科学赛道是为国际建筑师协会2023 哥本哈根世界建筑师大会奠定知识基础的关键部分。通过6 个专题讨论小组,我们探讨了建筑及其实践如何成为实现联合国可持续发展目标的一部分。我们的目标是了解建筑研究和设计整合如何通过批判性思考及其应用来行动,在塑造我们的社会方面发挥独特的作用。本文将介绍科学赛道的目标、关注点和观点,我们讲述了如何通过6个小组的工作,使17 项联合国可持续发展目标在建筑实践和研究中变得易于理解和操作;我们如何围绕国际建筑师协会2023 哥本哈根议程,在研究和实践中建立起一个广泛的国际社区;我们如何质疑建筑研究的传播模式,以找到新的模式来捕捉和传播建筑知识文化的广度。
The Science Track has been key to creating the knowledge foundation for the UIA 2023 CPH World Congress.Across six panels we explored how architecture and its practices can be part of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.Our aim has been to understand how architectural research and design integration bears unique agency in shaping our societies through critical thought and its applied action.In this article the ambitions,concerns and perspectives of the Science Track are introduced.We recount how we built the aim of making the 17 UN SDGs accessible and operational for architectural practice and research through the six panels,how we established a wide-ranging international community in research and practice around the UIA 2023 CPH agenda and how we wanted to question the model of architectural research dissemination to find new models that captures and communicates the breadth of knowledge cultures in architecture.
0 引言
2022 年秋天,作为国际建筑师协会2023 哥本哈根世界建筑师大会筹备工作的一部分,我们邀请小组主席、MASS 设计集团建筑师克里斯蒂安·贝尼马纳来到哥本哈根为我们的师生进行演讲。其中,他概述了卢旺达在过去50 年人口增长后土地使用的巨大变化。他通过地图说明,我们已经越过了一个临界点,现有的社会基础设施无法简单地拓展或对其进行优化以支撑目前的新形势。他强调,我们不能再建500 所大学或600 家医院,相反,我们需要进行系统性变革,重新思考什么是大学、什么是医院,需要思考我们的机构、基础设施和社区如何才能改变其满足需求、获得服务的方式,因此也需要思考建筑、实践、嵌入式知识和产品如何才能成为推动变革的方法。
国际建筑师协会2023 哥本哈根世界建筑师大会“可持续的未来——不让任何一个人掉队”科学赛道的6 卷论文集共收录了296 篇论文,这些论文调查、展示和论证了如何在建成环境中实现变革。通过探讨建筑如何帮助实现联合国可持续发展目标,论文集收集了全球社会的研究和实践成果。这些论文共同探讨了建成环境的未来,以及作为行动和知识的设计如何为建筑及其服务的社区发挥新的作用。
在两年半的时间里,我们与科学委员会的专家小组主席和特别顾问共同努力,实现了科学赛道的愿景。这个过程是一次教育,不仅有助于我们理解可持续发展目标、设计创造的变革力量或建成环境的广泛社会作用,还有助于我们以开放的心态看待建筑学的多种思考立场,以及建筑学在不同知识文化和观点之间的互动、交流和发展中所发挥的关键作用。论文中呈现的丰富观点和见解是科学委员会17 名成员、296 篇录用论文中的656 位作者、750 多篇投稿论文中的1486 位作者以及536 位同行评审者共同努力的结果,是他们使这一项目成为可能。
0 Introduction
In the autumn of 2022,as part of the preparations for the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023 Copenhagen we invited Panel Chair and MASS Design Group architect Christian Benimana to Copenhagen to speak to our collegiate and students.In his introduction he outlined the dramatic land use change in Rwanda following the country's population growth over the last 50 years.Pointing to the maps he argued that we have passed a tipping point and that our given societal infrastructures can not simply be extended or optimised to support this new situation.We can not build 500 universities or 600 hospitals,he said,instead we need systemic change to rethink what a university is,what a hospital can be.We need to question how our institutions,infrastructures and communities can change in the way they address those in need and what access can be,and therefore also how architecture,its practices,embedded knowledge and products can be methods of instigating change.
