
2024-05-23 08:40:48徐璐欣魏威王清霞何琼珍
婚育与健康 2024年8期

徐璐欣 魏威 王清霞 何琼珍




Study on the effect of pelvic floor fascia release technique combined with striated muscle and smooth muscle electrical stimulation in the treatment of separation of rectus abdominis muscle after delivery

XU Luxin1, WEI Wei1, WANG Qingxia2, HE Qiongzhen1

1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zhongshan Rehabilitation Hospital, Shiqi Suhuazan Hospital, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400, China; 2.Department of Rehabilitation Treatment, Shiqi Suhuazan Hospital, Zhongshan Rehabilitation Hospital, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400, China

【Abstract】Objective:To explore the effect of pelvic floor fascia release technique combined with striated muscle and smooth muscle electrical stimulation on the separation of rectus abdominis muscle after delivery. Methods:A total of 180 postpartum patients with rectus abdominalis separation admitted to our hospital from March 2022 to March 2024 were selected and divided into 3 groups according to random number table method, with 60 cases in each group. Group A was treated with independent exercise, group B was treated with striated muscle combined with smooth muscle electrical stimulation, group C was treated with pelvic floor fascia release manipulation on the basis of group B, and the clinical effects of all groups were compared.Results:The total effective rate of group A, B and C was 63.33%, 71.67% and 85.00%, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, IRD, umbilical circumference, umbilical circumference, subumbilical circumference and VAS scores of the three groups were all group C < group B < group A, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Pelvic floor fascia release technique combined with striated muscle and smooth muscle electrical stimulation can effectively improve the separation distance and pain of rectus abdominalis in patients with postpartum separation, and it is worth promoting in clinical practice.

【Key Words】Pelvic floor fascia release technique; Myoelectric stimulation; Postpartum separation of rectus abdominis

产后腹直肌分离(diastasis recti abdominis,DRA)是产妇产后常见的并发症,由于妊娠期增大的子宫会使腹部向两侧扩张,从而引起腹直肌向两侧分离,当分离距离≥2cm以上时,则为DRA患者[1]。DRA患者通常有腹壁松弛、腰背疼痛等问题,严重者可发生腹壁疝,严重影响患者的生活[2]。对于DRA患者通常采用保守治疗,即通过按摩、电刺激等方法来刺激腹部肌肉恢复功能。本研究旨在通过盆底筋膜松解手法结合横纹肌、平滑肌电刺激,探究其对治疗DRA患者的效果。

1 對象和方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法

A组采用自主锻炼治疗,患者每日居家自行进行腹式呼吸、桥式运动等运动,20 min/次,2次/d。B组采用横纹肌联合平滑肌电刺激治疗,患者取平卧位,将麦澜德治疗仪的圆形电极片分别粘贴于患者腹部腹直肌、腹横肌等肌肉,选择“腹直肌分离”程序。C组在B组的基础上增加盆底筋膜松解手法,患者取仰卧位,经电刺激后由医护人员对其实施腹部环摩、推腹、肾区按摩、捏腹肌、点揉、点穴法等手法。

1.3 观察指标


1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS 26.0统计学软件进行数据分析。计数资料采用(%)表示,进行x2检验,计量资料采用(x±s)表示,进行t检验,P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 各组患者治疗效果的比较


2.2 各组患者腹直肌距离、腹围和VAS评分的比较

治疗后,三组患者IRD、脐上围、脐围、脐下围及VAS评分均低于治疗前,且C组 3 讨论