
2024-01-19 04:25广东
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年12期

广东 王 思




Travel as a volunteer


1Volunteering is hardly a new thing for college students. But how about volunteering in Africa? Of course this conjures up (使联想到) stereotypes such as shabby accommodation,unmade roads,malaria and huge expense.

2With young Chinese's horizons expanding thanks to the country's deepening integration with the international community, volunteer work in Africa is gaining momentum (动力).According to Guangzhou Association of Youth Volunteers, during a recruitment drive in March more than 650 students applied for 18 volunteer jobs in the Republic of Seychelles in Africa.“The number of college students applying to do volunteer work in Africa has increased over the years,”said Yang Guang, a staff member of the Wuhan Youth League Committee. For Chinese volunteers, their African experience can be rewarding.

3Pan Di, a 25-year-old from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, went to Kenya two years ago as a volunteer English teacher in a ghetto (贫民区) in Nairobi, the capital.It was a community of half a million poverty-stricken people.Pan was robbed upon her arrival. Verbal abuse to foreigners was not unusual. Living conditions were even worse than she had imagined. Pan admitted she felt frustrated and disappointed.“But my experiences there taught me to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity or even mistreatment.Now I'm more open-minded,”said Pan.

4Li Chen, a Shandong University graduate, found his experience of volunteer work in Africa more substantial. He did volunteer work as a publicist for AIDS/HIV in Tanzania last year. Li, 23, made new friends from Canada and the US. They are veteran volunteers who travel around the world working with international organizations and groups. One of them recommended Li to a Guangzhou-based NGO as an intern and Li was later offered a full-time job there.“International organizations and NGOs of every kind have a presence in Africa.It is a place to form a network that would help your career in a related field,”said Li.

5Zhang Qi, head of Sunshine Volunteer Group, based in Beijing, agrees that volunteering in Africa can be rewarding. He encourages more students to think out of the box and to broaden their horizons in order to cope with China's international role.“Many college students are either too busy studying or too confined to campus life to explore the world,”said Zhang.“Traveling abroad as a volunteer is one of the best ways to open one's eyes.”

Activity A Reading for understanding



What is the text mainly about?


Fill in the blanks according to the text with only one word for each blank.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________Travel_as_a_volunteer Background information The number of college students applying to do volunteer work in Africa has______________________1._________________________________________________________________over_the_years.Pan Di worked as a volunteer English 2.______in a ghetto in Nairobi.It was a 3.______of half a million poverty-stricken people.Pan Di's experience in Kenya Pan was robbed upon her arrival.Verbal abuse to foreigners was not unusual.Pan felt frustrated and 4.______.She learned to remain 5.______and collected in the face of adversity.______He did volunteer work as a 6.______in Tanzania last year.Li Chen's experience in Africa One of the volunteers 7.______Li to a Guangzhou-based NGO as an intern.Africa is a place to form a 8.______that would help your career in a related field.Zhang Qi is the 9.______of Sunshine Volunteer Group.Zhang Qi's view on volunteering in Africa He encourages more students to think out of the box and to broaden their horizons.______________________Traveling abroad as a 10.______is one of the best wa_______________ys_to_open_one's_eyes.

Activity B Reading for writing


shabby accommodation 破旧不堪的住所

international community 国际社会

apply for 18 volunteer jobs 申请18份志愿工作

apply to do volunteer work 申请参加志愿工作

poverty-stricken people 贫民

feel frustrated and disappointed 感到沮丧和失望

in the face of adversity 面对困境

do volunteer work as a publicist 作为宣传人员从事志愿工作

make new friends 交新朋友

broaden one's horizons 开阔某人的视野

open one's eyes 拓宽某人的视野

international role 国际角色

explore the world 探索世界

work with international organizations and groups 与一些国际组织和团体合作



With young Chinese's horizons expanding thanks to the country's deepening integration with the international community, volunteer work in Africa is gaining momentum.(Para.2)随着中国同国际社会的不断融合,中国青年一代的视野也变得开阔起来,在非洲的志愿工作也在不断发展壮大。




