2024-06-11 16:29:53

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am a research fellow at theInstitute of Advanced Studies inHumanities and Social Sciencesof Beijing Normal University inZhuhai, Guangdong Province.My research focuses on globalizationand cultural developmentstrategies. The article “All VoicesShould Be Heard and Heededin a True Democracy” in ChinaToday s May issue has impressedme. Its a report based on thethird International Forum onDemocracy: The Shared HumanValues that was held in Beijingon March 20, 2024. As an attendeemyself, I also shared my ownviews during the forum based onmy research over the past fewyears. The white paper China:Democracy That Works that waspublished in 2021 highlighted,“All countries should uphold theprinciple of nondiscrimination,respect others models of democracy,share experience withothers, explore their own paths,and contribute their due shareto human progress.” Chinas developmentpath has been blazedon its own in its modernizationdrive, and similarly, the countrydid not duplicate a Westernmodel of democracy. Instead,it created its own model – thewhole-process peoples democracyunder the leadership of theCommunist Party of China. Weshould realize that democracy hasa rich variety of forms, and thereare many ways to achieve it.Political systems vary in differentcivilizations, and each has itsown strengths. More importantly,democracy should never be weaponizedto justify hegemony.

David Bartosch


I am the director of theChina-Brazil Center for Researchand Business. The article“New Energy, New Engine,”which appeared in the SpecialReport “Green Transition, SustainedGrowth” of China Today sMay issue caught my attention.A new development paradigmis presently emerging in Chinawhich is centered on high-qualitydevelopment, and prioritizessustainable growth. The remarkableeconomic growth that Chinahas achieved in recent decadesis very amazing. China remainscommitted to protecting the environmentand introducing initiativesthat transcend conventionaldevelopment paradigms. In fact,China has increased its investmentsdramatically in renewableenergy, and at the same time,also diversified its energy mixby increasing solar photovoltaic,wind, and hydroelectric powerprojects, in order to minimize itsdependence on fossil fuels andsignificantly reduce carbon emissions.Moreover, in the realm oftechnology, hi-tech trends arereshaping the world, and Chinahas become the epicenter of innovationand digital revolution,driven by massive investmentsin R&D. Investments in digitalinfrastructure in Chinas vastrural areas have made it possiblefor every community to participatein the digital economy.Such initiatives reflect Chinascommitment to the digital transformationof the economy whichwould outline the contours of afuture society where technologywill drive equitable and holisticdevelopment.

Ronnie Lins
