2024-06-11 16:29:53

Beautiful Guangdong and Wild Lingnan

Producers: Rong Mingchang,Liu Jiangtao

Length: Five Episodes

Producers: Nanfang Media Group, Nanfang Metropolis Daily , N Video

Broadcasting Platforms: Tencent Video, Bilibili

Rich with mountains, coastsand valleys, Lingnan area in thesouth of China is abundantlyblessed with natures bountywith thousands of recordedanimals and plants. Producedby Nanfang Metropolis Dailyand N Video, this documentaryseries focuses on geographicalfeatures, showcasing the beautifulscenery and vitality of wildanimals and plants native to therivers, mountains, oceans, forests,and cities of GuangdongProvince.

In Goods We Trust

Chief Director: Chen Yingjie

Length: Six Episodes

Producers: Taobao, Fangcun Yinxiang Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

Broadcasting Platforms: Youku,Bilibili

The multitude of goods onthe assembly line are connectedto millions of people and theirfamilies, which has becomea profound reflection of theintertwining of life between theseller and the buyer. This filmseries focuses on the marketingadeptness of small businessowners and the popularityof cyberspace. It explores theaspects of visual content creationand craftsmanship of localmanufacturing behind the portalof the website, telling the storiesof specialty economy throughthe lens of manufacturing andwitnessing the lives of the peopleconnected with it.

A Meeting with Architects Season Two

Directors: Jia Li, Liang Shuai

Length: 10 Episodes

Producer: I-TALK

Broadcasting Platform: Bilibili

This documentary series isthe first on-the-spot interviewseries about personalitiesin the field of architecturein China. Each episodefeatures an interview witha star architect at the constructionsite, capturing themoment of inspiration andthe spirit of the modern era.The film aims to show adeep understanding of theessence of architecture – itis not only the manifestationof the architects design, butalso a shared space thateveryone can interact withthrough both their bodiesand minds.