The six proceedings for the Science Track of the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023 Copenhagen Sustainable Futures -Leave No One Behind -contain a total of 296 papers investigating,showcasing and arguing for how change can be imagined across the built environment.By asking how architecture can help achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals,the proceedings collect research-and practice-based results of a global community.Together they ask what the future of the built environment can be and how design as action and as knowledge can create new roles for architecture and the communities it serves.
During two and half years we have worked together with the Scientific Committee's Panel Chairs and Special Advisors to form a vision for the Science Track.The process has been an education.Not only in our understanding of the SDGs,the transformative power of design creation or the wider societal role of the built environment,but also in keeping our minds open to the many positions that architecture can be thought through and its critical role in engaging -interfacing,informing and developing -different knowledge cultures and perspectives.The richness of perspectives and insights presented in the papers are the result of an enormous collective undertaking by the 17 members of the Scientific Committee,the contributing 656 authors of the 296 accepted papers,the 1486 authors of the more than 750 paper submissions and the 536 peer reviewers that have all made this project possible.
1 Platform
The UIA World Congress 2023 Copenhagen starts with an ambition.Pitched in 2017,only one year after the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,the central nerve is the articulation of the profound agency of architecture and how it plays an acute role in achieving the SDGs.In the congress,the Science Track is given a particular role.Initiated early in the planning process,the aim has been to place the Science Track at the heart of the congress in order to collect its underpinning knowledge foundation and shape its criticality through a broad outreach to a global community.Sustainability,like architecture,is a wicked problem.Its solutions are dependent on the way we ask,the methods we use and the contexts in which we work.To ask how architecture can be part of the dynamic fulfilment of the UN SDGs is to ask: who are the communities we design with and for,what is the knowledge we draw upon and how can its sharing change how we think about what our built environment can be.
One of the central drivers in our preparatory work for the Science Track has been the realisations of the blindness of the UN SDGs to the agency of architecture.The SDGs seek to steer behaviour both through impacting legislation as well as wider societal value sets.They establish priorities and galvanise efforts across communities by identifying targets and providing shared yard sticks in the form of indicators.In doing so they inscribe a world view of its defining actors;the governmental bodies,industries and communities that can be leveraged upon to instigate change.And in this world view architecture is strangely absent.At present,none of the UN SDGs declare targets that directly articulate architecture as a driver for change nor are there any indicators that evaluate its role.The built environment is only mentioned as a driver for resilient communities but without real value setting of the role of planning and design.This despite the extensive and complex impact architecture holds on human and more-than-human wellbeing;the way we live our lives,shape equity and use our resources.
1 平台
国际建筑师协会2023 哥本哈根世界建筑师大会以雄心壮志开始。2017 年,在联合国可持续发展目标发布仅一年之后,大会的核心是阐明建筑的深远影响,以及建筑如何在实现可持续发展目标方面发挥重要作用。在大会中,科学赛道被赋予了特殊的角色。早在规划过程中就已启动,目的是将科学赛道置于大会的核心位置,以收集其基础知识,并通过向全球社区的广泛宣传来塑造其关键性。可持续性与建筑学一样,是棘手的问题。其解决方案取决于我们提出问题的方式、使用的方法和工作的环境。要问建筑学如何才能成为联合国可持续发展目标动态实现的一部分,就要问:我们的社区与谁共创、为谁设计,我们吸收了什么知识,知识共享如何改变我们对建成环境的看法。
2 愿景
科学赛道围绕6 个小组展开。这6 个专题讨论小组的愿景是就建筑如何参与实现可持续发展目标阐明6 个不同的观点,同时加强它们之间的相互联系。这些专题讨论会在一定程度上与现有领域相吻合,同时又提出了新的建议。通过汇集建筑学研究、实践与教育领域原本零散的知识,激发新的视角、新的联盟和具体的行动。科学委员会在阐述小组讨论时,提出了一些中肯而富有启发性的问题,这些问题对该领域提出了挑战,并将可持续发展目标定位为积极的目标。这些问题构成了6 卷论文集中每一卷的章节,询问建筑知识的创造如何创新建筑的思维、设计和制作。
For us this realisation has led to the overarching aim of using the congress to build awareness.To argue for and demonstrate how architecture has the ability to afford change in the way we understand and construct the world around us and therefore how it as a situated practice engaging directly with both legislation,industry and the communities in which architecture takes place can become a direct way of effecting change.
