李想 石广丽 耿佳麒 郭建辉 刘雨萌 孙丹 王振兴 张苏苏 唐倩 艾军
收稿日期:2023-09-15 接受日期:2023-11-10
*通信作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail:aijun1005@163.com
摘 要:【目的】探究温室栽培条件对软枣猕猴桃叶片光合特性及果实品质的影响,为软枣猕猴桃温室栽培提供理论依据。【方法】2021—2022年,以4年生软枣猕猴桃品种佳绿、魁绿为试材,在温室和露地两种栽培环境下,比较两种环境对两个品种叶片的形态建成、光合特性及果实品质的影响。【结果】温室栽培的软枣猕猴桃两品种的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)等指标显著低于露地条件。通过对快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线进行分析,温室栽培条件下k、j、i点的相对可变荧光值显著上升,其叶片结构具有阴生植物特性。温室环境下对魁绿的单果质量与果形指数影响较大,对佳绿影响较小。温室栽培中两品种可滴定酸含量显著上升,可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量与维生素C含量无显著变化。【结论】在温室栽培条件下,两个软枣猕猴桃品种对环境的适应性较为一致,首先体现为叶片形态建成趋向阴生叶,其次PSⅡ反应中心供体侧及受体侧活性较露地栽培降低,导致温室内叶片利用强光和低浓度CO2的能力低于露地,最终果实外在品质及单果质量呈现一定程度的下降趋势,但内在品质无显著影响。
中图分类号:S663.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)01-0089-12
Effects of greenhouse cultivation on the photosynthetic characteristics and fruit quality of Actinidia arguta
LI Xiang, SHI Guangli, GENG Jiaqi, GUO Jianhui, LIU Yumeng, SUN Dan, WANG Zhenxing, ZHANG Susu, TANG Qian, AI Jun*
(Horticulture College of Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, Jilin, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】The market supply window of fresh Actinidia arguta fruit is short due to the short storage life, and the leaves and branches are easily affected by natural disasters such as frost damage under open field cultivation conditions, which may lead to a decline in leaf damage, fruit yield, and poor fruit appearance quality. Therefore, attention should be paid on these problems in the cultivation of A. arguta. Greenhouse cultivation is a common method of promoting early cultivation, which has been widely used in the world. In this paper, two A. arguta varieties were cultivated in greenhouse, the effects of greenhouse cultivation on plant growth, photosynthetic characteristics and fruit quality of A. arguta were analyzed. 【Methods】 In this experiment, the four-year-old A. arguta varieties Jialü and Kuilü were placed in the solar greenhouse of the facility culture of Jilin Agricultural University, and the control was plants grown in the germplasm resource nursery of A. arguta of the University. Photosynthesis indexes and chlorophyll fluorescence indexes of leaves were measured, and the differences in leaf structure, leaf stomata and fruit quality were observed. 【Results】 The light response curves of the two varieties in greenhouse cultivation were significantly lower than those in open field cultivation. Except for Ci, the three photosynthetic indexes, Pn, Gs and Tr, were significantly lower than those in the open field cultivation. The order of Pn in each cultivation environment was Jialü open field cultivation>Kuilü open field cultivation>Jialü greenhouse cultivation>Kuilü greenhouse cultivation. Under greenhouse cultivation conditions, Jialü Pnmax decreased by 28.16% and Kuilü decreased by 24.28% compared with open field. In particular, the LCP of Jialü in greenhouse was 15.13% higher than that in open field, while Kuilü was the opposite. The Rd value of Jialü under greenhouse cultivation increased by 4.64% compared with that under open field, and Kuilü decreased by 12.47%. The apparent quantum efficiency (AQY) of Jialü in greenhouse decreased by 5.32%, and that of Kuilü increased by 24.7%. After linear regression analysis of CO2 response, the CE values of the two varieties decreased significantly in greenhouse cultivation, and the ability to use low concentration of CO2 was low, the performance of Jialü