
2024-05-21 17:32
疯狂英语·读写版 2024年5期



Reading Check

1~4 DCDB

Language Study

1. occasionally 2. directly

3. of its own accord 4. according to

5. depend on 6. feel like 7. incredible

8. rather than


Reading Check

1~4 ADBA

Language Study

1. designed 2. allowing 3. skillfully

4. lacking 5. played 6. conducting

7. to listen 8. to 9. which 10. necessity


Reading Check

1~4 BDAC

Language Study

1. known 2. Initially 3. created

4. and 5. cooperating 6. reflecting

7. including 8. typically 9. inhabiting

10. compared



Reading Check

1~4 DACA

Language Study

1. constructing 2. has dreamed 3. who

4. educated 5. measures 6. incomplete

7. raised 8. plans 9. to feature

10. potentially


Reading Check

1~4 BCCD

Language Study

1. access to 2. constant

3. has become fascinated with

4. fell asleep 5. depend on 6. went back



Aiming to enrich our students schoollife and encourage us to show our singingabilities, Students Union is going toorganize a singing competition. All of us in our school are welcome to attend thecompetition.

As scheduled, the competition is tobe held on May 21 in the lecture hall, inwhich we'll be asked to sing two songs, oneassigned song and one we choose. The topeight winners will be qualified for the finalcompetition in June. Six art teachers willbe invited to be judges. If you are interestedin it, please sign up for it at Students'Union before February 17.

Don't miss the chance, from which weare sure to benefit a lot.

Students' Union



Activity A Reading for understanding



It mainly tells us some methods for

English learning.


1. challenge 2. variety 3. memorize

4. timeconsuming

5. repeatedly

6. Repetition 7. qualification

8. opportunities 9. communicate

10. fulfilling

Activity B Reading for writing


(一)Our culture is different from Western culture, which brings difficulties to our foreign language learning.

(二)Reading a variety of books can not only increase our knowledge but also broaden our horizons.


Dear Tom,

I am writing to express my viewsconcerning how to learn Chinese.

In my opinion, there are at least threethings you can do. First of all, what Istrongly suggest is that you should knoweach word has four tones in Chinese,which is quite different from English.What's more, it would be beneficial if youcan persist in learning Chinese 30 minutesevery day. Last but not least, readingChinese books and watching Chinesedramas can not only improve your Chinesebut also help you learn more aboutChinese culture.

I hope my suggestions will be ofbenefit to you.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1~4 AABB


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. that mixes traditional techniques

with modern techniques

2. how to paint with watercolors

Ⅱ. 写作实践

Structural color paint:A breakthrough innovation

Scientists at the University of CentralFlorida have developed the structural colorpaint. Structural color uses tiny shapes tocreate colors instead of traditional pigments.This innovation offers severaladvantages. The paint is extremely lightand longlasting,reducing fuel consumptionfor vehicles. It also has the potentialto cool cities and reduce the electricityspent on air conditioning in buildings.Although mass production is still beingexplored, the structural color paintrepresents a groundbreaking developmentwith promising benefits for energyefficiency and sustainability.


Reading Check

1~4 DDAB


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

While my sister is not a professional


Ⅱ. 写作实践

Dear Jenny,

With May 4 approaching, our school'sstudent council will host a dance competition,and I would like to extend a specialinvitation to you.

The competition will take place onMay 4 at the school stadium, and itpromises to be a fantastic event. Participantswill have the opportunity to showcasetheir dance skills in various styles,including contemporary, hiphop,andtraditional. Each participant will have amaximum of five minutes to perform, andwe kindly ask for music to be submittedbeforehand.

We hope you can join us and lookforward to seeing you shine on the dancefloor!


Li Hua



Reading Check

1~4 CCCA

Language Study

1. went 2. as 3. featured 4. discovery

5. who 6. unaware 7. valuing

8. lost 9. with 10. appreciates


Reading Check

1~4 BCDC

Language Study

1. named 2. unusual 3. has removed

4. recognizes 5. signals 6. showcases

7. with 8. challenging 9. experiences

10. which


Reading Check

1~4 DCBA


Reading Check

1~4 BCAD

Language Study

1. land 2. exhausted 3. rushed

4. focus on 5. gaze at 6. surrounded

7. Each time



Reading Check

To reduce water usage during a



Reading Check

The teacher took a few minutes tounderstand what was happening. Shelooked him up and down, didn't say aword, and then burst into tears as hewrapped his arms around her.