2 Vision
The Science Track is formed around six panels.The vision of the six panels is to articulate six differentiated perspectives onto how architecture can be part of achieving the SDGs while reinforcing their interconnectedness.The panels are in part mapped to existing fields while at the same time suggesting new.By bringing together otherwise fragmented knowledge across the breadth of architecture's research and practices,the aim is to bring together knowledge across research,practice and education to provoke new perspectives,new alliances and concrete action.In articulating the panels,the Scientific Committee asks pertinent and provocative questions that challenge the field and position the SDGs as active goal posts.These questions form the chapters of each of the six proceedings volumes asking how architectural knowledge creation can innovate the thinking,design and making of architecture.
(1) Design for Climate Adaptation
With profound urgency,global communities are acting and adapting to the earth's changing climate.Our built environment,the most common habitat of humans,should interact with the earth's ecosystems and climates in a sustainable and regenerative way."Design for Climate Adaptation"emphasises people,multiple forms of research,knowledges and action for high and low-tech solutions that make buildings,neighbourhoods,landscapes,cities,and regions regenerative,resilient and adaptive to climate change impacts.
(2) Design for Rethinking Resources
Design shapes our world,from the places we live in to objects we use every day.As we grow more aware of the limits of our planet's resources shifting from an exploitative to a restorative,regenerative and circular design ideology becomes fundamental."Design for Rethinking Resources" examines approaches to resourcefulness in architecture;how sustainability challenges the foundations of our material practices and how they can change with it.
1 纤维素围护结构,来源:丹麦皇家建筑艺术学院 | Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen,Martin Tamke,Gabriella Rossi,Ruxandra Chiujdea,Konrad Sonne,Ariel Lim,Ellen Lau,Paul Nicholas Cellulose Enclosures,Credit: CITA,The Royal Danish Academy | Mette RamsgaardThomsen,Martin Tamke,Gabriella Rossi,Ruxandra Chiujdea,Konrad Sonne,Ariel Lim,Ellen Lau,Paul Nicholas
2 英格丽德·哈兰德与斯蒂安·罗西的论文《升级再造的地方主义——土工聚合物混凝土的美感》中的图片 Image in Upcycled Regionalism: The Aesthetics of Geopolymer Concrete by Ingrid Halland and Stian Rossi
3 关键立场
(3) Design for Resilient Communities
A resilient community anticipates,adapts to,and recovers from adversity.Climate change,the global pandemic,and political upheavals in many countries have revealed social,economic,and environmental inequalities that threaten communities worldwide.These fault lines disproportionately impact the poor,people of colour,the racially or ethnically marginalised and women."Design for Resilient Communities" encourages innovative solutions and facilitates the development of knowledge and skills necessary for adaptation and recovery.
(4) Design for Health
Architecture and health are inseparable.From the direct design of hospitals and places for healing to the strategic design of infrastructures and city planning,architecture affects physical and mental health of individuals and communities."Design for Health" asks how architecture can reconceive health as a design issue.How land rights impact healthy living,how legislation,planning and building impacts inequality and access to water and how single buildings and the civic construction of hospitals,health clinics and community buildings can operate in unison with local environments and ecologies to create a safe and healthy space for all.