and Kuilü in greenhouse is relatively consistent. The analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics curve showed that the relative variable fluorescence of Vj point and Vi point increased significantly, and the values of Vk, Vj and Vi increased significantly in greenhouse cultivation compared with open field cultivation. The analysis of PSⅡ reaction center showed that there was no change in ETo/RC under greenhouse cultivation, but the ABS/RC and TRo/RC values of the two varieties cultivated in greenhouse were significantly higher than those in open field. Although the light energy absorbed and captured increased, the light energy finally used for electron transfer was the same as that in open field cultivation, most of which was used for heat dissipation and other ways to make energy loss, which showed that DIo/CSm was significantly higher than that in open field cultivation. The observation of leaf structure showed that the leaf thickness of A. arguta cultivated in greenhouse decreased significantly, which was in line with the characteristics of plants in greenhouse. The thickness of palisade tissue was smaller than that of open field cultivation, while the thickness of spongy tissue was greater than that of open field cultivation. The significant decrease in palisade/spongy ratio was the root cause of the decrease in photosynthetic capacity mentioned above. The thickness of upper and lower epidermis was smaller than that of open field cultivation, which made leaves vulnerable to external environment damage with adaptability to adversity. The stomatal density of A. arguta leaves cultivated in greenhouse was significantly lower than that in open field. Stomatal opening ratio, stomatal length and stomatal area were lower than those in open field cultivation, which led to the decrease in leaf gas exchange efficiency in greenhouse. This was the secondary reason for the decrease in CE value and Pn value. The fruit quality results show that the fruit size and weight in the greenhouse were lower than those in the open field. The transverse and longitudinal diameters of Jialü fruit under greenhouse cultivation were 4.29% and 8.79% lower than those in the open field, respectively. The longitudinal diameter, lateral diameter and single fruit weight of Kuilü were 8.36%, 2.41% and 14.07% lower than those of the open field, respectively. Although the fruit size decreased, there was no significant difference in contents of soluble solids, soluble sugars and vitamin C but a significant increase in titratable acid content. Greenhouse cultivation advanced the maturity of the fruit by 70 days, advanced the sales time of A. arguta market, extended the supply period of fresh fruit market, and brought considerable economic benefits. 【Conclusion】 Under greenhouse cultivation conditions, the adaptability of the two A. arguta varieties to the environment was relatively consistent. Firstly, the leaf morphogenesis tended to shade leaves. Secondly, the activity of the donor side and the receptor side of the PSⅡ reaction center was lower than that of the open field cultivation, resulting in weaker ability of the leaves in the greenhouse to use strong light and low concentration of CO2 than that of the open field. Finally, the external quality of the fruit decreased to a certain extent, but the internal quality had no significant change.
Key words: Actinidia arguta; Greenhouse cultivation; Photosynthetic characteristics; Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
