2023 Future Science Prize

2024-01-19 04:25山东李全忠
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年12期

山东 李全忠

主题语境:科学奖项 篇幅:331词 建议用时:6分钟

1Eight scientists were awarded the 2023 Future Science Prize, also called“China's Nobel Prize”, the first Chinese non-governmental science award jointly initiated by groups of scientists and entrepreneurs (企业家). Since its establishment in 2016, a total of 35 scientists have been awarded the Future Science Prize so far.

2Chai Jijie and Zhou Jianmin received the Future Science Prize in life sciences for the discovery of resistosomes (抗病小体) and explanations of their molecular structures and functions in plant immune responses against pathogens (病原体). Understanding of resistosome functions will lead to better methods for controlling plant disease and therefore have enormous importance for global food security.

3Chai said that he felt extremely honored, excited, and happy via a video call at the press conference. He emphasized that this recognition was not only for himself but also for the team's years of hard work.“My cooperation with Professor Zhou has lasted for nearly 20 years. Our partnership has been not only productive but also enjoyable, and I believe our cooperation will continue,”he said.

4During the video call, Zhou remarked that the Future Science Prize is grounded in the national context. It is heartening to see that the prize places greater emphasis on supporting agriculture.

5Zhao Zhongxian and Chen Xianhui received the Future Science Prize in physical sciences for their seminal breakthroughs in the discovery of high-temperature superconducting (超导的) materials and systematic advancements in elevating the transition temperature. Notably, both Zhao and Chen conducted systematic studies to show the underlying physical mechanisms of highTcmaterials, positioning themselves at the forefront of superconductor research for several decades.

6He Kaiming, Sun Jian, Ren Shaoqing, Zhang Xiangyu received the Future Science Prize in mathematics and computer science,for their fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence by introducing deep residual learning(深度残差学习).

7The 2023 Future Science Prize Week and the Award Ceremony were held in Hong Kong from October 14 to 17.

Reading Check

Detail 1.What do we know about the Future Science Prize from the text?

A.It's established by the government.

B.It has a history of about seven years.

C.It awards eight scientists every year.

D.It focuses on scientific research in industry.

Inference 2.How does Chai Jijie feel about the cooperation with Zhou Jianmin?

A.Challenged. B.Uncertain.

C.Delighted. D.Worried.

Detail 3.What made Zhao Zhongxian and Chen Xianhui famous?

A.Guaranteeing global food security.

B.Introducing deep residual learning.

C.Inspiring scientific eagerness among young people.

D.Finding high-temperature superconducting materials.

Inference 4.Why does the author write the text?

A.To introduce an award and its winners.

B.To praise organizers and their work.

C.To congratulate winners and give tips.

D.To announce a decision and its function.

Language Study

Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1.The teacher made a(n)________work of teaching.

2.There are________youths playing basketball over there.

3.We seem to have collected a(n)________number of boxes.

4.The judges________on the high standard of entries for the competition.

5.Every employee must make his or her personal________improving safety.

6.While the two are only days apart in age, they seem to________wholly different generations.

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