(5) Design for Inclusivity
No individual deserves to experience space in a manner that is less safe,less comfortable or less accessible as a result of their identity or challenges.Sustainability,in its most holistic definition,cannot be achieved without a collective act."Design for Inclusivity" aims to critically define the constructs and categories of who exactly we are excluding,and why,in order to mindfully develop strategies to mitigate this exclusion.
(6) Design for Partnerships for Change
"Design for Partnerships" is about recognising the asymmetrical relationships between states,public spaces,civil societies and private domains to find new balances for the existing power structures.By challenging the ontology of universalism,it examines how architecture and the built environment can play an essential role in creating a ground for care through local governance,space making practices,imaginaries and scenarios of plural(istic) political,socially and ecologically sustainable futures.
3 Critical Positions
The two and half years of preparation has been an inspiring experience through which we have witnessed the power of architectural thinking in action -its interweaving of the critical and the creative ideation as well as its inherent inventiveness orientation towards the future.As part of the curation of this work we have defined a series of critical positions by which to understand the correlation between architectural thinking and the UN SDGs.
A first position has been to challenge the inherent anthropocentrism and perceived lack of hierarchy between the goals;the Tabula Rasa effect as Johan Rockström names it[1].The SDGs have been criticised for failing to recognise that planetary,people and prosperity concerns are interconnected[2].In forming the six panels of the Science Track we seek to position a rupture to the modernist axiom that the environment is situated outside of us.Instead,we understand the SDGs as a balancing between planetary and human needs which needs to be holistically addressed.
A second position is the critical appreciation that the SDGs retain an adherence to an underlying model of growth.The Science Track asks what the future practices of architecture can be,what the ethical roles of architectural design are and how architecture knowledge can create change in how architecture is produced both within and without of models of growth.It seeks to identify who the partners of architecture practice can be both through grassroot community action and through industry-based models.
A third position is the challenge of the embedded universalism within the SDGs.The SDGs maintain a universalism that is common to the UN system and underlies much of UN's work.However,this fundamentally modernist position of understanding sustainability as "a problem to be solved" and placing agency with legislation leaves questions of agency,voice and power unchallenged.
第一种立场是质疑固有的人类中心主义和目标之间缺乏层次的看法;约翰·罗克斯特伦称之为“白板效应”[1]。有人批评可持续发展目标未能认识到地球、人类和繁荣问题之间的相互关联[2]。在组建科学赛道的6 个小组时,我们试图打破现代主义的公理,即环境是在我们之外的。相反,我们将可持续发展目标理解为地球与人类需求之间的平衡,需要全面解决。
第四种立场也是最后一种立场是将可持续发展目标理解为不断变化的世界的一部分。可持续发展目标提出了一个长达14 年的项目。任何如此长的项目都需要建立审视自身基本价值观和核心概念基础的方法。气候变化的影响不断加剧和累积、新型冠状病毒大流行的后果、世界资源的持续紧张,以及乌克兰等地战争的爆发,都对全球社会产生了深刻而不平等的影响[3]。参与可持续发展目标就是将目标与对需求和手段的不断变化的理解联系起来。这意味着要致力于持续解决变革的背景和手段问题。在科学赛道中,我们通过对前沿研究、现实世界案例研究和近期重要论点的介绍,将重点放在具体和可操作的方面,从而促进对可持续发展目标的理解。这一重点将可持续发展目标与多种多样的建筑实践以及建筑所处的不同地点联系起来。本书的视角、方法和手段都很宽泛,力求体现系统性变革所需的解决方案空间的广度;特意包含了不同的声音和不同的风格,以展示创造这种变革的不同参与者、不同的知识流和不同的机构。
4 视角
大会科学赛道的成果是一部6 卷的会议文集,对建筑如何参与实现可持续发展目标进行了广泛而多样的诠释。在各个章节中,我们可以看到广泛的调查,探讨谁是社区、谁是参与者以及建筑生产的手段是什么。他们在设问:我们如何塑造建筑思维的方法及其相关技术?如何传播这些方法以及分享这些方法的结果是什么?
