
2024-04-09 05:21:08饶显杰徐忠林刘翔宇关惠方
电工技术学报 2024年7期

饶显杰 徐忠林 刘翔宇 关惠方 周 凯


饶显杰1徐忠林1刘翔宇1关惠方1周 凯2

(1. 国网四川省电力公司成都供电公司 成都 610041 2. 四川大学电气工程学院 成都 610065)

为解决现有的电缆局部缺陷检测方法中缺陷定位效果差、缺陷类型判断困难等问题,提出一种基于反射系数谱(RCS)的新型电缆缺陷诊断方法。首先,利用电缆线路的分布参数模型,建立了含局部缺陷电缆线路的RCS数学模型,根据RCS数学模型,确定合理的核函数,设计出基于RCS的新型缺陷诊断函数,该缺陷诊断函数的极值峰可用于定位电缆线路中的缺陷,并确定缺陷的类型、严重程度等特征;然后,对不同类型与严重程度的电缆线路缺陷进行建模仿真诊断,测试该方法的可行性与准确性;最后,在同轴电缆与10 kV电力电缆上设计了局部缺陷,并用该方法对真实电缆缺陷进行诊断分析。仿真与实测结果表明,该方法能精准地定位电缆线路中的缺陷,并且可以准确地判断出缺陷的类型与严重程度,说明了该方法的实用性,且具有较高的实际工程价值。

电缆线路 局部缺陷 反射系数谱 缺陷定位 缺陷分析

0 引言

随着城市电网建设的快速发展,交联聚乙烯(Cross-Linked Polyethylene, XLPE)电力电缆凭借着自身优良的电气性能及力学性能,被广泛用于输配电网络中[1-2]。随着电缆服役时间的增长,在恶劣运行环境和自身质量欠佳的影响下,电缆线路的局部区域会产生缺陷,进一步发展可能会造成电缆线路故障,严重威胁电网的稳定运行。因此,研究电缆缺陷的诊断技术具有重要的意义[3-4]。

局部缺陷会使电缆线路中相应位置的特征参数产生变化,形成阻抗失配点,而行波会在该阻抗失配点位置产生携带缺陷信息的反射波。其中,反射波的传播长度可用于确定该阻抗失配点的位置,反射波的特征极性可用于确定该阻抗失配点的类型[5]。因此,行波反射法被广泛用于电缆的缺陷诊断领域,其主要分为时域反射法和频域反射法。时域反射法凭借技术简单、结果直观的特点,长期被用于电缆中击穿故障的定位[6-7]。该方法需要检测单极性脉冲在阻抗失配点处的反射信号,但是由于单极性脉冲中高频分量的能量较低,并且高频分量极易受到电缆中衰减效应与噪声干扰的影响,所以该方法难以诊断故障早期的微弱缺陷。频域反射法将特定频率区段的等功率扫频信号作为测试信号,测试信号的频率能量分布均匀,因此对微弱缺陷具备更强的检测效果,但是,该方法测试获取的宽频阻抗谱(Broadband Impedance Spectrum, BIS)或反射系数谱(Reflection Coefficient Spectrum, RCS)是频域数据,难以直接提取数据中缺陷的信息,因此必须选择合适的数学方法将测试数据变换为缺陷诊断函数,实现缺陷的特征信息提取[8-9]。


针对上述传统方法存在的问题,本文提出了一种基于RCS的新型电缆缺陷诊断方法,该方法利用RCS数据构建新型电缆缺陷诊断函数,通过该函数可准确地定位电缆中的缺陷,并定性分析缺陷的类型。本文首先介绍了所提新型缺陷诊断函数的变换原理;然后通过设计典型的仿真电缆样本开展缺陷的诊断分析,论证了本文方法的可行性;最后对真实的同轴电缆与10 kV XLPE电力电缆进行缺陷诊断分析,说明了本文方法对电缆缺陷的定位精准度较高,并且对缺陷类型的诊断结果准确性较高。

1 电缆线路的RCS数据


图1 电缆线路的分布参数模型












2 基于RCS的新型缺陷诊断函数

2.1 缺陷诊断函数的构建








2.2 算法流程


(1)利用RCS测试平台对电缆线路进行测试,获取电缆线路的首端处RCS,确定测试结果中RCS的离散序列为(),对应频率的离散序列为(),其中,=1, 2,…,,为RCS序列的数据总量。


式中,min为分析距离的最小值,为减少测试夹具的遮蔽效应影响,通常可取0.1;Δ为缺陷的距离分辨率,可根据测试效果确定;为()的序列数,=1, 2,…,,为()的数据总量,定义为







3 仿真验证

为了验证本文所提方法的有效性,搭建了如图2所示的仿真测试分析平台。仿真测试对象为10 kV XLPE电力电缆,电缆总长为250 m,测试频率区段为0.15~200 MHz,测试点数为3 998。

