Panel Chairs
卡洛·拉蒂 建筑师,工程师,教授麻省理工学院可感知城市实验室教授、主任Carlo Ratti Associati建筑事务所创始合伙人
Carlo Ratti Architect,Engineer,Professor Professor,Director,the Senseable Lab,MIT,and Founding Partner of Carlo Ratti Associati
梅特·拉姆斯加德·汤姆森 建筑师,教授丹麦皇家建筑艺术学院信息技术与建筑中心教授、主任
Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen Architect,Professor Professor,Head,the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) at the Royal Danish Academy -Architecture,Design,Conservation
要理解建成环境中资源的变化,我们必须思考资源开采和调配的全球性流程及其对经济、社会和生态产生的影响。我们必须发掘手工艺传统和乡土地域的巨大潜力,为全球知识做出贡献,并对参与模式进行创新,支持本地化的教育、研究和技术研发。□(请访问uia2023cph.org 以获取完整的主题说明)
To understand the change to resource in the built environment we must consider the global processes of extraction and deployment and their economic,social and ecological consequences.We must engage the vast potential for global knowledge embodied in crafts tradition and local vernacular while innovating participatory models and supporting education,research and local technology development.□(Please visit uia2023cph.org for full panel description)