会议文集记录了当下的时代。作为研究分支,它们是更大的知识创造路线的一部分。我们举办世界建筑师大会的目的是促进新的讨论和交流,从而实现跨部门和跨地域的协同增效,但很显然,这一对话的全部潜力才刚开始显露出来。世界建筑师大会恰逢可持续发展目标过半之际。可持续发展目标于2016 年启动,预计在2030 年完成,我们需要从规划和推演过渡到行动。因此,科学赛道的工作具有紧迫性。我们的愿望是,这项工作不以各自的成果来限定,而是努力将其作为未来交流与合作的起点。我们希望,在这里创建的是一个由致力于后代福祉的行动者组成的社区。我们希望,这个项目的遗产将是我们能够坚持这一承诺,并使其利益相关者不断壮大,从而使这些主张成长为可付诸行动的变革。□(会议论文请见链接https://link.springer.com/conference/uia)
The Science Track seeks to incorporate this criticism through the panel calls and their associated sub-questions by provoking reflection on the perceived neutrality of architecture's own humanist traditions and insist on the query of how architecture is produced,by people and for people.
The challenge to universalism has also led to a review of the scientific practice of knowledge dissemination.The call for papers deliberately encourages exchanges and learnings across different knowledge and practice silos.This is effected through differentiated publication formats that include scientific knowledge production as well as design-based knowledge production,narrative formats such as oral history,visual essays,as well as dialogue-based exchanges and argumentative essays.The aim of these formats is to expand the possibility of transdisciplinary knowledge exchange and include voices that are not commonly part of academic and professional discourse.
The fourth and final position is to understand the SDGs as part of a changing world.The SDGs set out a 14 year long project.Any project of that length needs to build in methods of reviewing its own fundamental value sets and core conceptual foundation.The intensifying and accumulating effects of climate change,the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic,the continued stress on the world's resources and outbreaks of wars such as in the Ukraine have deep and unequal repercussions on global communities[3].To engage with the SDGs is to correlate the goals to a changeable understanding of both needs and means.It is to commit to a continual address of both the contexts and instruments of change-making.In the Science Track our focus on the concrete and the actionable through presentations of cutting-edge research,real world case studies and near future focussed arguments,argue for a situated understanding of the SDGs.This emphasis contextualises the SDGs within the multiple and diverse practices of architecture as well as the disparate places in which architecture takes place.The perspectives,methods and means are purposefully broad.They seek to represent the breadth of the solution space needed for the systemic change needed.They also purposefully include different voices and different styles to make present the different actors,different knowledge streams and different institutions that create this change.
4 Perspective
The result is a six-volume proceedings tracking a wide and multifarious interpretation on how architecture can be part of achieving the SDGs.Across their individual chapters we see a breadth of enquiries asking who the communities are,who the actors are and what the means of architectural production are.They ask how we can shape the methods of architectural thinking as well as their associated technologies,how they can be distributed and what is the consequence of their sharing.
The proceedings instantiate a moment in time.As research strands,they are part of larger trajectories of knowledge creation.Where our aim for the World Congress was to facilitate new discussions and exchange enabling synergy across silos and geographies,it is clear that the full potential of this conversation is only just beginning.The World Congress coincided with the halfway mark of the SDGs.Launched in 2016 and with a projected completion date of 2030,we need to transition from a place of planning and speculating to one of action.The work of the Science Track is therefore marked by a sense of urgency.The desire is to define the effort of this work not in terms of their individual results,but more as a launch pad for future exchange and collaboration.We hope that what is created here is a community of dedicated actors all with a shared stake in the wellbeing of future generations.Our hope is that the legacy of this project will be that we can retain this commitment and grow its stakeholders to mature these propositions into actionable change.□ (Please find full paper via the link https://link.springer.com/conference/uia)