Reading Check

Rescue 2000 is providing relief andassistance for families in Bali, Indonesiawho have been experiencing extremepoverty due to a lack of tourism.


Reading Check

To show their appreciation and respectfor Monsieur Hamel, who had been ateacher for forty years.



Paragraph 1:

When she approached him and said hello, he did not react. Taking a deepbreath, Bales got closer, checked his pulseand suddenly realized that the man musthave passed out. The freezing wind wasmarching into the mountain. The earthseemed benumbed (麻木的) because ofthe icy touch, and all the living creaturesseemed to be asleep. She knew she had towake him up immediately or the dreadfulweather could put him in greater danger.Out of her bag, Bales took a carpet to wrapthe man, gave some hot water to him,called out repeatedly and shook him hard.Fortunately, it didn't take long before theman came to himself.

Paragraph 2:

After waking the man up, Balesrecognized that they had to get out of theresoon. The wind kept howling fiercely, anddarkness began to fall. Anxious, Balesstruggled to help the man up, supportinghis weight and inching along the trail,following the tracks left by her hikingboots. Worse still, the howling wind piledup snow in drifts, blinding the night withicewhitedust. After what seemed likeages, they finally made it to the foot of themountain. The man was rushed to hospital immediately. Exhausted as she was, Balesfelt a wave of happiness welled up insideher.



第一部分 语言基础

第一节 单句填空

1. proceeding 2. shadows 3. ambition

4. motivated 5. pleasantly 6. practical

7. tightly 8. injuries 9. operator

10. up 11. influential 12. dating

13. consisting 14. frustrated

15. to succeed

第二節 完成句子

1. It's very careless of you to make so many mistakes

2. sitting beside our teacher

3. Encouraged by his parents

4. as much a bad thing as to eat nothing

5. I find it possible that they will fail

6. what is required

7. build trust between our customers and us

8. While (he was) in danger

9. not some money but their recognition

10. Even though/if you have achieved a great breakthrough

第二部分 阅读




1~3 DCA



4~7 CBDA



8~11 AACD



12~15 CDCB



16~20 EFBDG

第三部分 语言运用



21~25 CBABB 26~30 CACDB

31~35 ABCAD



36. dating 37. brought 38. created

39. With 40. cultural 41. arrival

42. its 43. was launched 44. an

45. that

第四部分 写作


Dear Jack,

Knowing you are fond of traditionalChinese art, I am writing to invite you to attend a Chinese papercuttingartexhibition to be held in the art galleryfrom 8:00 am to 5:00 pm next Sunday inour city center.

Papercuttingis a traditional art formin China, which has a long history andholds much artistic value. People oftenbeautify their home with papercutting,inparticular during festivals and weddings.In this exhibition, you can see papercuttingwith all kinds of patterns. Inaddition, there are some influential artistswho will perform how to cut paper on thespot.

I wish that you could grasp this opportunityto learn traditional Chinese culturefurther. All in all, it is really worthy of yourattention. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

Grandpa held Sam‘s hand tightly buta huge wave separated them. Grandpafought the waves and strove to catch Sam,but failed. Sam was washed away! Grandpastruggled to keep his head above the water.The water pushed him ahead. Fortunately,he caught a palm tree in his courtyard. Hepanicked and screamed out at Sam butcould not see him. He clung to the treetightly while the water was all around. Inthe hope of seeing Sam, Grandpa climbedhigher up the tree. The water carried Samround and round.

Paragraph 2:

“Sam! Sam!” cried Grandpa. “Dontbe scared, little one. Come to me, quickly!”“But Grandpa, I can't swim!” Anotherwave came with terrifying speed and force.Sam cried in despair. Suddenly, Sam felthimself thrown onto the top of a tree. Heimmediately held it! Looking around, hesaw everything was terribly destroyed; butin the near distance, Grandpa was inanother tree! Soon it was calm; bothGrandpa and Sam came down from thetrees and rushed to hug each other, andthen they hugged the trees with tears ofgratitude.

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