1. 读标题,猜测文本主题。标题是文章主题意义或主旨思想的核心凝练,起到提纲挈领的作用。基于标题,考生可以初步感知并预测文章的故事背景和主旨大意,为后面细读文章、梳理故事情节奠定基础。
2. 读情节,分析文本主题。情节是叙事类语篇中连贯故事的必备要素,是按照因果逻辑组织起来的一系列展示人物性格、推进主题意义的具体事件。情节发展就是从上一个平衡被打破到下一个平衡被建立的动态过程,语篇主题意义的构建就是在这种动态过程中得以实现的。因此,通读文本并梳理故事情节,解读逻辑线索,对分析文本主题十分重要。
3. 读人物,感悟文本主题。人物、主题、情节是叙事类语篇的三要素,是高度融合的统一体。人物塑造服务于情节推进,情节推进更离不开人物刻画。最终,人物塑造和情节构建交织在一起,共同服务于主题构建。因此,细读人物刻画,感悟人物性格与情感变化,是探究文章主题意义必不可少的一个环节。
4. 读伏笔,推断文本主题。伏笔是文学作品中常用的一种表现手法。它可以理解为前段文章为后段文章留下的线索,也可以理解为上文对下文的暗示。好的伏笔能够使文章结构紧凑、逻辑融洽。伏笔对情节的推进和主题意义的构建有着不可小觑的作用,因此,重视对伏笔的阅读和把握,对主题意义探究至关重要。
5. 读主题句,验证文本主题。主题句是对全文中心思想、核心内容及写作意图的核心凝练。主题句经常出现在文章的首段和尾段。结合前面的四种方法,即对标题的猜测、对情节的分析、对人物的感悟及对伏笔的推断,考生可以再次扫读文章,尝试寻找文章的主题句,以验证文章主题。需要注意的是,有时候文章不会直接给出主题句,考生可以在续写的第二段添加主题句,以起到画龙点睛的作用。
A selfless saver
Robbie loved swimming in the sea. When he was a little boy, he had always dreamedof becoming a professional swimmer. And he moved well on his career journey when hegrew up. But one day, unfortunately, he got badly injured while he trained for a swimmingcompetition. After months of treatment, his condition got better. But for the sake of (为了……着想) his health, the doctor strongly advised him never to go swimming again. Thenews broke his heart.
Despite the fact that he had to give up swimming, his love for swimming never died. Sohe rented a beach house, which would allow him the comfort of being close to seawater.And to make ends meet, he tried to sell souvenirs to tourists who visited the beach.
One early summer evening, Robbie was making his way home from the beach when heheard a cry. It was reported that it might rain that day, so most people had left the beachearly. But Robbie believed he had heard something. The cry came again, and he had aquick look around. He found the beach was empty. Suddenly, he heard a shout from the sea.
“Help!” a frightened and tired kid shouted. The kid was 12 years old, called Nicole,and lived in an orphanage (孤儿院). She lost her parents when she was a baby. Her parentswere professional swimmers and she dreamed about becoming a good swimmer like them.That early summer evening, after dinner, she left the orphanage alone and went to thebeach, hoping to learn to swim on her own. The girl almost drowned. When she was callingfor help that evening, Robbie happened to hear it.
He immediately called the police.“ But waiting for help might be too late,” Robbiethought. He thought of how lifethreateningit was for him to swim.“ The kid is drowning!”but he thought as he fought his fear“. I must help.”
Paragraph 1:
Then, he dived in.__________________
Paragraph 2:
Feeling pity for Nicole, Robbie decided to teach her how to swim._____________________
本篇文章的标题是“A selfless saver”,通过此标题,我们可以猜测出本文叙述的是一个见义勇为的救人故事,其主题语境属于人与社会。文章通过讲述救助者不顾自己的安危,救助困难群体的故事,传递了社会生活中人与人之间的温情与爱心,弘扬了中华民族的传统美德,传递了“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”的社会正能量。
通过图1的“故事山”,我们可以清晰地看到该故事的情节发展,即一个梦想成为专业游泳运动员的游泳爱好者,因为训练受伤,而不得不放弃自己的梦想,更令他心碎的是,医生建议他此生不再游泳,以保证身体健康。有一天,他在海边听到了一个溺水女孩的呼救声,此时,故事迎来了它的高潮部分,主人公陷入一个两难的境地:一方面,医生建议他此生不再游泳,否则会威胁身体健康;另一方面,女孩正在大海中挣扎,随时都有溺亡的危险,若等警察到场救援,恐怕为时已晚。我们可以结合标题“Aselfless saver”以及续写第一段的段首句“Then, he dived in.”,分析出文本的主题为人间大爱与社会温情,即奋不顾身救助弱小的无私奉献精神,以此弘扬中华民族的传统美德。
伏笔对于推动情节发展和主题意义构建十分重要。例如,文章第一段的第六句话“But for the sake of his health, the doctor strongly advised him never to go swimmingagain.”就是最大的伏笔,这句话与最后一段的“I must help.”形成鲜明的对比,更加凸显出主人公伟大的奉献精神,本文的主题意义也因此更加清晰。
Paragraph 1:
Then, he dived in. With a strong will, Robbie reached the girl struggling in the sea andmanaged to pull her up to the beach. Unfortunately, he was very tired, and immediatelyfainted. When he woke up, he was in hospital. A policeman visited him to get the details ofthe incident and to let him know the girl was alive and well.
Paragraph 2:
Feeling pity for Nicole, Robbie decided to teach her how to swim. He found the girl andasked,“ Do you want me to teach you to swim?” Nicole nodded happily. Under his years ofpatient guidance, Nicole eventually grew up to be a professional swimmer and won manymedals. Robbie was glad and proud that he helped Nicole realize her dream. He was also content with his life.
Our car ran over the sand and rocks, leaving a cloud of dust. It was a beautiful springday. The sun was bright and the sky was clear—perfect conditions for offroading(越野驾驶). Back then, in 1984, my wife Sue and I were living in southeastern California. Theviews were wonderful, but with dangers. The temperatures could rise above 50 ℃, and therewas no place for tourists to go offroadingwithout enough preparation.
Sue and I always took a bag with us, packed with snacks, water, and a firstaidkit. Wealso had a car specially changed for driving in the desert. With it, we could go anywhere ajeep could go.
That day, we drove about 20 miles into the park. Around midday, we stopped to have arest. As usual, we could see the desert before us. When the spirit of adventure moved us,we went back into the car. But when I turned the key nothing happened. I tried again andagain. Nothing happened. I could see Sue was thinking the same thing—the enginewouldn't start.
Our car had one strange problem. About once a year, it would refuse to start. If leftovernight, the engine would run just fine the next morning. But no one could find anythingwrong with our car. Because it happened so rarely, we'd just learned to live with it. But ithad never happened suddenly.
“What should we do?” I felt a little anxious. I hadn't seen a person on our drive outhere, and we had no way to call for help.“ We could walk back to town,” Sue said. Eagernot to waste any more daylight, we quickly packed our things. We were about to set offwhen Sue called my name.“ Look!” she cried. Sure enough, there was something, gettingcloser.
Paragraph 1:
It wasn't long before I could make out what it was—a jeep!____________________
Paragraph 2:
He checked the engine and said“, I know what's wrong.____________________
1. 本文的主题是什么?我是如何发现并确定本文的主题的?
2. 续写这篇文章的时候,我是如何照应文章的主题的?
3. 除了本文的主题,高考读后续写还有哪些常见的主题?