例句1:We will do all things that we can do to protect the environment.(我们会做我们能做的全部事情去保护环境。)
例句2:This is the only pencil that I can find in this room.(这是我能在这个房间里找到的唯一一支铅笔。)
例句3:There is no person that don’t make mistakes.(没有人不犯错。)
例句4:You can take any seat that is free.(你可以坐任何空着的座位。)
例句5:Much that I learned in this book is useful. (我在这本书里面学到的很多东西都很有用。)
二、当先行词为everything,nothing,something,anything,none,the one等词时,关系代词只能用that不能用which。
例句6:Finally,the thief handed in everything that he had stolen.(最终,这个小偷上交了他偷的所有东西)
例句7:Is there anything that I can do for you?(有什么我能为你做的事吗?)
例句8:The teacher told the students something that they should do.(老师告诉了学生们他们该做的事。)
例句9:She knows nothing that happened last night.(她对昨晚发生的事一无所知。)
例句10:This is the best that has been used against pollution.(这是用过最好的抵抗污染的东西了。)
例句11:It is the most interesting book that I ever read.(这是我读过的最有趣的书。)
四、当先行词是序数词(the first,the second,the third,the last等)或是被序数词修饰时,关系代词只能用that不能用which。
例句12:It is the last bus that will go to the town.(这是去镇上的最后一班巴士。)
例句13:The first thing that I am going to do is to watch TV.(我要做的第一件事就是看电视。)
例句14:This is the second film that has been shown.(这是第二部放映的电影。)
例句15:We are talking about the people and the scenery that we have visited.(我们在讨论我们见过的人和游览过的风景。)
例句16:The painter and his paints that you have just talked about are really famous.(你刚刚提到的那位画家和他的画确实很有名。)
例句17:Who is the person that is standing over there?(站在那里的那个人是谁?)
例句18:Which is the axe that you lost?(你丢的斧头是哪一把?)