shelves. The layout of the shelves creates an everchangingambiance, inviting you to leisurely browseand discover your favorite works of poetry. You canthen settle into a cozy nook, immersing yourself inthe verses at your own pace. Despite its modest size,every corner of the store emanates a sense of artisticreverence.
As you stroll in thesebookstores, once old mansionsor churches, and delve into thestories of their past, embracingthe serene flow of time, it trulybecomes a delightful experience!
On the other hand, there are those set upin modern shopping centres with captivatinginterior and exterior designs. One example is the“Light Space” Xinhua Bookstore located in theAegean Place shopping mall. Its interior designingeniously employs optical principles, resulting ina meticulously organized space that beckons readersto lose themselves in a tranquil reading atmosphere.
In this space, books create acaptivating scenery, and the readersthemselves add to the charm. Situatedin Henderson Cifi Tiandi, ToyouBookstore holds a name with deepsignificance, invoking the imagery of“learning enough to fill five carts, andbooks flowing like two streams.” Thename “Toyou” is derived from theSmall You Mountain and the Large YouMountain, along with the confluenceof the You Creek and You River. Thislocation once served as a sanctuarywhere ancient scholars safeguardedbooks and preserved classics to protectthem from Emperor Qin Shi Huangsbook burnings. Originally symbolizing a wine vessel, thecharacter 西 evolved to character 酒 (wine). Notably, thebookstore also boasts a bar. According to the designer,enjoying a drink here could spark inspiration for both poetry reading andwriting. Here you cansavor wine and literaturesimultaneously. Its adelightful blend of wine,books, and intellectualpursuits!
朵云书院 · 旗舰店位于陆家嘴上海中心52层,是上海最高的书店。它拥有独特的空中视野和“ 抬头看云卷云舒,低头品书墨书香”的阅读环境。其内部设计别具一格,采用多个拱形门洞将不同的区域打通,同时保留了各自空间上的独立性。在这里,点一杯咖啡,选一本喜欢的书,即可一边品尝一边阅读。倘若看书累了,还可以俯瞰百舸争流的黄浦江,或是远眺高楼林立的陆家嘴,享受大都市高品质的文化生活。
The Duoyun Books Flagship Store is situated onthe 52nd floor of Shanghai Tower in Lujiazui, makingit the highest bookstore in Shanghai. It boasts aunique panoramic view and a reading environmentwhere you can “gaze at the rolling clouds above andimmerse yourself in the scent of books below.” Itsdistinctive interior design features several archeddoorways that connect different sections whilemaintaining their individual charm. Here, you canenjoy a cup of coffee, pick your favorite books, andrelish both the beverage and the reading experience.If you ever feel weary of reading, you can take in thebustling sights of the Huangpu River or marvel atthe towering skyline of Lujiazui, embracing the highqualitycultural offerings of the city.
In Shanghai, whether you are exploring thecharming bookshops tucked away in vintageWestern-style buildings or the trendy ones located instylish shopping malls and high-end office complexes,the emphasis is always on prioritizing peoples needs.This approach ensures that visitors not only have awonderful reading experience but also delight in thearchitectural beauty of the space.
For every book enthusiast, theres one bookstorethat holds a special place in their heart with its ownset of cherished memories. In Shanghai, is there abookstore that serves as your personal haven, offeringsolace to your soul during times of exhaustion?