恋爱不是游戏Love Shouldn’t Be a Game

2024-02-19 11:42:53庐隐/文蔡力坚/译
英语世界 2024年2期

庐隐/文 蔡力坚/译


A monk who has never done somersaults and sustained bruises in the mortal world cannot aspire to be a spiritual leader. A person who has never tasted the joy and pain of love is in no position to profess to be living a full life.


Monks seek ultimate liberation and happiness—or nirvana in Buddhist parlance1—in a future life by shielding themselves from any earthly temptations. But if they are cocooned in a bubble, how can they see through the vacuity of worldly pursuits and find transcendence2?


Romantic relationships are a core building block of human experience. Our yearnings for food and sex are, as Mencius claimed, inherently conditioned. If you are alien to romantic love, how can you possibly grasp the full meaning of life?


While all knowledge and skills are acquired through a learning process, love is engendered spontaneously. At a right age and at the right moment, a boy and a girl will click3 if the right chemistry4 is there.


Everyone is supposed to be capable of love. But not everyone understands love. Too often, sex masquerades as love, and love is seen as a game. As a result, relationships often end on a sad note.


Love should never be a game. Inaccessible to a depraved mind, love uplifts our spirits and inspires us to reach greater heights. Informed5 by selflessness and nobility, it symbolizes beauty.


When a man and a woman are deeply in love, the wellspring of true love provides an amazingly inexhaustible source of inner strength. It delivers them of all emotional shackles, defends them against threats, and enables them to fend off temptations. They are thus able to transcend reality and build a happy future.


In today’s materialistic world, however, the fire of love has dimmed, like a flickering firefly. Morally decadent behaviors6 are sometimes touted under the guise of the pursuit of love to trap unwitting men and women. Much to the chagrin of Venus, the goddess of love, love is increasingly becoming a game as the world is heading down the path to destruction. It’s sad!

1“涅槃”为佛教用语,意思是实现自我解放、达到超脱一切烦恼的精神境界,是梵语nirvana的音译。“涅槃”在中文里直接使用似乎问题不大,一般人能知道其含义,但了解nirvana的概念的人不多,所以似有必要对其含义略加解释。  2佛教所说三界,是指欲界、色界、无色界。唯有跳出三界外,才算三业清净,烦恼诸垢皆已净尽,也就是transcendence,即experience beyond the normal or physical level。

3 click的意思是quickly become friendly or intimate,在此上下文里可以做“爱恋”解释。类似用法如:I didn’t meet a woman who I really clicked with until I was 40.  4 chemistry是指a strong mutual attraction。  5 inform义为give an essential quality to,类似的用法如:His Catholic upbringing informs his writing.  6 原文里的“恋爱”是带引号的,所以可以被理解为morally decadent behaviors。

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