Pan Di, a 25-year-old from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, went to Kenya two years ago as a volunteer English teacher in a ghetto in Nairobi,the capital.(Para.3)25 岁的潘迪(音译)来自天津外国语大学,她两年前曾以志愿者的身份前往肯尼亚首都内罗毕的贫民区做一名英语老师。

【点石成金】a 25-year-old from Tianjin Foreign Studies University 在句中作同位语,补充说明Pan Di的身份。当同位语与所修饰的词关系紧密时,不用逗号隔开;当同位语对其所修饰的词只作补充解释时,可用逗号隔开。此句中的同位语只是对前面Pan Di的补充解释,因此用逗号隔开。



It is a place to form a network that would help your career in a related field.(Para. 4)那里是一个建立关系网的地方,这个关系网将对你在相关领域的职业发展有所帮助。

【点石成金】该句使用了一个定语从句that would help your career in a related field,对先行词a network 进行限定。其中,that 是关系词,在从句中充当主语(这里也可以用which替换)。



假定你是李华,是青年志愿者协会(Youth Volunteer Association)的会长。寒假就要来临,协会计划组织学生前往贫困地区进行志愿服务。请你代表协会起草一份倡议书,号召大家积极参加此次活动。内容包括:









Dear fellow students,

Youth Volunteer Association



本次写作任务是写一份倡议书。我们需要代表青年志愿者协会向全校学生简单、清晰地介绍此次志愿服务的内容,以及参加此次活动的意义,并号召大家积极参与。题目要求我们在写作时使用with 的复合结构、同位语或定语从句。这些写作要求与所给语篇的主题语境是紧密相关的。我们可以通过整合同一主题的阅读材料的内容和语言,梳理写作思路和积累素材。




1. With the winter vacation drawing near, we are planning to do something to help people in need.随着寒假的来临,我们计划做些事情来帮助有困难的人。

2. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteers,especially university students.如今,越来越多的人乐意做志愿者,特别是大学生们。

3. Aiming to help those in need, I am writing this letter to recruit volunteers who are willing to make contributions to society.为了帮助有困难的人,我现在写信招募乐意为社会做贡献的志愿者。


1. Some volunteers are going to take care of people who are sick and old, while others will tell stories to children to cheer them up.有些志愿者将照顾病人和老人,而其他人将给孩子们讲故事,让他们高兴。

2.Not only can we donate daily necessities,but we can offer medical help and psychological help to the area.我们不仅可以给这个地区捐赠日用品,还可以提供医疗帮助和心理援助。

3. Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society.志愿行动对那些有困难的人和社会都有着巨大的好处。

4. Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment,which provides them with an opportunity to explore the world.参加志愿服务的时候,志愿者们会面对新的环境,这给他们探索世界提供了机会。

5. Not only can the experience open our eyes, but it can improve our organizational ability.这次经历不仅能拓展我们的视野,还能提高我们的组织能力。

6. Through the experience, I have learned to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity.通过这次经历,我学会了在面对困境的时候保持冷静和镇定。


1. Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons.希望你会参与行动,并把温暖的帮助传递给那些贫困的人。

2. With our joint efforts, I'm convinced that we can make a difference to others. 在我们的共同努力下,我相信我们会对其他人有影响。

3.Let's join our hands and take action in no time.让我们携起手来,立即采取行动。



Dear fellow students,

I am Li Hua, president of the Youth Volunteer Association. With the volunteering spirit spreading among...,more and more people are willing to...(发出倡议的背景或原因)

Since the winter vacation is around the corner, we are writing this letter to recruit volunteers to help people who... We are going to help them... Through this experience, not only can we...,but...(志愿服务的内容和意义)

Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons.(号召大家积极参与)

Youth Volunteer Association




“拒绝盗版 坚持原创”倡议书
Brain remembers language better if you sing it