
2024-02-20 00:00:00樊春玲
语数外学习·高中版上旬 2024年18期

含有“无灵主语”的句子是用无生命的事物作主语,但谓语却常常使用有灵动词——人或社会团体的动作和行为。这类句子常带有拟人化的修辞色彩,既增加了主语的多样性和表达的客观性,又使语言更灵动,句子更有生命力。无灵主语主要分为两大类,第一类就是无灵名词作句子主语,第二类则是以非人称代词 it 作句子的形式主语。下面笔者举例分析第一类无灵主语在写作中的巧妙运用。


1. 接下来几分钟,Harry竭尽全力一步步把我拉向岸边。

有灵主语翻译:During the next several minutes, Harry was dragging me to the shore inch by inch with all his might.

无灵主语翻译: The next several minutes witnessed Harry’s dragging me to the shore inch by inch with all his might.

2. 在废弃的街道上,有一个衣衫褴褛的小女孩悲伤地哭泣着。

有灵主语翻译:On the deserted street, a little girl in rags was crying sorrowfully.

无灵主语翻译:The deserted street found a little girl in rags crying sorrowfully.

二、表示思想情感和内心活动的名词作句子的主语,谓语动词常用seize, grip, take hold of, choke, overwhelm, sweep over, envelope, surge等

1. 看到同桌欺负弱小,我气得说不出话来,恨不得揍他。

有灵主语翻译:I was too angry to say any words when I saw my desk mate bully the weak and even wanted to beat him.

无灵主语翻译:Anger choked my words when I saw my desk mate bully the weak and even wanted to beat him.

2. 当听到我失去了梦想中的工作时,我非常沮丧,默默流泪。

有灵主语翻译:When hearing the news that I was denied the dream job, I felt extremely frustrated and cried silently.

无灵主语翻译:A flush of frustration surged from the bottom of my heart when I heard I was denied the dream job and tears streamed down my cheeks silently.

三、表示身体器官、部位、形貌特征的名词作句子主语,谓语动词常用light up、brighten、linger、well up、beam等

1. Jenny生日聚会上,朋友送她礼物时,她喜笑颜开,兴奋地跳了起来。

有灵主语翻译:Jenny was very happy when receiving gifts from her friends at her birthday party and leapt into the sky with excitement.

无灵主语翻译:Jenny’s face lit up/brightened when she received gifts from her friends at her birthday party. So much excitement welled up her that she leapt into the sky.

2. 自从那天,妈妈感受到了我们对她深深的爱,我们家里总是欢声笑语。

有灵主语翻译:We have smiled a lot since that day when our mom felt the deep love from us.

无灵主语翻译: Cheerful laughter has lingered in our house since that day when our mom felt the deep love from us.

四、表示思想或行为动作的名词作句子主语,谓语动词常用 strike、arouse、hit, dawn on, pop into, flash, occur to, remind等

1. 突然,我想到一个很好的主意,为什么不制作一张有粉色康乃馨装饰的贺卡呢?

有灵主语翻译:Suddenly, I thought why not make a card decorated with pink carnations.

无灵主语翻译:Suddenly, a terrific idea struck me, “Why not make a card decorated with pink carnations?”

2. 每当我看到这幅画,就想起了我们之间深厚的友谊。

有灵主语翻译:I was reminded of the deep friendship between us whenever I saw the picture.

无灵主语翻译:The sight of the picture reminded me of the deep friendship between us.

五、表示自然现象的名词作句子主语,谓语动词常用blanket、threaten, hit, prevent等

1. 在海滩上游玩时,他们遇上了雷阵雨。

有灵主语翻译:They met with a heavy thunderstorm when they were playing on the beach.

无灵主语翻译:A heavy thunderstorm hit the beach when they were playing there.

2. 因为浓雾笼罩,他没法爬到山上去看日出。

有灵主语翻译:He couldn’t climb to the mountaintop to appreciate the sunset due to the thick fog.

无灵主语翻译:A thick fog prevented him from climbing to the mountaintop to appreciate the sunset.


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