
2024-03-27 05:06:51谭华侨宾冬梅周杰良邵超华裴华黄伟华刘小娟
新医学 2024年3期


【摘要】目的 分析血栓彈力图(TEG)参数对COPD患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的预测价值。方法 选择35例下肢深静脉血栓形成的COPD患者作为观察组,另选择同期的35例无下肢深静脉血栓形成的COPD患者作为对照组,收集患者入院后24 h内的TEG参数,包括凝血反应时间R值、血液凝固时间K值、凝固角α角及最大血块强度MA值、血常规、血气分析及基本资料,采用Logistic回归分析及受试者操作特征(ROC)曲线分析TEG各项参数对COPD患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的预测价值。结果 R值、K值、α角与COPD患者下肢深静脉血栓形成有关(P均< 0.05),R值的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.787(95%CI 0.679~0.895),K值的AUC为0.758(95%CI 0.646~0.870),α角的AUC为0.689(95%CI 0.565~0.812),MA值的AUC为0.660(95%CI 0.533~0.787);4组数值联合预测COPD患者下肢深静脉血栓形成灵敏度及特异度更高(AUC=0.882,95%CI 0.796~0.969,P < 0.001),截断值为0.436,灵敏度为94%,特异度为80%。结论 TEG中R值、K值及α角是COPD患者下肢深静脉形成的预测因素,R值、K值及α角均能良好预测COPD患者下肢深静脉血栓形成,且R值、K值、α角和MA四者联合预测灵敏度及特异度更高。


Predictive value of TEG for deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseTan Huaqiao, Bin Dongmei, Zhou Jieliang, Shao Chaohua, Pei Hua, Huang Weihua, Liu Xiaojuan.  Department of Intensive Care Unit, Dongguan Eastern Central Hospital, the Sixth Hospital of Jinan University, Dongguan 523573, China

Corresponding author, Tan Huaqiao, E-mail: tanhuaqiaodoctor@163.com

【Abstract】Objective To analyze the value of thromboelastogram (TEG) parameters in predicting deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). Methods Thirty-five COPD patients complicated with deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs were assigned into the observation group, and 35 COPD patients without deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs of the same period were recruited in the control group. TEG parameters (R value of coagulation reaction time, K value of blood coagulation time, α angle of coagulation and MA value of maximum clot intensity), routine blood test, blood gas analysis and baseline data were collected within 24 hours after admission. Logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were used to analyze the predictive value of all parameters of TEG for deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs in patients with COPD. Results R value, K value and α angle were significantly correlated with deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs in patients with COPD (all P < 0.05). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of R value was 0.787 (95%CI: 0.679-0.895), 0.758 for K value (95%CI: 0.646-0.870), 0.689 for α angle (95%CI: 0.565-0.812), and 0.660 for MA value (95%CI: 0.533-0.787), respectively. The combination of four parameters yielded higher sensitivity and specificity for predicting deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs (AUC:0.882, 95%CI:0.796-0.969, all P < 0.001), the cut-off value was 0.436, the sensitivity was 94.3% and the specificity was 80%, respectively. Conclusions R value, K value and α angle in TEG are the independent predictors of deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs in patients with COPD. R value, K value and α angle can properly predict deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs in patients with COPD, and the combination of R value, K value, α angle and MA value yields higher sensitivity and specificity.



国内有研究者发现,COPD患者合并DVT的发生率较高,既往静脉血栓病史、卧床时间≥3 d、D-二聚体升高是COPD合并DVT的危险因素[11]。有研究表明,在印度北部,肺栓塞是部分患者(14%)发生AECOPD的原因,不明原因的AECOPD患者发生肺栓塞的风险增加[12]。与其他住院人群相比,PE的患病率为5.7%~6.0%,PE可能是患者发生AECOPD或症状加重的诱因[13]。同时AECOPD也可作为PE的危险因素存在[14]。国外有研究证实33%的COPD和PE患者检出DVT,对于呼吸道症状恶化的COPD,考虑PE的同时,也应考虑DVT[15]。与肺活量测定结果正常患者相比,COPD Ⅲ/Ⅳ期患者发生继发性静脉血栓栓塞(VTE)的风险是前者两倍(危险比2.05)[16]。肺栓塞栓子最常见的来源是下肢DVT,因而寻找能预测COPD患者群体下肢DVT形成的、易获取的临床指标显得极其重要。

TEG由德国的Harter于1948年发明,是一种通过高灵敏度悬挂线描述血液凝固过程的分析仪,可以获得血凝块形成及纤溶相关指数的图标,能够動态监测整个凝血及纤溶过程,临床上可运用于血栓性疾病。有研究证实,TEG血栓最大振幅值增大可能是老年急性脑梗死患者病死的影响因素(OR > 1,P < 0.05),各时点TEG血栓最大振幅预测病死的AUC均> 0.85,具有较高的预测价值,其中入院6 h的AUC最高,故TEG血栓最大振幅在预测急性脑梗死患者病死中具有较高的效能,可通过TEG动态监测并据此及时调整治疗方案,以改善患者预后、降低病死率[17]。另有研究者分析TEG对颅脑操作后创伤性凝血病的早期诊断与预后评价的临床效果,证实TEG可有效识别颅脑损伤后患者不同时间的凝血功能,指导临床采用针对性救治措施,具有较高的临床应用价值[18]。

本研究根据COPD患者下肢静脉彩超的结果是否合并DVT形成分为观察组及对照组,分别对两组进行TEG检测,结果显示观察组的R值及K值短于对照组,观察组的α角及MA值大于对照组,这一结果表明COPD合并下肢DVT形成的患者凝血因子活性、纤维蛋白原功能及血小板功能增强。COPD患者慢性缺氧、炎症和二氧化碳潴留,引起继发性红细胞增多,血液黏度增加,且内皮细胞的破坏和功能紊乱,活化的炎症细胞释放出大量的炎症介质和炎症因子,不仅加重气道炎症,而且激活内源性和外源性凝血系统,增加凝血因子的活性及促进血小板功能、加快血小板的聚集,进而促进血栓的形成[19-21]。另本研究通过Logistic回归分析探讨TEG各参数与COPD患者下肢DVT形成的相关性,结果显示R值、K值、α角与COPD患者下肢DVT形成有关,而MA值与COPD患者下肢DVT形成无关,说明凝血因子的活性及纤维蛋白原功能的增强可作为COPD患者下肢DVT形成的预测因素。在稳定期COPD患者中,较高的D-二聚体水平被确定为较高病死率的预测因子,而抗凝血酶Ⅲ复合物水平较高与COPD患者加重风险增加相关[22]。故临床上可启用抗凝治疗来预防COPD患者下肢DVT形成。通过ROC曲线分析TEG参数,明确R值、K值及α角对COPD患者下肢DVT形成均有预测价值,且四者联合预测COPD患者下肢DVT形成的灵敏度及特异度更高,其AUC为0.882(95%CI 0.796~0.969),诊断阈值0.436,灵敏度为94.3%,特异度为80%,故建议在四者联合的预测概率>0.436时启用抗凝治疗。


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