A classroom of high school studentshelped their teacher welcome her overseassoldier son back after being apart for overfive years, and it had us in tears.
A video of the reunion has caught theattention of more than 40 million people. Itshows the son wearing his military uniformand carrying flowers and a sign that reads,“I'm home.” When his mother walks intothe class, he hides behind the door andthen sneaks behind a whiteboard so thestudents can prime her for the big secret.
“Question,” said one student as heraised his hand.“ When was the last timeyou saw your son?” The teacher turnedsad, and she answered it had been almostfive and a half years. She also hadn't heardhis voice for six months.
More students asked questions, whichled the teacher to explain that her soldierson had been overseas. And if he cameback, the first thing she'd do is make him agiant homecookedmeal. She then went onto talk about her son, but every time shetried redirecting the students to their dailylesson, someone else would ask anotherquestion. She seemed surprised by thesudden interest.
Finally, the whole plan came togetherwhen the young soldier stepped out frombehind the board to announce his homecomingto the startled teacher. When thesoldier made his presence known, theteacher took a few minutes to understandwhat was happening. She looked him upand down and didn't say a word beforebursting into tears as he wrapped his armsaround her.
Reading Check
What was the teacher's reaction when her son revealed himself in the classroom?