图2 仿真测试分析平台








表1 仿真电缆样本的参数

Tab.1 Parameters of simulated cable samples

图3 仿真电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数

(1)通过检测图3中()极值峰的横坐标,可以得到1~4号仿真电缆样本的缺陷距离定位误差均为0.2 m(0.1%),实现了电缆缺陷的精准定位。


(3)对比图3中1号、2号仿真电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数,由于在缺陷模型Ⅰ中,当缺陷位置处串联缺陷电阻的值由60 Ω变为120 Ω时,等效于缺陷位置处缺陷的严重程度变高,信号在缺陷位置处反射信号的能量变强,所以2号仿真电缆样本中缺陷处()的幅值绝对值1 112.8大于1号仿真电缆样本中缺陷处()的幅值绝对值799.1。因此,对于缺陷模型Ⅰ而言,可以利用()在缺陷处的幅值绝对值判定缺陷的严重程度。

(4)对比图3中3号、4号仿真电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数,在缺陷模型Ⅱ中,当缺陷位置处并联缺陷电阻的值由60 Ω变为120 Ω时,等效于缺陷位置处缺陷的严重程度变低,信号在缺陷位置处反射信号的能量变弱,所以4号仿真电缆样本中缺陷处()的幅值绝对值254.7小于3号仿真电缆样本中缺陷处()的幅值绝对值446.7。因此,对于缺陷模型Ⅱ而言,同样可以利用()在缺陷处的幅值绝对值判定缺陷的严重程度。


4 实验验证


图4 RCS测试平台示意图

实验对象采用40 m的SYV50-5-1通信同轴电缆与105 m的10 kV XLPE电力电缆。利用同轴电缆制作含缺陷的1~3号真实电缆样本,缺陷的位置均为距首端20 m。对于1号真实电缆样本而言,缺陷位置处屏蔽层串联20 Ω的缺陷电阻,与缺陷模型Ⅰ保持一致;对于2号、3号真实电缆样本而言,缺陷位置处缆芯与屏蔽层之间分别并联20 Ω和82 Ω的缺陷电阻,与缺陷模型Ⅱ保持一致。

在10 kV XLPE电力电缆上,利用饱和食盐水对局部区域的铜屏蔽层进行浸泡,腐蚀该区域的铜屏蔽层并生成铜绿,增大该局部区域中铜屏蔽层的电阻,缺陷位置为距首端43 m,从而得到4号真实电缆样本。由于4号真实电缆样本的缺陷情况是电缆的屏蔽层产生缺陷,所以4号真实电缆样本与缺陷模型Ⅰ一致。

考虑同轴电缆中高频信号的衰减效应更弱[21],因此本文令1~3号真实电缆样本对应RCS的测试频率区段为5 Hz~500 MHz,测试点数为1 601;同时令4号真实电缆样本对应RCS的测试频率区段为0.15~40 MHz,测试点数为500。利用本文方法对测试获取的RCS进行变换,分别得到1~4号真实电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数如图5和图6所示。根据该缺陷诊断函数的极值峰,可以推断出1~4号真实电缆样本的缺陷位置与类型见表2。

图5 真实同轴电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数

图6 真实电力电缆样本的缺陷诊断函数

从表2中可以看出,对于同轴电缆对应的1~3号真实电缆样本而言,在缺陷定位结果方面,本文方法中缺陷定位结果的最大误差为0.14 m(0.7%);在缺陷类型辨识结果方面,本文方法准确地判断出1号真实电缆样本存在特征阻抗增大类型的缺陷,同时推断出2号、3号真实电缆样本存在特征阻抗减小类型的缺陷,该缺陷类型诊断结果与实际情况一致,说明本文方法可以准确检测电缆缺陷的位置与类型。

表2 真实电缆样本的缺陷分析结果

Tab.2 Defect analysis results of real cable samples


对于XLPE电力电缆对应的4号真实电缆样本而言,在缺陷定位结果方面,本文方法的缺陷定位误差为0.3 m(0.7%),说明本文方法可有效地定位真实电力电缆中缺陷,并且缺陷的定位精度较高;在缺陷类型辨识结果方面,本文方法判断4号真实电缆样本存在特征阻抗增大类型的缺陷,该缺陷与屏蔽层受损的实际缺陷情况一致,说明本文方法可有效地检测真实电力电缆的缺陷类型。

5 结论






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A New Cable Defect Diagnosis Method Based on Reflection Coefficient and Kernel Function Construction

Rao Xianjie1Xu Zhonglin1Liu Xiangyu1Guan Huifang1Zhou kai2

(1. Chengdu Power Supply Company State Grid Sichuan Power Supply Company Chengdu 610041 China 2. College of Electrical Engineering Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China)

In recent years, as its excellent mechanical and electrical properties, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) power cable is widely used in the construction of the urban power system. With the increase in service time, various cable local defects often occur due to the hostile operating environment and poor product quality. The long-term development of the defect may cause a cable insulation failure, which seriously threatens the stability of the urban power transmission and distribution system. Therefore, it is of great significance to accurately diagnose cable local defects as early as possible. Recently, by using the broadband impedance spectrum (BIS) and reflection coefficient spectrum (RCS), a series of cable defect location methods based on frequency domain reflectometry has been proposed. However, the existing methods have some problems in engineering applications, such as low reliability of the positioning result and the inability to determine defect type. To solve the above problems, this paper presents a new cable defect diagnosis method based on RCS. By establishing the defect diagnosis function based on RCS and kernel function construction, it can accurately obtain the characteristics of the defect, such as location, type and severity.

