
2024-03-31 17:04
重庆与世界 2024年2期

Hu Henghua Meeting with Chung Jae-ho, Ambassador of

the Republic of Korea to China, and His Delegation


On February 1, Hu Henghua, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government, met with Chung Jae-ho, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea (ROK) to China, and his delegation.

Zhang Guozhi, Vice Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government, was present.

Hu Henghua welcomed the ROK Ambassador to China and his delegation on behalf of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government. The mayor emphasized the significant role of the ROK as Chongqings trading partner and the positive outcomes of friendly cooperation between both sides in recent years. To speed up the modernization drive of new Chongqing, step-by-step endeavors were made to facilitate the implementation of Chinas national strategies, such as the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. All the efforts offered great opportunities and broad space for deeper cooperation between Chongqing and the ROK. Hu Henghua expected more economic exchanges and trades to boost collaboration and interaction in industries, such as electronics, automobiles and equipment manufacturing. Extensive cooperation will also be explored in various domains, including science, education, culture, tourism and the sister-city relationship. Besides, the mayor assured active support for developing ROK-funded companies in Chongqing by offering necessary services.

Chung Jae-ho extended his gratitude to Chongqing for its conservation efforts of the former site of the provisional government of the ROK in Chongqing and the former headquarters of the Korean Liberation Army. He was confident about Chongqings economic and social development because of the deep historical ties and increasing economic cooperation between Chongqing and the ROK in recent years. The ROK Ambassador to China planned to actively promote Chongqings favorable business environment, connect both sides business communities and advance cooperation in fields, such as commerce, tourism and cultural exchanges, to a new height.

Heads of ROK-funded companies attended the meeting.






Framework Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation Signed by the Administration of Western China (Chongqing) Science City and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus



On January 22, the Administration of Western China (Chongqing) Science City and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed a framework agreement on scientific and technological cooperation. Based on the agreement and capitalizing on their advantages, both sides will strengthen their practical cooperation in domains, such as joint scientific research, talent exchanges and commercialization of findings, to be more competitive in science and technology.

The agreement was signed by Sergey Antonovich Chizhik, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and Gao Jiupeng, Member of the Party Working Committee of Western China (Chongqing) Science City and Deputy Director-General of the Administration of Western China (Chongqing) Science City. The signing was witnessed by officers and officials, including Dzmitry Yemelyanau, Consul-General of Belarus in Chongqing, and Xu Xiaoqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Western China (Chongqing) Science City.

As the top research institution in Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organizes, coordinates and carries out fundamental and applied research within the Belarusian scientific community. It boasts globally recognized contributions to diverse research fields, including physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, earth science and humanities.




Stilwell Museum Visited by Students from an American University


On January 14, more than ten students from Elon University in North Carolina, the U.S., visited Chongqing, and their first stop was the Stilwell Museum. Following a museum docent, the group of Elon students was shown around the former residence of General Joseph W. Stilwell. They also appreciated “A Great Friend—Photo Exhibition on General Stilwells Life”, “Historical Witness: Photo and Object Exhibition of the U.S. Air Force Aid to China During World War II”, and “Merrills Marauders Exhibition” as well as the documentary, “Stilwell and the CBI” .

During this visit, Elon students said they became aware of General Stilwells extraordinary efforts in supporting the Chinese resistance against the Japanese fascists, the sincere friendship between the General and the Chinese people and the close relations between the American and Chinese people built during World War II. Teachers leading the group noted that they would recommend the university to add this museum to the list of regular study tour destinations for its students. Therefore, more American youths would know about the history of close collaboration between China and the U.S. in the war.



Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation Between Bishan District and Communauté dAgglomération de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges & Vittel, France


On January 3, French Senator Jean Hingray and his delegation visited Bishan District, Chongqing to attend the signing ceremony of the memorandum of friendship and cooperation between Bishan District and Communauté dAgglomération de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges & Vittel, France.

At the signing ceremony, Zhang Chuan, Vice District Mayor of the Peoples Government of Bishan District, expressed his hope for building a regular cooperation mechanism through the establishment of friendship and cooperation. In this case, extensive and in-depth cooperation will be further explored to better facilitate cultural exchanges, leverage complementary strengths, enhance market connectivity, foster interaction among industries and promote mutual development. As a result, more win-win outcomes will be achieved to advance the high-quality economic and social development of both sides.

Jean Hingray underscored the unique advantages of Bishan District in its location, industrial development and investment environment, seeing a promising future. He expected win-win outcomes and mutual development by proposing and actively implementing better cooperation programs through deeper exchanges.

Besides, Jean Hingray and his delegation also explored the construction of gardens, urban vertical greening, urban planning and administration, and economic growth of Bishan District.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs

By He Yu






