At St Ignatius College Handaq Middle School,understanding and appreciation of different cultures isbecoming a vibrant reality, owing to its collaborationwith the China Cultural Centre in Malta.
N todays interconnected world, fosteringunderstanding and appreciation of differentcultures is paramount. At St Ignatius College?andaq Middle School, this ethos is not justa philosophy but a vibrant reality, thanks to anexciting collaboration with the China CulturalCentre in Malta.
The aim of this collaboration is clear: toprovide students with a profound understandingof China and its rich cultural heritage. Bydoing so, the school seeks to broaden students'international vision, promote cross-cultural understanding,and cultivate an inclusive and openmindset.
The aim of thiscollaboration isclear: to providestudents witha profoundunderstanding ofChina and its richcultural heritage.
Under the guidance of the school administrationteam, led by Director Yuan Yuan of theChina Cultural Centre in Malta, a series of initiativeshave been meticulously planned to achievethese goals. One highlight was the exchange ofvisits between the school and the China CulturalCentre. Maltese students had the invaluableopportunity to visit the China Cultural Centrein Valletta, where they were immersed in theessence of Chinese culture. From learning aboutChinese cuisine and literature to trying traditionalcostumes and delving into the historyof calligraphy, students experienced a journeyunlike any other.
The China Cultural Centre also offered theschool a mesmerizing performance by a Chinesechoir from Shenzhen in celebration of the ChineseNew Year in 2024. The school's foyer wastransformed into a vibrant display of Chinese culture, adorned with lanternsand decorations, symbolizingthe joyous occasion. The schoolwas also presented with delightfuldragon mascots, symbolizingstrength, good luck,and prosperity.
Through shared experiencesand mutual respect,students are notonly gaining knowledgebut also cultivating empathy,tolerance, andglobal citizenship.
The cultural exchange didn'tstop there. The school's leadershipteam, actively participatedin various events organized bythe China Cultural Centre. From attending theHappy Chinese New Year concert at the Universityof Malta to experiencing the Chinese NewYear Film Festival and Lantern Festival Concert,they embraced every opportunity to immersethemselves in the richness of Chinese culture.
A particularly memorable event was thelaunch of the exhibition showcasing the Chineseprovince Hainan's intangible cultural heritage.Additionally, we proudly participated in the inaugurationof the China Pavilion at the Malta Biennale,further strengthening the bond between thetwo cultures.
As the collaboration between St Ignatius College?andaq Middle School and the China CulturalCentre continues to flourish, it serves asa shining example of the transformative powerof cultural exchange. Through shared experiencesand mutual respect, students are not onlygaining knowledge but also cultivating empathy,tolerance, and global citizenship.
During one of these occasions, Dr. MariaMontebello, the head of school, delivered aheartfelt speech welcoming the distinguisheddelegation from China, including Director YuanYuan and the talented Shenzhen Opera Choir.She expressed her gratitude for the enduringfriendship between Malta and China, emphasizingthe importance of cultural exchange instrengthening bonds between nations.
Dr. Montebello highlighted the significanceof the Chinese New Year celebration as a time ofrenewal, hope, and new beginnings, and commendedthe choir for their contribution to thecultural exchange through music. She emphasizedthat the presence of the delegation fromChina symbolizes the bridges of friendship andunderstanding that have been built between thetwo nations.
She reiterated the commitment of St IgnatiusCollege ?andaq Middle School to fosteringan environment of learning, cultural exchange,and friendship. Dr. Montebello emphasizedthat through education and understanding,we can build bridges that connect us, breakinggeographical boundaries and fostering mutualrespect and appreciation.
In an increasingly interconnected world,initiatives like these remind us of the beautyand diversity that exist beyond our own borders.As the students of St Ignatius College ?andaqMiddle School embark on this cultural journey,they are not just learning about China – theyare forging connections that will last a lifetime.
On March 15, 2024 our school accepted theinvitation of the Ambassador of the Peoples Republicof China to Malta Yu Dunhai to join thelaunching of the China Pavilion at Maltas firstart biennale, held at the Conference Hall of FortSt Elmo, Valletta. This Fort has been an importantdefender of civilization throughout history.Thus, historical heritage and contemporaryconcepts can still find each other today.
The China Pavilion presented the guests with the West Lake Series of paintings and etchingsby Chinese artist Yan Shanchun. West Lakeis a famous cultural attraction in Hangzhou,China. It hosts a long-lasting legacy that hasevolved through history. It has experiencedrounds of landscaping and artistic interventionsand grown in beauty from the enrichmentof its natural beauty and cultural achievement.West Lake gained popularity among a growingaudience through various forms of art – poems,opera, novels, folklore and paintings.
The theme of the pavilions exhibition “Tracing”attempted to trace the exchanges betweenthe civilizations from the East and the Westduring the past and explore the possibilities ofcultural exchanges in the future.
Through his works, the artist Yan Shanchunmanages to describe West Lake by integratingthe materials and techniques from both Westernfrescoes and Chinese ink. The combination of thetraditional Western print-making technique andthe traditional Chinese album design offered theaudience a unique experience that resembled thereading of painting in a Chinese cultural context.The materials used are commonly available forcontemporary art practice.
While observing his works, visitors couldsee his experience as an individual and “trace”the art history. He presents a style that is clear,remote and classic. Yans West Lake anchors hisspiritual pursuit on the subject matter but beyondits natural existence. It travels through thehistorical evolution and breaks the constraintsof time and space, landing its essence back tothe very nature of art.
The launching of the China Pavilion at Malta-Biennale.Art 2024, the paintings and works onview at Fort St Elmo presented the viewers withan excellent opportunity to search for the variouspossibilities to reconnect with historicalsites and reconstruct cultural memories. Thislaunch and exhibition definitely highlighted thecultural ties between China and Malta.
MARIA MONTEBELLO is head of St Ignatius College?andaq Middle School; ROSANNA MIFSUD is the assistanthead of the school.