Firstly, based on distributed parameter model of the cable line, the RCS mathematical model of the cable line with the local defect is established. The RCS is closely related to the position and characteristic impedance of the local defect, so it can be used to determine the characteristics of the local defect. Then, according to the mathematical model of RCS, a reasonable kernel function is designed in this paper, and a new defect diagnosis function based on RCS is obtained. By the periodicity of the trigonometric function, the proposed defect diagnosis function can form a peak at the position of the defect. Finally, the peak can be used to determine the characteristics of the defect, such as location, type and severity. When the characteristic impedance of the defect is greater than that of normal cable, the corresponding peak is positive polarity. On the contrary, when the characteristic impedance of the defect is smaller than that of normal cable, the corresponding peak is negative polarity.

In this paper, two classic cable defect models are established. In the defect model Ⅰ, there is series defect-resistance in the cable core or shielding layer to simulate the damage defect of the cable core or shielding layer, leading to the increase of characteristic impedance. In addition, the higher the defect-resistance value, the more serious the defect. In the defect model Ⅱ, there is parallel defect-resistance between the cable core and shielding layer to simulate the damage defect of cable insulation, leading to the decrease of characteristic impedance. At the same time, the lower the defect-resistance value, the more serious the defect. In the simulation process, four simulated 250 m 10 kV XLPE power cable samples are built, and all the defects are located at 200m. The types of No.1~4 simulated cable samples are the defect model Ⅰ, Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅱ, respectively. While the defect-resistance values are 60 Ω, 120 Ω, 60 Ω and 120 Ω, respectively. Simulation results show: (1) The defect positioning errors in all simulated cable samples are 0.2m (0.1%), which proves that the proposed method can accurately locate the defect. (2) In the defect diagnosis functions of No.1, No.2 simulated cable samples, the peaks at the defect are positive polarity. However, for No.3, No.4 simulated cable samples, the peaks at the defect are negative polarity. As a result, the polarity of the peak can be used to determine the type of defect. (3) As the peak absolute values of No.1~No.4 simulated cable samples are 799.1, 1 112.8, 446.7 and 254.7, respectively. The peak absolute value of the No.2 simulated cable sample is greater than that of the 1# simulated cable sample. On the other hand, the peak absolute value of the No.4 simulated cable sample is smaller than that of the No.3 simulated cable sample. So the peak absolute value can be employed to assess the severity of the defect.

In the measurement process, the experimental subjects are 40 m SYV50-5-1 communication coaxial cable and 105 m 10 kV XLPE power cable. The No.1~No.3 measured cable samples are the communication coaxial cable, while the No.4 measured cable sample is the XLPE power cable. As same as the simulation results, the proposed defect diagnosis function can accurately locate the defect, in which the maximum positioning error is only 0.7%. At the same time, the type and severity of the defect can be determined from the defect diagnosis function.

The conclusions of this article are summarized as follows: (1) The peak of the defect diagnosis function can be used to obtain the location and type of the defect. For the peak of the defect diagnosis function, the abscissa value is the position of the defect, and the sign (positive or negative) of ordinate value is used to determine the type of defect, in which the positive sign and negative sign correspond to defects with increase and decrease of characteristic impedance, respectively. (2) The damage to the cable core or shielding layer causes the increase of the characteristic impedance at the defect, and the proposed defect diagnosis function forms a positive peak. The damage to the cable insulation causes the decrease of the characteristic impedance at the defect, and the proposed defect diagnosis function forms a negative peak. (3) In the proposed defect diagnosis function, the peak absolute value is related to the severity of the defect. The higher the absolute value, the more serious the defect. (4) The simulation and measurement results show that the proposed method can not only accurately locate the defect in the cable, but also determines the type and severity of the defect.

Cable line, local defect, reflection coefficient spectrum, defect location, defect analysis






饶显杰 男,1996年生,硕士,研究方向为电力设备绝缘状态监测。 E-mail:1953520244@qq.com

周 凯 男,1975年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电缆绝缘状态检测与修复等。E-mail:zhoukai_scu@163.com(通信作者)

(编辑 李 冰)

趣味(数学)(2019年12期)2019-04-13 00:28:48
找准定位 砥砺前行
学习月刊(2015年1期)2015-07-11 01:51:12