软枣猕猴桃[Actinidia arguta (Sieb. et Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq],为猕猴桃科(Actinidiaceae)猕猴桃属(Actinidia)大型落叶木质藤本植物[1]。果实表皮光滑无毛,品质风味独特[2]。其果实营养丰富,可鲜食,亦可加工成果酱、果酒等,同时具有抗氧化、降血糖和通便润肠等功效[3]。虽然中国软枣猕猴桃人工栽培发展较晚[4],但软枣猕猴桃是很有开发利用前景的野生浆果类果树[5],中国软枣猕猴桃人工栽培以露地为主,温室栽培起步相对较晚[6]。温室栽培作为保护地栽培的一种,可以较好地控制病虫害的发生及传播,避免因雨水不均导致涝害或果实糖度降低。研究表明,近年来,温室栽培适用于多种果树[7-9],猕猴桃属植物研究较晚,但设施栽培对猕猴桃的意义重大,可以有效控制猕猴桃溃疡病的发病率[10]。温室栽培需提前打破休眠,对果树本身需冷量有一定要求,由于软枣猕猴桃自身的需冷量要求不高,大部分品种在1000 h以内,其中魁绿与佳绿只需840 h、672 h左右即可[11],较低的需冷量可使软枣猕猴桃在温室栽培时提前升温不影响其结果性能,故进行温室栽培具有一定的可行性。在温室栽培条件下,整体物候期会提前2~3个月,在吉林长春地区约在当年6月份果实成熟,较露天栽培提早上市3个月左右,能够填补软枣猕猴桃鲜果市场的空窗期,提高经济效益。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验于2021年12月至2022年9月在吉林农业大学软枣猕猴桃资源圃与设施农业基地内进行。试验采用日光温室栽培模式,传统的露地栽培为对照。日光温室跨度9.51 m,脊高4.50 m,长65.30 m。供水方式为滴灌,通过内、外遮阴帘调控温度,排风扇与湿帘控制温、湿度。种植土壤均为园土、沙子、草炭土体积比为3∶1∶1配置而成。长春地区年平均日照时数2259~3016 h,年平均降水量568.5 mm,无霜期140~150 d,霜期156 d[13]。长春地区2020年每月气温详见表1。
1.2 试验材料
1.3 试验方法
1.3.1 光响应曲线的测定 光响应曲线测定参考王振兴等[15]的方法。于晴天上午使用CIRAS-3便携式光合测定系统(PP-SYSTEM,美国)对选取的植株叶片进行测定。分别以净光合速率(Pn)、胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)为纵轴,绘制响应曲线。利用双曲线修正模型进行计算,得出光合作用的最大净光合速率(Pnmax)、光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)以及表观量子效率(AQY)。
1.3.2 二氧化碳响应曲线的测定 CO2响应参考王振兴等[15]的方法测定,光合有效辐射(PAR)设1400 μmol·m-2·s-1,CO2浓度设为0、100、150、200 μmol·mol-1。Pn-CO2曲线初始斜率即为羧化效率(CE)。
1.3.3 快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线的测定 该试验参考郭建辉等[16]的方法,将叶片在黑暗条件下处理1 h,使用Pocket-PEA非调制式荧光仪(Hansatech,英国)测定软枣猕猴桃叶片快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线(O-J-I-P曲线),参考Strasser等[17]的方法进行分析,并根据公式(Ft-Fo)/(Fm-Fo)进行标准化处理,每个品种均测20枚叶片。
1.3.4 叶片结构及气孔的观察 在盛花期(温室为4月1日,露地为6月5日)选取叶幕上层照光均匀一致的功能叶片进行石蜡切片的制作以及观察气孔形态,石蜡切片制作参考王振兴等[18]的方法,气孔形态观察参考徐清华[19]的方法。
1.3.5 果形指数的测定 在果实采收后,使用游标卡尺对软枣猕猴桃果实的纵径、横径、侧径进行测量,由于软枣猕猴桃为二歧聚伞花序,同一花序上着生3个果实的选择位于中间的果实进行测量,以此保证数据的一致性。
1.3.6 果实品质的测定 在果实成熟期,每份资源采收30个典型果实,放入4 ℃冰箱中进行果实后熟,待7 d后果实完全成熟时进行果实品质的测定。TSS含量采用电子糖量仪(PAL-101,杭州齐威仪器有限公司,中国)测定;果实的可溶性糖含量采用试剂盒法进行检测(BC0030,Solarbio,中国);可滴定酸含量参考张治安等[20]的方法采用酸碱滴定法测定;维生素C含量参考师恺丰[21]的方法采取钼蓝比色法测定。
1.4 数据分析
利用SPSS 20统计软件进行方差分析,使用Microsoft Office 2021进行数据处理与作图。
2 结果与分析
2.1 软枣猕猴桃温室栽培对叶片光响应的影响
由图1-A可知,不同条件下各品种的Pn与PAR均呈正相关,在露地栽培条件下品种的Pn值显著高于温室栽培。PAR在200~1600 μmol·m-2·s-1内露地栽培条件的Pn值与温室栽培间的差异逐渐增大,各栽培环境下的Pn排序为:佳绿露地栽培>魁绿露地栽培>佳绿温室栽培>魁绿温室栽培。温室栽培条件下佳绿Pnmax下降28.16%、魁绿Pnmax下降24.28%;如图1-B所示,温室与露地条件下各处理Ci无显著差异;从图1-C可以看出,露地栽培软枣猕猴桃Gs随PAR的增加呈波动性变化,温室内趋于平缓;在温室栽培条件下的两个品种,其Gs的光响应曲线与Tr的光响应曲线变化趋于一致,Gs是影响Tr变化的主要因子之一(图1-C、D)。
2.2 软枣猕猴桃温室栽培对叶片CO2响应的影响
将CO2浓度<200 μmol·mol-1的Pn值进行线性回归后计算CE值,如图2-A、B所示,两个品种在不同栽培环境下CE值具显著性差异,但在相同栽培环境下两个品种之间并无显著性差异,回归曲线趋于一致。在温室栽培中两个品种CE值显著下降,表明在温室环境下两个软枣猕猴桃品种利用低浓度CO2的能力降低,并且温室内部CO2浓度与露地相比较低,是Pnmax低于露地栽培的原因之一。
2.3 软枣猕猴桃温室栽培对叶片叶绿素荧光特性的影响
2.4 栽培环境对软枣猕猴桃叶片结构的影响
2.5 软枣猕猴桃温室栽培对果实品质的影响
对果实进行生理指标的测定,结果见表6,温室栽培使两个品种成熟期提前70 d,佳绿与魁绿在温室栽培中,除可滴定酸含量显著上升外,可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量以及维生素C含量均无显著性差异,温室栽培对果实内在品质的影响较小。
3 讨 论
利用叶绿素荧光动力学方法可以快速、灵敏、无损伤地研究和探测各种逆境对植物光合生理的影响[27]。植物光合电子传递链中包括两个连续作用的光系统,光系统Ⅰ与光系统Ⅱ[28]。过高的温度与较弱的光照度通常会影响植物PSⅡ供体侧与受体侧的电子传递体活性,使其受到可逆或不可逆的损伤[29],吴久赟等[30]发现高温影响了PSⅡ中心捕获电子和电子传递,这与本研究中佳绿、魁绿在温室内的表现一致。由于本研究中的温室为玻璃温室,在冬春季时,于上午8:00—9:00逐步打开顶、侧通风,维持温度在30 ℃以内,在夏季时,顶、侧通风则保持全天开放(阴雨天另作调整),温度过高时打开排风扇,但仍时有不可控因素导致30 ℃以上的温度,影响叶片,较高的Vj值证明在温室内软枣猕猴桃佳绿、魁绿叶片的PSⅡ的确受到了较高温度的影响,可能导致叶绿素类囊体膜的活性发生改变[31]。王振兴等[32]研究指出PSⅡ供体侧放氧复合体(OEC)的活性与受体侧电子传递链均易受到高温影响,明显的k点随之出现,本研究表明温室中软枣猕猴桃叶片的Vk、Vj等值显著高于露地,这与多种热处理影响OEC敏感性的研究结果一致[33-35]。随着叶龄的增加,过剩光能和活性氧的不断积累可能会导致叶片出现日灼、早衰等现象[36-37]。
4 结 论
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