Exploring the Evolution of Collage Art拼贴艺术演变史

2024-02-19 11:42凯莉·里奇曼–阿卜杜/文施慧静/译
英语世界 2024年2期

凯莉·里奇曼–阿卜杜/文 施慧静/译

Throughout the 20th century, creatives across many movements, mediums, and styles began to explore the practice of collage art. The inventive and innovative approach to art attracted artists due to its one-of-a-kind aesthetic and unique, pieced-together process.


Beginning in the modernist period and continuing into the contemporary art world, the collage art form has undergone a series of changes as more and more artists opt to explore it. Here, we look at the cutting-edge history and ever-changing evolution of the craft, paying particular attention to the movements and artists that have shaped it.


Collages can be created from a range of materials, though most are made of paper or wood and often feature cut-and-pasted photographs, painted forms, or even 3-dimensional objects. As more and more modern artists began exploring the practice throughout the 20th century, these mediums became more varied and increasingly experimental.


History of collage art


Precursors of Collage Art


The techniques associated with Collage Art were first used in China around 200 BC when paper was invented. The initial style of collage began to slowly come into fashion within 10th century Japan when calligraphers started to utilize glued paper and texts on surfaces when writing poetry.


Chinese pulp mills quickly spread to other parts of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and had arrived in Europe by the 11th century. Early adhesives such as Arabic skin glue were made from plant resins, animal bones, hides, and skins. The artistic technique of gluing to create images appeared in the 13th century medieval. The image of St. Dorothea (c. 1450—1500 CE) shows that the trees, border, and St. Dorothea’s dress were decorated with crystals and tinsel.


By the 15th and 16th centuries, religious images in manuscripts, gothic cathedrals, and noble Coats of Arms were commonly adorned with gold leaf, gemstones, and other precious items. Paper collage art forms such as silhouette became popular in the 19th century as domestic novelties that would have been affordable and accessible to a wider range of people.


Collage was also seen as a method of art undertaken by hobbyists for a period of time, as this style was used in items of memorabilia, such as photo albums, and books within the 19th century. However, many institutions have attributed the history of collage and its official beginning within the art sphere to be dated around 1912, when both Picasso and Braque began to experiment with this style in their artworks.




In the early 20th century, collage came to the forefront of modern art. It solidified its place in fine art around 1912 when it coalesced with art movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, and Futurism. While Cubism is most often associated with painting, its founding figures, Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, also created collages in this style. Defined by fractured forms and deconstructed subject matter, Cubism paired perfectly with the collage approach, as it enabled artists to literally piece together a picture from dissimilar components.


Additionally, unlike painting, collages did not risk appearing flat. This fact, according to esteemed art critic Clement Greenberg, was appealing to artists like Picasso and Braque, who focused on evoking dimensionality in their work. “Flatness had not only invaded but was threatening to swamp the Cubist picture,” Greenberg explained in a 1958 issue of Art and Culture.


In addition to painted paper cut-outs, newsprint, and patterned paper were often employed by Cubists, as evident in Picasso’s Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper, and Braque’s Violin and Pipe.




Dada, which began in 1916 in Zürich, Switzerland, was especially suited to the collage art form. Unlike the Cubists, who favored still-life arrangements, the Dadaists created collages that incorporated a wide array of iconography, from reinterpreted portraits to figures rooted in fantasy.


Dada artists also creatively incorpor- ated more materials into their collages than their Cubist counterparts. Members of the movement are particularly renowned for their innovative use of seemingly worthless or often overlooked items like tickets, magazine and newspaper clippings, candy wrappers, and even 3-dimensional trinkets1. By transforming ephemera2 into polished pieces, the Dadaists challenged traditional perceptions of art.




On the heels of Dada, Surrealists adopted and adapted this cut-and-paste technique. Much like their “automatic” approach to painting, these artists relied on the subconscious to produce one-of-a-kind assemblages made of photographs, illustrations, pieces of paper, and paint.


Abandoning the Cubists’ focus on still life, they embraced and expanded upon the Dadaists’ move toward strange subject matter to create pieces evocative3 of a dream. This focus is exceptionally evident in the work of Joseph Cornell and André Breton, who both used the method as a means to conjure up cohesive yet entirely made-up scenes.


Abstract Expressionism


Like the early modern artists that preceded them, Abstract Expressionists challenged conventional ideas about art. In order to take this avant-garde stance a step further, they rejected figurative subject matter and worked entirely in the abstract. This approach, however, was not limited to their more well-known drip, color field, and soak stain paintings; it is also evident in their collages.


Like their paintings, Abstract Expressionists’ collages showcase an emphasis on color, composition, and emotion. Through simplified silhouettes, blocks of cut-and-glued color, and free-floating painted lines, the artists added (literal) layers of dimensionality to their already-famous aesthetic.


Pop Art


In 1956, British artist Richard Hamilton ushered in the Pop Art movement with his eye-catching collage, Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing? Featuring carefully-selected clippings from American magazines, this piece incorporates several contemporaneous4, pop culture-related everyday motifs, including “Man, Woman, Food, History, Newspapers, Cinema, Domestic Appliances, Cars, Space, Comics, TV, Telephone, Information.”


In addition to setting the scene5 for Pop Art in terms of subject matter, this piece also inspired other members of the movement to explore collage art.


