
2024-04-21 16:10:11林府标杨欣霞张千宏

林府标 杨欣霞 张千宏

摘 要:找到Rosenau方程的顯式精确解十分困难,研究方法常采用数值离散求解技术.首先,采用李群分析法给出了Rosenau方程的对称群、约化常微分方程和群不变解;其次,构造了一种精确求解非线性偏微分方程的exp(-φ(ξ))展式法,利用此方法找到了Rosenau方程的显式行波解,分析了解的动力学行为;最后,所获得的显式行波解既证明了Rosenau方程显式精确解的存在性,又可用于验证数值解的精度、检验数值离散方案的优劣,为工程领域的实际应用提供理论依据和参考.




Lu= ut+uxxxxt+ux+upux=0,    (1)


ut+uxxxxt-μuxx+ux+uux=0    (2)

的解的存在性和唯一性,其中,μ代表非负黏性系数.方程(1)和(2)在研究紧离散动力学系统、 模拟无线电及计算机领域、 波与波相撞、波与障碍物或墙相互作用等方面具有重要应用.但鉴于方程(1)和(2)精确解的缺乏,初值和边值问题解的存在唯一性、 柯西问题的适定性、 算法的收敛性和稳定性、误差估计、解的渐近性、永久性、动力学行为性质等常借助于数值离散及实验技术进行研究[4-13.



1 李群分析法

2 exp(-φ(ξ))展式法

3 显式行波解

4 解的动力学行为

5 结束语


参 考 文 献

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Explicit travelling wave solutions and dynamic behaviors of the Rosenau equation

Lin Fubiao, Yang Xinxia, Zhang Qianhong

(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025, China)

Abstract: It is typically difficult to obtain explicit exact solutions of the Rosenau equation, it was usually intensively investigated by use of the numerical schemes and techniques. Firstly, symmetric groups, reduced ordinary differential equations and group invariant solutions of the  Rosenau equation were given by the method of classical Lie group analysis. Secondly, an exp(-φ(ξ))-expansion method for solving analytically  nonlinear partial differential equation was constructed. Moreover, explicit travelling wave solutions of the Rosenau equation were found by using the exp(-φ(ξ))-expansion method, the corresponding dynamic behaviors of solutions were also analyzed. Finally, on the one hand, the existence of solutions of the Rosenau equation was demonstrated by these obtained explicit travelling wave solutions. These obtained exact solutions can be used to verify accuracy of numerical solution, test advantages and disadvantages of numerical discrete scheme, and study dynamic behaviors of solutions. In addition, it also provides a theoretical basis for the practical application in the field of engineering.

Keywords: Rosenau equation; explicit travelling wave solution; dynamic behavior

[責任编校 陈留院 赵晓华]